Print Business Cards Online – Easier Than Ever Before

There was a time when printing business cards meant making appointments and visiting the store. But in today’s world, you can have your business cards printed online faster than ever before. This means that you no longer need to waste time and energy on making an appointment or waiting for the store to open; all you need is an internet connection and a few moments of your time. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at why it’s easier than ever to print business cards online.

The Benefits of Printing Business Cards Online
Printing business cards online offers several advantages over traditional methods. First, it is much more cost-effective. By printing your own business cards, you don’t have to pay for costly in-store printing services or ink costs associated with a physical printer. Additionally, you don’t have to worry about running out of paper or ink because you can quickly order more from a website if needed. Furthermore, there are no delivery costs associated with ordering online; all you need is an internet connection and a few clicks of the mouse!

Another benefit of printing business cards online is that it’s much faster than traditional methods. You no longer have to wait for days or weeks for your card designs to be printed – they can be ready in minutes! All you need to do is upload your design, provide your payment information, and click “order.” Your new business cards will arrive within days without any hassle or additional costs involved. Additionally, many websites offer customization options such as adding logos or text to make them even more unique and high-quality looking.

Finally, there are also environmental benefits associated with printing business cards online. Most websites allow users to select paper types that are made from recycled materials rather than virgin fiber pulp (which usually comes from trees). This helps reduce the ecological impact associated with traditional paper production processes while still providing high-quality results for customers. Additionally, most printers use waterless ink technology which reduces chemical waste and air pollution during the print process itself.

Conclusion: Print Business Cards Online – Easier Than Ever Before
Printing business cards has never been easier thanks to modern technology and the proliferation of websites offering quick turnaround times at competitive prices! Not only are these services more cost-effective than traditional methods but they also offer faster turnaround times as well as environmentally friendly options such as recycled paper stock and waterless inks. With just a few clicks of the mouse, businesses can now create stunning custom business cards without ever having to leave their home or office! Whether it’s for networking purposes or simply creating a lasting impression at meetings and events – printing business cards online has never been easier!

Print Soft-Touch Suede Business Cards

Quality business cards are essential for making a good impression, and are a great way to stand out from the competition. Soft-touch suede business cards have become increasingly popular due to their unique look and feel. They offer a luxurious, tactile experience that can give your brand an edge over competitors. Let’s explore why soft-touch suede business cards are worth investing in.

A Premium Look & Feel
Soft-touch suede business cards provide an upscale look and feel that is sure to get noticed. The texture of these cards gives them a luxe, high-end appeal that is perfect for businesses looking to make a statement. Soft-touch suede cards communicate sophistication, quality, and attention to detail – all qualities that are highly desirable among customers and clients.

Durable & Long Lasting
Soft-touch suede business cards do not just look good; they are also highly durable and long lasting. This makes them a smart investment as they will last much longer than standard paper or plastic cards. The coating applied to the soft touch finish adds extra durability, ensuring that your card won’t easily get worn or damaged with use. This ensures your card will maintain its impressive appearance over time and helps extend its lifespan.

Impressively Versatile
Another reason why soft-touch suede business cards are so popular is because of their versatility. These cards can be customized with any design you wish, allowing you to create something truly unique and eye catching. From raised embossing and foil printing to intricate cutouts, there are no limits when it comes to designing your dream soft touch card – whatever you can imagine, you can create!

Conclusion: Soft-touch suede business cards represent an attractive option for those looking for something more sophisticated than traditional paper stock or plastic options. Their luxury look combined with excellent durability make them the perfect choice for businesses looking to stand out from the crowd while maintaining a professional image. Whether you’re looking to impress potential customers or make an impression on current ones, investing in soft touch suede business cards is definitely worth considering!

How EDDM Postcard Marketing is the Key to a Realtor’s Success

Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) postcards are an effective and efficient way for realtors to reach out to potential customers. In today’s digital age, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd when trying to advertise services online. With EDDM mailers, realtors can get their message across in a tangible, cost-effective manner that will guarantee their message reaches the right audience. Let’s take a closer look at how EDDM postcards are the key to success for realtors.

Targeting Your Audience
One of the greatest advantages of using EDDM postcards is that they allow you to target your audience with precision. When sending out mailers, you can choose which neighborhoods and postal routes you want your mailers sent along – allowing you to customize your marketing campaigns for maximum success. You no longer need to worry about wasting money sending mailers to people who may not even be interested in what you are selling.

Cost-Effective Advertising
EDDM postcard marketing is also very cost-effective compared to other forms of advertising. According to research conducted by the United States Postal Service, businesses that use EDDM postcards save up to 40% on their overall marketing costs! This makes it an ideal option for small businesses or those with limited budgets. Additionally, because they are printed on standard cardstock paper, there are no additional printing costs associated with them – making them even more affordable.

Measurable Results
Finally, one of the most attractive features of EDDM postcard marketing is that it provides measurable results that can be tracked and analyzed easily. By tracking how many people open your mailer, how many click on your website link or call you directly after viewing it, and how many ultimately convert into customers – realtors will have a better understanding of which strategies work best for their business and which don’t resonate as well with their target audience.

In conclusion, EDDM postcard marketing provides an effective and cost-efficient way for realtors to reach out to potential customers without having to break the bank doing so! It allows them to target specific neighborhoods and postal routes while providing them with measurable results so they know what strategies work best for them. If you’re looking for an efficient way to increase sales then look no further than Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) postcards!

What is EDDM Postcard Printing?

EDDM, or Every Door Direct Mail, is a cost-effective method of printing and delivering postcards to potential customers in your service area. EDDM postcards are a great way to advertise your business and are an increasingly popular option for businesses looking for an effective way to reach their target audience. With EDDM, you can quickly and easily print large quantities of postcards at an affordable cost. Let’s take a closer look at the advantages of using EDDM services for your business.

Cost Effectiveness
One of the main benefits of using an EDDM service for your postcard printing needs is the cost savings it provides. By simplifying the process of mailing multiple postcards, it eliminates many costs associated with traditional mail campaigns, such as postage and labor expenses. This makes it much more affordable than other methods. Additionally, you can use lower-cost paper stock which will still provide good quality images and text. This makes it much more affordable than other forms of advertising such as radio or television commercials.

Targeted Delivery
Another advantage to using EDDM is that you can target specific areas with your mailings. Instead of sending out one large mailing to everyone on your list, you can use EDDM to send out smaller batches that are tailored specifically to each area. This ensures that only those people who live in the area receive your postcard, making sure that they actually see what you have to offer and potentially become customers!

Easy Set-up
The set-up process for EDDM services is also very simple compared to other types of mail campaigns. You don’t need any special software or equipment–you just need a computer and access to the internet! Once you have chosen which areas you want to target with your mailings, all you need do is upload the design for your postcards into the online system and then submit them for printing. It’s truly as easy as that!

Overall, EDDM postcard printing services provide businesses with a cost-effective way to reach their target audience without having to spend too much money on traditional mail campaigns. They offer targeted delivery so that only those people living in the specified neighborhoods receive your message – increasing the chances of success – while also being easy and fast to set up! If you’re looking for an effective way to promote your business without breaking the bank, then consider giving EDDM a try today!

How to Grow Income with EDDM Postcard Marketing

Direct mail marketing is not dead. In fact, it’s very much alive and well, thanks to Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM). EDDM is a direct mail service that allows businesses to target specific neighborhoods with their marketing materials. Best of all, it’s an affordable way to reach a large number of potential customers. Here’s how you can use EDDM postcards to grow your income.

  • Know Your Target Audience
    Before you can start designing your EDDM postcards, you need to know who your target audience is. Who are you trying to reach with your marketing materials? Once you know who your target audience is, you can start designing your postcards with them in mind.
  • Keep It Simple
    Your EDDM postcards don’t need to be complicated or flashy. In fact, simplicity is key when it comes to direct mail marketing. Keep your message clear and concise, and make sure your call-to-action is easy to understand and follow.
  • Include a Call-to-Action
    Speaking of call-to-actions, every EDDM postcard should include one. A call-to-action is simply an instruction for the reader on what they should do next. For example, you might include a coupon or special offer on your postcards and tell recipients to “bring this postcard in for 10% off their purchase.” Make sure your call-to-action is clear, concise, and easy to follow. You want recipients of your postcards to take action, so make it as easy as possible for them to do so.
  • Get Personalized Postcards Printed
    Personalized postcards are more likely to be noticed and read than generic ones. When you personalize your EDDM postcards, you can add the recipient’s name or address on the front of the card or even include a personalized message on the inside.
    Online printing companies such as offer EDDM postcard printing services.
  • Test, Test, Test!
    As with any marketing campaign, it’s important that you test different versions of your EDDM postcards before settling on a final design. Try different images, messages, calls-to-action, etc., and see which ones generate the best results. Once you have a winner (or two), roll out your campaign to the rest of your targeted neighborhoods and sit back and watch your income grow!


EDDM postcard marketing is a great way to reach potential customers in specific neighborhoods without breaking the bank. By following these simple tips, you can maximize the effectiveness of your direct mail campaign and watch your income grow in no time!

EDDM Postcard Marketing Overview

EDDM postcards are a type of direct mail that take advantage of the EDDM service offered by the United States Postal Service (USPS). The postcards are typically smaller in size, making them less expensive to produce and mail compared to larger formats such as brochures or catalogs. They can be customized with eye-catching designs and messages that grab the attention of the recipient, making them an effective way to promote products, services, or events.

One of the key benefits of EDDM postcard marketing is the ability to reach a large audience. With EDDM, you can target specific demographics, such as income levels, age ranges, or household size, and send postcards to every address within a designated area. This allows you to reach a large number of potential customers with a single mailing, making it a cost-effective alternative to traditional direct mail marketing methods.

Another advantage of EDDM postcards is the ability to track results. By using a unique code, coupon, or URL, you can track the effectiveness of your marketing campaign and determine the response rate of your target audience. This information can be used to make adjustments to future campaigns, making them even more effective.

In order to use EDDM, businesses must follow certain guidelines set by the USPS. The postcards must meet size and weight restrictions, and the mailing list must be provided by the USPS. Additionally, EDDM postcards must include specific information on the front and back, including the mailer’s permit information and a statement that the mail is not addressed to a specific individual.

While EDDM postcard marketing is an effective way to reach potential customers, it is important to remember that it is just one aspect of a comprehensive marketing strategy. In order to maximize the effectiveness of your EDDM campaign, it is important to complement it with other marketing tactics such as email marketing, social media advertising, and search engine optimization.

In conclusion, EDDM postcard marketing is a cost-effective and targeted form of direct mail marketing that enables businesses to reach potential customers within a specific geographic area. With its ability to reach a large audience and track results, EDDM postcard marketing can be an effective way to promote products, services, or events and is a valuable addition to any comprehensive marketing strategy.

What is a rack card?| Printing service

A rack card is a type of marketing material that is similar in size to a postcard, typically 4 inches by 9 inches, and is designed for display in a rack or holder. It is used to promote products, services, events, or destinations and typically includes information such as images, text, and contact information. Rack cards are commonly found in tourist information centers, hotels, and other hospitality locations.

Rack Card Printing is available at

What is EDDM postcard printing?

EDDM postcard printing (Every Door Direct Mail) is a program offered by the United States Postal Service (USPS) that allows businesses to target local mail delivery to specific neighborhoods, without the need for individual addresses. EDDM is often used for advertising, promotional materials, and direct mail marketing campaigns. It is a cost-effective way to reach a large audience with targeted marketing messages.