Direct Mail Marketing : Does it work and is it worth trying?

Did you know Google is America’s BIGGEST direct mail marketing customer? Would you believe that? A digital marketing firm being the biggest client in print marketing for USPS. Now that’s something for you to wrap your head around.

direct mail marketing company

Contrary to the rumors you might have heard, direct mailers are not the dodo bird of the advertising world, destined for extinction. Far from it! In fact, it’s a bit more like a phoenix, continually reborn from the ashes of its own shredded junk mail. And believe it or not, there are enough statistics to back this up that you’d think we were running a census on postcards. So, let’s dive in and explore whether direct mail marketing really works, shall we?

Send It And They Will Come

First off, let’s chat about response rates. Would you believe that the response rate for direct mail is actually 4.4%? That’s right. It’s not 0.004%. It’s a whopping 4.4%! Now, I know what you’re thinking – those numbers are so big they practically need their own zip code. But wait, it gets better.

Size Matters, But So Does The Mailbox

Now, I know in the world of advertising, size often matters. But here’s a fun fact for you – oversized envelopes have a response rate as high as 5%! Sounds unbelievable, right? But it’s the absolute truth.

  • Tip 1: Suppose you’re planning to send mail, consider giving it a little extra size – think junk mail meets the jolly green giant.
  • Tip 2: The bigger your mail, the bigger the chance it won’t get lost among the bills and letters. It’s all about standing out, people!
USPS direct mail marketing

What About The Digital Realm?

Alright, let’s talk about the elephant in the room – or should I say the email in the inbox? You might think email would have direct mail beat, right? Wrong! Direct mail actually outperforms digital by a landslide. The response rate for email is only 0.12%. Yes, you read that right. It’s not 12%. It’s 0.12%! That’s less than the amount of sugar in your diet soda!

  • Tip 3: If you want to win the response rate game, stick with direct mail.
  • Tip 4: Though digital may be quicker and cheaper, it can’t compete with the response rates of good old-fashioned mail.

Making it Personal

Another fascinating aspect? Personalization increases the response rate even more. According to statistics, personalized color direct mail pulls a 6.6% response rate. That’s higher than your chances of finding a four-leaf clover!

  • Tip 5: Don’t underestimate the power of a personal touch. It could make all the difference in your direct mail campaign.

The Young and the Direct Mailed

What about age, you ask? Well, here’s a shocker: 18-34-year-olds are more likely to read and respond to direct mail. I guess the novelty of getting a physical piece of mail in a digital world is like finding a Charizard in a deck of Pokémon cards.

  • Tip 6: Don’t assume direct mail is only for the older generation. The youngsters love it too!
direct mail marketing service

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, direct mail is alive and kicking, my friends. It’s not just surviving; it’s thriving, outperforming its digital counterparts and packing a punch that could rival a heavyweight champ. So, the next time you hear someone say that direct mail is dead, you have my permission to laugh heartily and tell them they’re living in the past. Because the future, my friends, is in your mailbox.

  • Tip 7: Embrace the power of direct mail. It’s got the statistics to back it up.
  • Tip 8: Remember, bigger is often better when it comes to mail.
  • Tip 9: Make it personal and colorful. It could just increase your response rate.
  • Tip 10: Don’t forget the younger generation. They’re more likely to respond to direct mail than you’d think.

And there you have it – the truth about direct mail marketing in a neat, ten-bullet-point package. So, the next time you’re planning a marketing campaign, remember: direct mail isn’t just surviving – it’s thriving. Reach out to for help on your direct mail marketing campaign!

3 Benefits of Letterhead Printing for Business

Let’s dive into the wildly exciting, absolutely thrilling world of letterhead printing. That’s right folks, hold onto your paper clips because we’re going on a rollicking ride!

letterhead printing service
  1. Professionalism: Having a letterhead is like wearing a tailored suit to an interview. It screams, “I’ve got my act together. You can trust me with your business.” It’s your calling card, only it doesn’t fit in a wallet and is not as much fun at a magician’s show.
  2. Branding: A letterhead is like the fashion model of your company, strutting down the runway of the business world. It wears your logo, brand colors, and contact details, flaunting them to anyone who dares to read your correspondence.
  3. Consistency: Letterheads are the ultimate team players. They make sure every piece of communication is on the same page, quite literally. They tie together all your business correspondence like a well-orchestrated symphony, where every instrument (or in this case, every piece of paper) plays its part beautifully.

In the bustling realm of business, letterheads are the knights in shining armor. They fight off the dragons of unprofessionalism and slay the beasts of inconsistency. Now, once more unto the printer, dear friends, once more!

So, the next time you’re drafting a letter and reach for a blank piece of paper, think again. Unleash the power of the letterhead! Your business correspondence will thank you for it.

custom printed letterhead

Remember, a business without a printed letterhead is like a fish without water. It just doesn’t make sense. So, let’s print those letterheads and take the business world by storm!

And that, my friends, is the wonderfully exhilarating saga of letterhead printing. A tale of professionalism, branding, and consistency, all wrapped up in one glorious piece of paper. Truly, the stuff of legends! Print letterheads online with

What are Silk Laminated Business Cards?

Silk laminated business cards, oh my! These are not your average, run-of-the-mill business cards. No, sir! These are the Rolls-Royce of business cards, the crème de la crème, if you will. Imagine you’re at a networking event, you reach into your pocket, and pull out a business card so smooth and glossy, it makes even the Mona Lisa look a little dull.

Now, you might be wondering, “What makes these silk business cards so special?” Well, I’m glad you asked. Here’s what these luxurious little rectangles have to offer:

  1. They are coated with a silky smooth finish, hence the name, which not only feels great but also makes them more durable.
  2. They are tear and water-resistant (because who hasn’t spilt their morning coffee over important contacts, am I right?).
  3. They have a thickness that adds to their premium feel (no flimsy paper that can be crumpled easily!).

So next time you’re out there, trying to make an impression, remember – nothing says “I mean business” like a silk laminated business card! Print silk business cards with

Brochure Printing: Do people still print brochures?

What’s that you ask? The power of brochure printing for businesses? Oh, get ready to be enlightened.

brochure printing

Have you ever been handed a brochure at a trade show and it’s so awful, you can’t help but laugh? Yes, we’ve all been there. But let’s face it, those brochures that make you laugh, they stick with you. You remember them. That’s the power of brochure printing!

But wait, there’s more. Among the myriad of marketing tools, the humble brochure is the unsung hero.

  1. Everlasting Impression: Unlike a fleeting online ad, a well-designed brochure is a physical object a customer can hold. It’s like a mini billboard that fits in their pocket. Can your Facebook post do that? I didn’t think so.
  2. Credibility on Paper: Ever handed someone a business card and they look at you like, “Okay, so what?” A brochure, on the other hand, is like a handshake and introduction all in one. It says, “Hello, we’re legitimate. And here’s why.”
  3. Your 24/7 Salesman: Even while you’re sleeping or binge-watching your favorite series, your brochure is out there, tirelessly selling your products or services. No need to feed it or give it breaks. It just… works.
  4. Easy to Distribute: Hand them out at trade shows, leave stacks in local businesses, or even do a direct mail campaign. It’s like a tiny, paper ambassador for your brand.
  5. Cost-effective: Compared to other forms of advertising, brochure printing is relatively cheap. So you can spend more money on important things like fancy office chairs or that espresso machine you’ve been eyeing.
brochure printing

So, the next time you’re thinking of ways to promote your business, don’t forget about the power of the humble brochure. It might just be the secret weapon you’ve been looking for. Now, isn’t that a funny thought? haha! Print brochures online with

What is EDDM: Can it help me bring in new customers?

EDDM, or Every Door Direct Mail, is a service provided by our trusty, rain-sleet-or-snow friends at the USPS. The idea is as straightforward as a door-to-door salesman, minus the awkward doorstep conversations. You select a mail route, create your postcards, the USPS delivers them to every door on the route, and voila — instant marketing magic.

Now, you might be wondering, “How is this going to bring me new customers and more profit?” Well, let me tell you a little story. Imagine you own a pizza place, it’s been a slow week, and you want to drum up some business. With EDDM, you can send a postcard to every house in your local neighborhood, offering a tasty discount on their next pizza order.

  1. Targeted Advertising: With EDDM, you can target specific neighborhoods, demographics, or regions, ensuring your message lands in the right mailboxes. No more throwing postcards into the wind and hoping they land where they need to.
  2. Cost-Effective: By bypassing the need for mailing lists and permits, EDDM becomes a much more affordable option for small businesses. More money in your pocket means more dough for your pizza.
  3. Increased Visibility: A tangible piece of mail is less likely to be ignored than an email. Plus, who doesn’t like getting something other than bills in the mail?
  4. Flexible Designs: From menus to coupons, the possibilities are as varied as your pizza toppings.
  5. Measurable Results: With each coupon used, you’ll see exactly how effective your campaign was.

You see, EDDM postcards aren’t just pieces of paper – they’re your ticket to increased customer traffic and profits. They’re the yeast that helps your business dough rise. So, the next time you’re considering a marketing campaign, give EDDM a shot. Your bottom line (and your customers’ stomachs) will thank you. Print eddm postcards online with Blockbuster Print.

Online Printing Services: Print with the Coolest Company

Roll up, roll up! Let’s talk about the magic of Blockbuster Print! Aka, the Willy Wonka of the online printing world. No golden tickets needed here – just a wild ride through the spectacular world of print.

Roll up, roll up! Let’s talk about the magic of Blockbuster Print! Aka, the Willy Wonka of the online printing world. No golden tickets needed here – just a wild ride through the spectacular world of print.

  1. First thing’s first, let’s talk about Business Cards. Just like a firm handshake or a dazzling smile, an impressive business card can leave a lasting impression. And with Blockbuster Print, you get nothing short of Oscar-worthy business cards. You can customize them down to the last pixel.
  2. Next up, Brochures. Who said print’s dead? Certainly not us! In the age of scrolling and swiping, a well-crafted brochure stands out like a pineapple on a pizza (love it or hate it, you can’t ignore it!). And Blockbuster Print brochures? They’re the pineapple everyone loves.
  3. Don’t forget about Postcards. They are not just for your vacation stories. In the right hands (i.e., yours), a postcard can be a powerful marketing tool. And with Blockbuster Print, you can create postcards that are sure to make mailboxes around the world a lot more exciting.
  4. Now, let’s spill the tea on Envelope Printing. Imagine receiving a drab, uninspired envelope in the post. Now imagine your disappointment when the contents are just as dull. This is where Blockbuster Print comes to the rescue, turning envelopes into works of art that recipients can’t wait to open.
  5. Oh, and Poster Printing? Blockbuster Print’s got you covered. Whether you’re advertising a gig, a new product, or your cat’s birthday party, their posters will make sure it’s the hottest event in town.
  6. There’s also Letterhead Printing. It’s all about the details, darling! A professional and polished letterhead can say a lot about your business. With Blockbuster Print, you can create a letterhead that screams “we mean business”, but in a cool, chill way.
  7. And don’t even get me started on their Flyer Printing. Blockbuster Print’s flyers aren’t just pieces of paper, they’re like tiny billboards that have the power to turn heads and generate buzz.
  8. Booklet Printing? Absolutely! Whether you’re crafting an annual report or a zine about your favorite conspiracy theories, Blockbuster Print’s booklets are the way to go. Trust us, their booklets have more binding options than a yoga class.
  9. Presentation Folder Printing is another ace up their sleeve. Who says office supplies should be boring? Certainly not Blockbuster Print. When it comes to their presentation folders, it’s all about style and substance.
  10. Last but not least, there’s Door Hanger Printing. Who needs a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign when you can create your own quirky door hangers with Blockbuster Print?
  11. So, there you have it, folks! Blockbuster Print – the one stop shop for all your online printing needs. It’s where creativity gets the red carpet treatment, every single time. And remember, the next time you think print, think Blockbuster Print. It’s like Hollywood, but for your printing needs.

What are Rack Cards and Who Prints Them?

Rack cards, oh those compact, glossy, picture-perfect slices of marketing genius! We see them stacked neatly in racks (hence the name, obviously) in hotels, restaurants, and tourist spots, begging us with their shiny eyes, “pick me, pick me!”

First things first, let’s unveil the mysterious dimensions of a rack card. Typically, they measure 4×9 inches. Yes, they’re the marketing world’s equivalent of supermodels – tall, slim, and attractive, designed to grab attention and leave a lasting impression.

Now, let’s talk about the production process. Oh, the joys of rack card printing! It’s like cooking, but instead of food, we’re cooking up a delicious marketing strategy. First, you have to mix the right ingredients: high-quality paper, vibrant colors, and an enticing design.

  • High-quality paper: It’s like the flour in your marketing cake. A good sturdy card stock makes the rack card feel substantial and important in the hands of potential customers.
  • Vibrant colors: They’re the sugar and spice in your recipe. Colors make your rack card stand out from the crowd. As vibrant as a peacock’s feather, they scream, “look at me!”
  • Enticing design: This is the secret sauce. A great design is like a siren song, luring customers towards your business.

The magic of printing begins once you’ve got your ingredients ready. It’s like watching your cake bake in the oven, except it’s a massive industrial printer churning out rack cards by the dozen.

But wait, we’ve made a mess! Don’t worry, that’s where cutting comes in. With utmost precision, the cards are cut to the perfect size. It’s like a haircut, but for paper. And trust me, it’s just as satisfying to see the end result.

Once printed and cut, the rack cards are ready to be distributed. This is the moment of truth. Will they end up in the hands of potential customers or be ignored, left to gather dust? No pressure, my little rack card friends, no pressure at all.

Remember, the purpose of a rack card is to provide information quickly. No one is going to read an essay, no matter how eloquent, on a rack card. Keep it short, keep it sweet, and most importantly, keep it funny! Nobody can resist a good chuckle.

So, to close, rack card printing is a world filled with color, creativity, and a dash of humor. It’s not just about advertising; it’s about storytelling. And who doesn’t love a good story? Especially when it’s printed on a shiny, attractive card that fits perfectly into your pocket. Long live the rack card!

Real Estate Postcards: The Key to Effective Advertising

Real estate postcards from a powerful tool in today’s economic world. Designed to embody professionalism and elegance, these postcards serve as an effective means to showcase property listings, advertise open houses, and establish your brand presence within your target market – and we all know the real estate industry took a wild hit financially. Postcards for realtors are cost-effective and provide a great ROI.

Available in a variety of sizes, the postcards provide ample space to incorporate high-resolution images along with detailed property descriptions that grab the reader’s attention. You have the flexibility to select from 6.5×9 or the colossal 6×11 size, depending on your specific marketing needs.

One of the distinct advantages of using for your real estate postcards is the superior quality of print offered. Each postcard is printed in full, rich color with a glossy finish that enhances the visual appeal, making your property listings stand out. The 16pt cardstock used for printing is thick and durable, ensuring the postcards can withstand the mailing process without losing their esthetic appeal. understands the importance of time in the real estate sector. Thus, they offer speedy delivery services enabling you to get your postcards mailed out in a timely manner. Their online ordering process is straightforward, making it easy for you to place bulk orders and have them delivered directly to the mailing addresses provided.

Beyond that, supports realtors in designing their postcards. A team of professional designers is available to assist you in creating an eye-catching postcard design that aligns with your brand image. If you prefer to use your own design, the website provides user-friendly design templates that can be customized to your preference – woohoo!

As for pricing offers competitive rates, providing a cost-effective solution for realtors seeking to reach a wide audience through direct mail marketing. They also have attractive discounts for bulk orders, reducing the overall cost of your marketing campaign.

So to wrap it all up –’s real estate postcards serve as a powerful tool for realtors to market their listings and services. The combination of high-quality print, flexible sizes, speedy delivery, professional design services, and cost-effective pricing makes these postcards an excellent choice for all your direct mail marketing needs.