Use Your Creative Juices when Ordering Business Cards Online

When ordering business cards online, you should definitely use your creative juices to make your card stand out. There are many companies offering digital and offset printing for all your printed advertising needs. This makes it easy to go through the process of looking for a suitable business card print service.

However, the challenge lies in designing a card that will make your brand or name as a professional stand out. Check out our list of ideas on how you can creatively order premium business cards:

  • Go for the not-a-stickler-for-rules business cards.

Thin linen business cards with an elegant typeface are typical, so which card are you supposed to have made if you want to stand out? How about a puzzle business card? Make it look like part of your corporate giveaway. Once the puzzle is solved, it should have a picture of your company logo. This is a quirky yet effective way of spreading the word about your brand.

Another idea is to have an origami design on the card. It can be two or three dimensional. The unique, delicate shape will leave a lasting impression to the recipient of your card. Using out-of-the-box materials is another way to make your business card stand out. Metal and even wood business cards are becoming increasingly popular.

  • How about smaller than usual business cards?

Edgy, odd, non-traditional – mini business cards are also being embraced by entrepreneurs. The typical card is sized 2” x 3” – and anything smaller than that is considered a mini. You can go for square 2” x 2” cards for a non-traditional look or a gum-sized card where your contact information is printed out. The only problem with this type of a business card is that they do not fit into wallets or purses, and can easily get lost in a large handbag.

  • Traditional-sized but still a standout

Finally, if you want to stick to the 2” x 3” business card, go for a non-traditional material, laminate, or design. Same-sized cards with rounded corners will give you that stand out factor. Or, look for unique laminates like a metallic foil – or take the completely opposite route with velvet- or silk-like laminates which leave a fabric effect on the paper. You can also go for see-through plastic cards or neon-colored cards.

There are dozens of ways for you to stand out when having business cards made, you just need to look for a creative way to make your brand stand out.

Is there Still a Need for a Business Cards Print Service Provider?

In today’s business environment, some doubt whether there is still a need to get a business cards print service provider. They might argue that it’s all about videos and social media now – so if your form of advertising is not online, you should not even bother with it. But is this true? Is there no need for traditional print advertising anymore? Not necessarily. There are still numerous benefits to having thick, elegant business cards. Read on to find out what these advantages are.

Why It Still Pays to Print Business Cards  

If you want your brand or your name as a professional to be remembered by your customers – existing or prospective – then you definitely need to invest in high-quality business cards. Here are the reasons for doing so:

  • The ceremony behind handing over a business card harnesses human-to-human connection.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong in maximizing the use of technology. The downside is that real human connection gets lost along the way. This is one of the reasons why it still pays to invest in business cards. There’s almost a ceremony when you hand over a business card to a prospective customer or client. You fish out the card from your wallet or from its container, then carefully hand it over to the other person. There could be a shaking of hands, a smile of acknowledgment, or just a simple nod. These gestures mean that you have established yet another business contact. This makes the recipient of your card less likely to forget about your name or brand.

  • You can use your business card as a tool to make your brand stand out.

It’s all about image these days, and business cards are a great tool to make your business stand out. Instead of thin linen cards, you can go for laminated, rounded corner business cards. If you want to have something with a more luxurious feel to it, order a set of traditional-sized silk business cards. Combine it with a design that mirrors the image that you’d like to portray as a brand, and you are all good to go in making your brand stand out.

  • It’s a cheap but still effective form of advertising.

Finally, business cards are an inexpensive but still effective form of print advertising. When you combine it with flyers, brochures, notepads, letterheads, banners, and notepads, you can launch a promotional campaign that will help spread the word about the product or services you’re offering as a business.


How a Business Cards Print Service Provider can Help You Put a Face to Your Brand

If you are on the lookout for a business cards print service provider, you are definitely on the right track. Despite the prevalence of social media and online advertising these days, it still pays to rely on the old school method of giving people your contact information by distributing business cards.  Premium products like silk business cards are especially impressive. Once a customer receives this or something unique like rounded corner business cards, they are more likely to remember your brand name and what your business is all about.

Exactly How can Business Cards Help Put a Face to Your Brand?  

So how, exactly, can these tiny 2” x 3” business cards help put a face to your brand? Here are the top ways:

  • Business cards establish the legitimacy of your business.

Which type of information is printed on a business card?

  • Business name
  • Business address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Social media handles (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
  • Your official website

People want to have all these information on hand and once they learn what you are all about as a business, they will see you as a legitimate business – and maybe even an authority in your field. Most people become dubious when they can’t find you online, so it is important to also include your website, blog, and social media handles when having cards printed out.

  • They can be designed to target both the young and older clientele.

What product or services are you offering to your customers? If you are targeting young women who are between a certain age range, you can have your business card designed in such a way that will appeal to them. You should pay attention to even the smallest details like the font, the colors used, and the overall design. Make sure not to overcrowd the card with too much information. In the same vein, you can opt for a more elegant, traditional design if your target market are the older folks.


  • The more creative the design of your card is, the more likely it is to be shared.

Traditional business cards are rectangular and sized 2”x 3”. If you want your card to stand out, you can go for unique materials like a gold or silver foil laminated card. Plastic cards or rounded corner cards also make for a creative design.

All in all, business cards help establish the legitimacy of your business operations and put a face to your brand.


The Basics of Business Card Printing

Business card printing is a cheap yet effective way to market your brand. Whether you’re manufacturing a product or offering a service, it will help spread the word about your brand, legitimize your business in the eyes of your customers, and help you achieve your most immediate business goals.

But how exactly did the process of distributing business cards start? They used to be called trade cards, and were utilized as a form of advertising and sort of a map system in 17th century England. From there, the popularity of trade cards soared and they were used to promote everything – from formula milk to patient medication. Trade cards indicated the name of the business, its products, business address, and contact information. Nothing much has changed from trade cards to business cards – they are still being used as a form of print advertisement up to this day.

Now that you already have an idea about the history of business cards, let us take a quick look at the factors that you need to consider when looking for printing service:

  • The cost and quality of service

There are two types of printing service available: digital and offset. As compared to digital printing, offset printers offer six to eight times better quality – so it pays to invest in this type if you want to get good quality prints.

  • The design and layout of the card

Of course, you also need to think about the design and layout of the card. Do not overcrowd the small space you have with too much information. Depending on your target client, you can come up with a design and layout that will appeal to them. Consider even the smallest details – from the colors to the font, as well as the image and the way that the contact information is laid out.

  • The material used

Lastly, consider the material used. You can take your pick from plastic business cards; thin or thick paper which has 15% to 75% the thickness of a credit card; or laminated paper which can give a fabric-like effect to the card. Premium cards like suede business cards or silver/gold foil will make a great first impression to customers.




Counting Down the Most Important Factors of Business Card Printing

What do you think are the most important factors when it comes to business card printing? The simple act of distributing business cards is a good enough form of advertising, not to mention inexpensive. As such, you must pay attention to even the smallest details of printing the cards. Here, we will be counting down the most important factors when you’re printing regular or premium plastic business cards.

5 Factors to Consider when having Business Cards Made

When having business cards made, here are the top five factors to consider:

  • Type of printing: digital or offset?

There are two types of printing processes available for products like business cards: digital and offset. Digital printing companies are a dime a dozen, while there is a lesser number of offset printing presses. Quality-wise, offset printing produces better prints than digital and it’s a bit more expensive – something that you definitely have to consider when having business cards made.

  • Size: standard or non-traditional?

The standard size of business cards is 2” x 3”. There are slightly bigger and smaller versions but the downside of taking the non-traditional route is that the card might not fit wallets or purses. If it’s too small, it might get lost inside women’s bags. If it’s too large, people might find it too much of a burden to keep. It’s entirely up to you to decide whether you want to go for the standard, smaller, or bigger-sized business cards.

  • Paper thickness: thin or as thick as a credit card?

Most people like the feel of thick business cards on their hands, although others opt for the more elegant thin, textured linen cards. For the thick business cards, there are materials which have anywhere from 15% to 100% the thickness of credit cards.

  • Material: paper or plastic?

Thin linen, fabric-like suede business cards, silver or gold foil laminate, plastic – these are your options when it comes to the material that the card is made from.

  • Design: conventional or out-of-the-box?

Finally, make sure that the design of your business card suits the image that you’d like to project for your brand. If you have an older clientele, choose a design that will appeal to their tastes. For a younger audience, you can have an out-of-the-box, edgy, or creative business card design.

Take these factors into consideration and make sure to include a call to action when having a business cards designed and printed out for your business.


Planning to Print Postcards Online? Here’s What You Need to Know

Part of your business’ marketing strategy should be to print postcards online. Along with business cards, banners, letterheads, brochures, notepads, and envelopes, postcards are a great way to send your message across. Here, we will take a look at the top ways that you can use postcard printing as part of your business’ marketing campaign.

Creative Ways to Use Postcards for Brand Advertising

There are many companies offering custom postcard printing services these days. You can choose between digital and offset printing. The latter has four to six times better quality than digital printing, so always consider that when hiring a printing company.

Next, here are a few creative ways by which you can use postcards for spreading the word about your brand:

  • Mail out postcards to let customers know about a new product or service that you are offering.

Business cards are too small while brochures are too big when it comes to introducing new information to your customers. This makes the in-between size of postcards perfect. Through it, you can let your existing or potential customers know about a new product or service you’re offering. It’s the ideal size to introduce new information while filling them in on the details of your offer.

  • Distribute postcards as a way to offer discounts and introduce promos.

If you have been operating as a business for a good number of years, you can use postcard marketing as a way to offer discounts and introduce promos to your customers. If you’re planning to have a ‘buy one, get one free’ promo, you can print out the details of the offer on a postcard and distribute it to your customers. You need to include such offerings in your business plan to make customers excited about what you’re offering next – and it’s also a great way to establish loyalty to your brand.

  • Use postcards to remind customers of an upcoming event.

Whether it’s an in-store promotional sale or an online sale, postcards are an easy way to get the message across.

  • Touch base with your customers by using postcards as greeting cards.

Another way to establish loyalty to your brand is by touching base with your customers. During holidays like Christmas, New Year, Saint Patrick’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Labor Day, and similar occasions, you can send out postcards which will serve as your holiday greeting to them. This will not just put a smile to the recipient’s face, but it is also an excellent way to remind them about what you have to offer as a business.

Print Postcards Online & Use it as a Way to Advertise Your Brand

If you are planning to print postcards online, you are on the right path when it comes to advertising because these cards are a truly effective marketing tool. Whether you’re offering a handmade product or a unique service to your customers, you can let them know about your brand with the help of postcards. Here, we will take a look at how you can use custom postcard printing as a powerful advertising tool to help spread the word about your business.

The Essentials of Postcard Printing

There are two types of printing process available for postcards: digital and offset. Offset printing is better in terms of quality, especially if Heidelberg printing presses are used. Perhaps the only advantage of digital printing is that it is a bit cheaper, and there are many digital printing companies operating today.

Next, in order for you to effectively use postcards in your advertising campaign, you must make sure that it is designed properly. Here are a few tips on how you can do just that:

  • Include your company information and logo on the layout of the postcard.

Postcards are a bit larger than business cards but smaller than brochures. This makes it ideal to use as a promotional tool and as a way for customers to know how to get in touch with you. When designing postcards, make sure to include your up-to-date contact information, business address, email address, and social media handles.

  • If you are including a coupon on the postcard, make sure that the coupon part is easy to tear off.

If you are using the postcard as a promotional tool, you can have one portion of the paper die-cut. The easier it is to tear off, the more enticed a customer will be to use it when buying a product or taking advantage of a service from your store.

  • Include an expiration date on the offer.

If brochures should have a call to action, postcards used as a marketing tool must have an expiration date. This ‘puts pressure’ on the customer to act fast – otherwise, they will not be able to take advantage of the discounted price or other benefit that you are offering as a business.

Learning about the basics of postcard marketing is one way to boost your sales and enhance the loyalty of your customers, so consider having a set printed for your business right now.

A Glimpse at the Usefulness of Rack Card Printing

You may want to use rack card printing as a way to promote your business. You’ve seen one of these long, eye-catching cards at theatre shows, trade events, conferences, and other occasions which attract a huge group of people. When an image on the card is compelling enough, these cards are even taken home as a souvenir by lots of individuals. With such usefulness, there’s no reason for you not to include rack cards as part of your promotional campaign.

Rack Card Printing Tips

So what are the things that you need to remember when having rack cards printed out? Take a look at the following tips:

  • Choose the right size and printing process.

If you want to print rack cards, you can choose from two sizes and two printing options. There are 3.5” x 8.5” cards as well as 4” x 9” cards. Both will fit most card containers or can simply be laid face up on a table during promotional events. For the printing process, you can choose from digital and offset printing. The latter offers better quality than digital, although it’s a bit more expensive.

  • How about the layout of the card?

Let’s use a Broadway show rack card as an example. On the upper part of the card is the title of the show. A brief description of the event in the middle along with an image or two, and a call to action at the bottom. For the images or illustrations, make sure that they are high-resolution and eye-catching. See to it that your contact information is up-to-date, and the call to action should lead the reader of the card to act on your offer. If you want them to give you a call, if you want to offer discounts, or visit your social media accounts for more information about your business, the call to action takes care of that.

  • Go for the option where the lower part of the card can be torn off and turned into a coupon or a business card.

Finally, for the 3.5” x 8.5” cards, there is usually an option to have the lower part torn off and turned into a business card. These are die-cut with a perforation in the portion where you can tear off the rack card to be turned into a business card or coupon.

True enough, rack cards make for a perfect complimentary item for your overall promotional print campaign.

Make the Most Out of Your Advertising Campaign through Rack Card Printing

Rack card printing, when combined with other printed promotional materials like banners, flyers, and brochures, make for the perfect advertising campaign for print. No matter what product or service it is that you are offering, you can always use these eye-catching cards to spread the word about your brand.

Things to Remember when You Print Rack Cards

Rack cards should have an eye-catching design, high-quality print, and should be made from good quality material. The more time you spend taking into account every aspect of these rack cards, the more desirable the results would be.

Take a look at some more things that you need to remember when having rack cards made:

  • Take design and color into consideration.

Rack cards are bigger than business cards but have lesser space than brochures. This means that you should make the most out of the available space you have. If you are in the food business, for instance, you can order 4” x 9” or 3.5” x 8.5” rack cards. Print a sample menu at the upper part of the card and your contact information at the bottom.

At offset printing presses, you even have the option to get the cards printed out in such a way that the lower or upper part of the part can be detached. This portion can be your business card or a discount coupon that customers can use. This creative way of merging two cards together: a business card and a rack card – makes the recipient of the card even more interested with that you’re offering as a brand.

  • Learn about your printing options.

Decide whether you want to go for traditional digital printing or the more high-end offset printing. If you want to impress customers, it is better to go for the higher quality print, especially if the company uses top-of-the-line equipment like Heidelberg printing presses.

  • Keep the overall look simple but still eye catching.

Lastly, make sure that the overall look of your rack card is simple yet eye catching. It may have more space than a business card but you still should not overcrowd it with too much information. See to it that the images are high-resolution and attention-grabbing. Don’t forget to include a call to action. This states whether you want customers to give you a call, visit your website, engage on social media, or take advantage of a new product or service you’re offering.

Keep these things in mind when printing rack cards, which you can use as a major part of your advertising campaign.

Business Cards Online: Mixing Old School with Modern Advertising

Did you know that ordering business cards online is a mixture of old school and modern advertising? With the ease by which entrepreneurs can use online advertising these days, it is quite refreshing to know that they can mix it with old-school promotional methods like print advertising. Here, we will list down the reasons why it still pays to look for a business card print service provider to order these tiny cards from.

Why It’s Important to Print Business Cards

If you own a business or if you’re a representative of your company, why should you order premium business cards? Here’s a quick list:

  • It establishes your authority as a business.

Owners of start-ups should definitely have a set of business cards handy to distribute to their existing or potential customers. Just imagine the bad impression you’ll leave if a possible client asks for your contact information and the first thing you do is haphazardly scribble your phone number on a piece of paper. Smoothly handing over a thick, well-designed business card will establish your authority as a business while also leaving a great first impression.

  • It’s suitable both for the smartphone and the old school generation.

Today’s market consists of millennials, gen-Xers, baby boomers, and those who are just getting their feet wet in the business industry. A business card with your contact information indicated will target all generations. For the younger audience, make sure to include your social media handles so they know how to look for your business name on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Don’t forget to include your website!

  • It’s a powerful advertising tool.

During events that draw big crowds like conferences, seminars, employee events, and similar occasions, you can distribute business cards as part of your advertising campaign. It’s even better if you will include it with corporate giveaways like pens, tumblers, caps, mugs, flash drives, etc. These are inexpensive items that will mark your brand name into the minds of your target audience.

  • It helps increase your network of business contacts.

Finally, business cards are a great tool to help spread the word about your business and increase your network of contacts. A customer you give your card to may contact you for product orders or to ask for a service you provide in the future.

As you can see, business cards are an important part of being in the business industry, so have a set made for yourself right now.