Brochure Printing: Do people still print brochures?

What’s that you ask? The power of brochure printing for businesses? Oh, get ready to be enlightened.

brochure printing

Have you ever been handed a brochure at a trade show and it’s so awful, you can’t help but laugh? Yes, we’ve all been there. But let’s face it, those brochures that make you laugh, they stick with you. You remember them. That’s the power of brochure printing!

But wait, there’s more. Among the myriad of marketing tools, the humble brochure is the unsung hero.

  1. Everlasting Impression: Unlike a fleeting online ad, a well-designed brochure is a physical object a customer can hold. It’s like a mini billboard that fits in their pocket. Can your Facebook post do that? I didn’t think so.
  2. Credibility on Paper: Ever handed someone a business card and they look at you like, “Okay, so what?” A brochure, on the other hand, is like a handshake and introduction all in one. It says, “Hello, we’re legitimate. And here’s why.”
  3. Your 24/7 Salesman: Even while you’re sleeping or binge-watching your favorite series, your brochure is out there, tirelessly selling your products or services. No need to feed it or give it breaks. It just… works.
  4. Easy to Distribute: Hand them out at trade shows, leave stacks in local businesses, or even do a direct mail campaign. It’s like a tiny, paper ambassador for your brand.
  5. Cost-effective: Compared to other forms of advertising, brochure printing is relatively cheap. So you can spend more money on important things like fancy office chairs or that espresso machine you’ve been eyeing.
brochure printing

So, the next time you’re thinking of ways to promote your business, don’t forget about the power of the humble brochure. It might just be the secret weapon you’ve been looking for. Now, isn’t that a funny thought? haha! Print brochures online with

Brochure Printing & Marketing Tips to Live By

One of the biggest misconceptions that entrepreneurs have is that old school ways of advertising such as brochure printing is outdated and ineffective. Although digital marketing is cheap and in keeping with the times, it would definitely help if you can combine it with something “classic” like print advertising. In fact, it would make your brand stand out. Why? Since almost everything is digital these days, having something tangible – a brochure that customers can actually hold in their hands and read – is sort of a novelty. It etches the name of your brand into the minds of customers, and it complements your existing digital marketing campaign.

 Tips for Printing and Marketing Brochures for Your Business

 Now, if you have no idea about how to get started on brochure marketing, here are a few printing and marketing tips to live by:

  • Look for a reputable printing company that specializes in brochure printing.

There are many companies offering brochures print services out there, so choose one that’s right for you. Take your pick from digital desktop or offset printing – the latter produces more professional-looking results, although it can cost a bit more. Also make sure that the printing company has plenty of experience in printing advertising materials, and that they offer quality customer service. They should be able to assist you starting from the layout process to giving a digital proof of the design. This ensures that you will have an attention-grabbing brochure.

  • Talk about your brand, if you must, but focus more on your customers.

When thinking about the content of your brochure, determine what your goal is. If it’s to introduce your company to customers, then there’s nothing wrong in dedicating a page that indicates your company history, mission, vision, etc. But if your brochure is more marketing-oriented, you need to focus on how your product or service will benefit your customers. After all, they are the ones who will read your brochure – so the content should “speak” to them.

  • Organize the contents of your brochure.

Depending on the fold and size, the number of pages of a brochure ranges from 4 to 12. How will you organize the content in such a way that there’s a beginning, the main promotional pages, and an ending with a call to action? Make sure that the heading is enticing enough to prompt the customer to read through the rest of the content. Use words that are enticing but are still easy to understand. Focus on reaching your goal in printing the brochure in the first place.

  • Think of something that will make you stand out.

Lastly, think of an element that will make you stand out. It could be your folding option or the size of the brochure. How about an 11” x 25.5” brochure with double gate folding option, in a semi-gloss paper finish? The thicker the paper stock, the more impressive it will be. Again, you need to invest in high-quality offset brochure print service to come up with the exact type of brochure that you want – one that will help you achieve your marketing goals in no time at all.

How Brochure Printing Design has Evolved Over the Years

Similar to how television has evolved from black and white to colored and now, to smart TVs, brochure printing and other forms of printing advertisement have also evolved. Here, we will take a look at how this type of branding has evolved over the years, and how you need to print your own brochures now in order to promote your business.


A Quick Look at How Brochure Design has Evolved


As you may already know, a brochure looks like a mini-book or magazine. It contains information and pictures about the products or services you are offering. If you’re a business owner, you can definitely benefit from printing and distributing brochures with well thought-out designs and marketing copy.


So how did brochures look a long time ago? Here’s a brief glimpse:

  • In the 1940s, digital photography wasn’t born yet so there was heavy reliance on hand-drawn illustrations. If one or two photographs are included in a brochure, it’s black and white and the resolution is not that great. Also, colored printing was expensive during this decade so most printed materials are black and white.
  • In the 1950s, photography has greatly improved and the costs of colored printing went down, so brochures have become more colourful.
  • In the 1960s, it was pretty common to see colored brochures although old school hand-drawn illustrations and fonts were still used.
  • A decade later, brochures print has gone full-color because of the improvement in photography techniques. It has also become easier to layout printed materials and the costs of printing colored brochures have significantly gone down.


From the 1980s onwards, designing and printing brochures have become fully digital. Digital photography has evolved along with it, so it has become very easy to blend all these elements together. You just need to know how to come up with a strategic design that will appeal to your target market. You also need to include a call to action, as well as updated contact information for you to realize your marketing goals in the first place.


Today, when looking for a brochure print service provider, you even have the option to go with small desktop digital printing services or companies that use offset printing through huge printing presses. Offset printing presses deliver more professional-looking results, but there’s nothing wrong with going digital, either.


With the improvements in photography, printing, and layouting technology, there’s no doubt that brochure design has come a long way. Whether you prefer to use old school hand drawn illustrations or modern photography to make your brochure stand out, what’s important is to pay close attention to even the smallest details. Doing so will make you achieve your marketing objectives in printing the brochures in the first place.

Brochure Printing: Uncover The Basics

An affordable but effective form of advertising is brochure printing. It can serve as part of your print advertising campaign along with banners, stickers, letterheads, notepads, business cards, and more.

What’s good about printing out trifold brochures, for example, is that it can contain all the information about your business. Unlike business cards which only contain your contact information, a brochure can indicate your mission and vision, how your business started out, which product or services you are offering, and other pertinent information about your brand.  An affordable but effective form of advertising is brochure printing. It can serve as part of your print advertising campaign along with banners, stickers, letterheads, notepads, business cards, and more. What’s good about printing out trifold brochures, for example, is that it can contain all the information about your business. Unlike business cards which only contain your contact information, a brochure can indicate your mission and vision, how your business started out, which product or services you are offering, and other pertinent information about your brand.

The ABCs of Brochure Printing

If you would like to make brochures print part of your promotional campaign, here are the basics that you should learn about it:

1. Always think about content.  Remember that as compared to flyers, posters, and similar printed material, there is so much more space to be had in professional brochures.  You can have it laid out in such a way that the front cover piques the reader’s interest, the middle part contains all the important information about your brand, while the last page includes a call to action.

2. Brochure printing basics should be learned. Half-fold brochures, double parallel, trifold, and other brochure folding options are available at printing companies like Aside from the type of folding, you should also decide on the size, quantity, paper stock, and finish of the paper. Choose a printing company that offers full color HD printing so that you can get the best quality print while maximizing the value of your money.

3. Consider the small details when having brochures printed out. Finally, a printed advertising material goes through more scrutiny simply because people are more visual. Pay attention to even the smallest details of your brochure design and make sure that the overall look of the brochure fits the image that you’d like to project for your brand. Carefully choose between thin or thin paper stock, and semi-gloss or matte paper. If there are a lot of pictures on your brochure, a thick paper stock with semi-gloss finish is ideal.

By learning about the ABCs of brochure printing, you can have the best printed material to promote your brand with.