Direct Mail Marketing : Does it work and is it worth trying?

Did you know Google is America’s BIGGEST direct mail marketing customer? Would you believe that? A digital marketing firm being the biggest client in print marketing for USPS. Now that’s something for you to wrap your head around.

direct mail marketing company

Contrary to the rumors you might have heard, direct mailers are not the dodo bird of the advertising world, destined for extinction. Far from it! In fact, it’s a bit more like a phoenix, continually reborn from the ashes of its own shredded junk mail. And believe it or not, there are enough statistics to back this up that you’d think we were running a census on postcards. So, let’s dive in and explore whether direct mail marketing really works, shall we?

Send It And They Will Come

First off, let’s chat about response rates. Would you believe that the response rate for direct mail is actually 4.4%? That’s right. It’s not 0.004%. It’s a whopping 4.4%! Now, I know what you’re thinking – those numbers are so big they practically need their own zip code. But wait, it gets better.

Size Matters, But So Does The Mailbox

Now, I know in the world of advertising, size often matters. But here’s a fun fact for you – oversized envelopes have a response rate as high as 5%! Sounds unbelievable, right? But it’s the absolute truth.

  • Tip 1: Suppose you’re planning to send mail, consider giving it a little extra size – think junk mail meets the jolly green giant.
  • Tip 2: The bigger your mail, the bigger the chance it won’t get lost among the bills and letters. It’s all about standing out, people!
USPS direct mail marketing

What About The Digital Realm?

Alright, let’s talk about the elephant in the room – or should I say the email in the inbox? You might think email would have direct mail beat, right? Wrong! Direct mail actually outperforms digital by a landslide. The response rate for email is only 0.12%. Yes, you read that right. It’s not 12%. It’s 0.12%! That’s less than the amount of sugar in your diet soda!

  • Tip 3: If you want to win the response rate game, stick with direct mail.
  • Tip 4: Though digital may be quicker and cheaper, it can’t compete with the response rates of good old-fashioned mail.

Making it Personal

Another fascinating aspect? Personalization increases the response rate even more. According to statistics, personalized color direct mail pulls a 6.6% response rate. That’s higher than your chances of finding a four-leaf clover!

  • Tip 5: Don’t underestimate the power of a personal touch. It could make all the difference in your direct mail campaign.

The Young and the Direct Mailed

What about age, you ask? Well, here’s a shocker: 18-34-year-olds are more likely to read and respond to direct mail. I guess the novelty of getting a physical piece of mail in a digital world is like finding a Charizard in a deck of Pokémon cards.

  • Tip 6: Don’t assume direct mail is only for the older generation. The youngsters love it too!
direct mail marketing service

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, direct mail is alive and kicking, my friends. It’s not just surviving; it’s thriving, outperforming its digital counterparts and packing a punch that could rival a heavyweight champ. So, the next time you hear someone say that direct mail is dead, you have my permission to laugh heartily and tell them they’re living in the past. Because the future, my friends, is in your mailbox.

  • Tip 7: Embrace the power of direct mail. It’s got the statistics to back it up.
  • Tip 8: Remember, bigger is often better when it comes to mail.
  • Tip 9: Make it personal and colorful. It could just increase your response rate.
  • Tip 10: Don’t forget the younger generation. They’re more likely to respond to direct mail than you’d think.

And there you have it – the truth about direct mail marketing in a neat, ten-bullet-point package. So, the next time you’re planning a marketing campaign, remember: direct mail isn’t just surviving – it’s thriving. Reach out to for help on your direct mail marketing campaign!

Why Direct Mailing Services by is the Best Choice for Your Business

In today’s digital age, businesses are often focused on digital marketing campaigns. However, direct mailing campaigns are still a powerful marketing tool that can help businesses connect with their customers on a personal level. offers top-notch direct mailing services that can help your business succeed. In this blog post, we will explore why’s direct mailing services are the best choice for your business.

High-Quality Printing’s direct mailing services use the highest quality printing technology to ensure your messages are clear and your designs are vibrant and eye-catching. You can choose from a variety of paper stocks, thicknesses, and finishes to create a custom design that showcases your brand.

Targeted Mailing Lists
To ensure your direct mailing campaign is successful, you need to target the right audience.’s direct mailing services offer targeted mailing lists that let you reach out to a specific demographic, such as age, income, location, and interests. This ensures your messages are read by people who are most likely to be interested in your products and services.

Comprehensive Mailing Services’s direct mailing services offer more than just printing and mailing. They also provide design services, list management, address verification, and postage. This means you can focus on running your business while takes care of all of the logistics of your direct mailing campaign.

Affordable Pricing
Direct mailing campaigns can be expensive, but’s direct mailing services offer affordable pricing without sacrificing quality. They offer bulk mailing discounts that can help you save money on postage and printing costs.

Trackable Results’s direct mailing services provide trackable results that can help you measure the success of your campaign. You can track how many people received your mailer, how many responded, and how many converted into customers. This information can help you refine your future campaigns and improve your ROI.

In conclusion,’s direct mail services are the best choice for your business. They offer high-quality printing, targeted mailing lists, comprehensive mailing services, affordable pricing, and trackable results. With their expertise in direct mailing campaigns, you can be confident that your message will reach your intended audience and generate a positive ROI. Contact today to learn more about their direct mailing services and start your next successful campaign.

What is EDDM postcard printing?

EDDM postcard printing (Every Door Direct Mail) is a program offered by the United States Postal Service (USPS) that allows businesses to target local mail delivery to specific neighborhoods, without the need for individual addresses. EDDM is often used for advertising, promotional materials, and direct mail marketing campaigns. It is a cost-effective way to reach a large audience with targeted marketing messages.

Distribute Massage Therapy Postcards & Watch Your Bookings Soar!

If you’re a business owner, you must consider postcard printing as a primary form of advertisement? Why? Check out these reasons:

  • There are many digital or offset print shops that offer cheap postcard printing packages. When you order more copies, the price per piece gets lower.
  • There are different distribution methods available. Go for direct mail if you have a mailing list so that you can send the marketing postcards to your existing customers. EDDM or Every Door Direct Mail is a service offered by the United States Postal Service where they partner with print shops to mail out marketing postcards to every door within a zip code, mail carrier route, or address groups based on demographics. At just a few cents postage fee per postcard, you can send out mailers to potential customers even without buying a mailing list. Lastly, you can distribute the postcards personally in areas where there is high foot traffic.

Let’s say that you are offering massage therapy services. By simply printing and distributing postcards, you can let as many people as possible know about it. Whether you are a professional masseuse working on your own or if you are part of a spa or health and wellness business that offers massage therapy sessions, you can use postcards as a form of advertisement.

The first thing to do is look for an online printing company that is reliable and offers reasonable prices for the printing package. Next, work on the design of the postcard itself. Since you do not have that much space to work with, use keywords when writing the headline for the postcard. Use words and phrases like relax, refresh, rejuvenate, clear your mind, or pamper your body on the headline. Include high-definition photos of women or couples enjoying a luxurious massage. Make sure that your contact information is accurate and up to date to make it easy for clients to book your services. At the back of the postcard, you can include a promo code to increase the response rate to your postcard mailers campaign.

If you need a slew of new clients or you want old clients to come back for a luxurious, pampering massage session, remind them of the availability of your services with the help of marketing postcards.

Send and Use EDDM Postcards as Calendar Gifts to Customers

Nobody says no to gifts, and if you would like to spread the word about your business while rewarding your customers at the same time, why not send them calendar eddm postcards? EDDM is Every Door Direct Mail, a service provided by the USPS for entrepreneurs. The idea is for the USPS to work in partnership with print shops and business owners so that promotional postcards can be sent to every door. If you have a small accounting firm, for example, you can send out postcards to every door within a zip code or an individual mailing carrier. With EDDM, you don’t have to put together a collection of mailing addresses for direct mail – the USPS and the print shop does all the work for you. 

EDDM Postcards as Calendars

Now, if you would like to use eddm postcard printing and send out the postcards as calendar gifts to customers, the process is quite easy. Here are a few good-to-know things about using calendar postcards for your print marketing campaign: 

  • Why use postcards as calendar gifts to clients and customers? 

It is nearing the holidays and one of the best corporate gifts that you can give to clients; prospective and existing customers; suppliers; and all your other business contacts are postcard calendars. Why? Mainly because they are cheap to produce. You can have one or two thousand cards made and mailed out to your chosen address without spending too much. The more pieces you order, the lower the per unit price gets – making it ideal for businesses with a general clientele. 

  • Should I print on one side only, or two sides? 

To boost the positive results of your EDDM marketing, use both sides of the postcard for printing. You can use one side for the calendar itself – including your logo prominently. For the second side, you can print information about your business, maybe a promo code that they can use for the holidays, and any other pertinent information that you would like to include. 

  • How do I look for the best print shop to partner with for my EDDM mailing campaign?

Do your research when looking for a print shop to work with. Check if they have experience in EDDM mailing campaigns. Also determine their turnaround time, the price of the printing package, any other freebies or inclusions, and the quality of customer support provided. 

More than the low price, it is the fact that your business name and logo are kept in the minds of your customers year-round which makes investing in EDDM postcards well worth it.

Offering Tutorial Services? Top Tips for EDDM Postcards Marketing

Are you in the business of educating students? If yes, you might be offering back-to-school tutoring services. This is the perfect business for a group of teachers or individual educators who would like to earn some extra money while helping struggling students at the same time. You’d want your tutoring services to be fun, educational, judgement-free, and helpful to students – so you need to communicate such a message when creating advertising postcards. Here, we will look at how Every Door Direct Mail or eddm mailing can help you connect with parents and students who might require tutoring services. 

Tips for EDDM Postcards Marketing if You Have a Tutoring Business 

First, how does EDDM marketing work? Unlike direct mail where you need to collect your own mailing list to send postcards for advertising, EDDM has no such requirement. It is a service offered by the United States Postal Service which aims to help entrepreneurs in marketing their services. Only postcards are allowed to be sent here, and there are EDDM mailing postcard sizes which are acceptable. Anything larger or smaller than what’s on the USPS list will not be accepted. 

Basically, the USPS works in partnership with local print shops so that business owners can send their marketing postcards to every door within an address. If you have an upcoming restaurant opening, for example, you can use EDDM mailing to send one postcard to every door within the same zip code as your establishment. Instead of putting together your own mailing list, you simply need to specify which zip code or mailing route you would like to send the postcards to. 

If you have a more targeted niche like tutoring services, you can narrow down the mailing list by demographic. Check the USPS website and see which addresses you can send the postcards to based on average household income, or the households which have school age kids. This type of marketing is more targeted, you don’t have to spend money on sending postcards to households where there are no kids, it is quite cheap, and very convenient. 

While designing the tutoring postcards, check if the eddm postcard sizes that you are planning to use are acceptable. Do your research on the printing method and materials used by the print shop. Ask about their turnaround time and check for good customer feedback online. 

With EDDM postcards marketing, you can let as many parents and students know about your tutoring services, so your inquiries and enrolees will hopefully increase in a short span of time. 

5 x 7 Postcard Printing for Realtors

Are you a real estate agent looking for a way to advertise your services? Whether you’re a veteran in the industry or just starting out, you would need printed marketing materials like business cards and postcards to tell people about your services. The good news is that 5 x 7 postcard printing and business cards printing are quite affordable. You just need to look for the right printing partner so that you can get started in spreading the word about your realtor services. 

How Do I Look for Cheap Printing Services? 

Whether it’s print only, direct mail, or Every Door Direct Mail printing services that you are looking for, you need to do your research so that you can find affordable packages which are still high-quality and effective. Here are a few tips on how you can look for cheap but quality prints: 

  • Compare the packages offered by different printing companies. If you need 5” x 7” postcards and a set of business cards, for example, what is the price per piece if you will order 250 pieces? A good rule of thumb to remember is that the more pieces you order, the lower the per unit price is. This is because for offset printing, it’s only the initial setup that is costly. Once the design is setup on the printing press, it only takes a short time for the machines to produce hundreds of copies. 
  • Familiarize yourself with the materials used. Ask the print shop about your options for paper stock, thickness, and finish. How about the sizes? If there’s only a small difference between a 4” x 6” and a 4” x 9” postcard, for example, go for the bigger size so that you can impress your customers. 
  • Always ask the print shop about any special offers that they may have including free color, free two-sided printing, 24-hour offset printing, etc. 

After choosing the print shop, you need to work on effective distribution. For something like EDDM mailing, you can narrow down the list of postcard recipients to homeowners or renters; or you can send mailers based on household size or average income. You can also bring a stack of postcards with you during public events like fairs, seminars, trade shows, conferences, or real estate events. By letting people know about the realtor services that you offer, you can increase your leads and flourish as a real estate agent.

How to Target the Right Customers through EDDM Postcard Printing

When you’re playing darts, if you are at a shooting range, or if you are into archery, your goal is to hit the target. You may be off by a few millimetres or centimetres, but as long as you are hitting close to your goal, then you would be satisfied with your performance. The same thing is true when it comes to print marketing campaigns, specifically eddm mailing. For Every Door Direct Mail, your promotional postcards can be sent to every door within a zip code, for example. But if you are making products for kids, how can you make sure that you are not unnecessarily sending postcards to households who are not your target market? The key is in choosing which addresses to send your marketing materials to. If it’s children’s products that you are selling, you can narrow down the mailing list only to households with kids. Learn more about this in the next section. 

Ways to Target the Right Customers through Postcard Marketing

Unlike direct mail where you need to put together your own mailing list, EDDM mailing is when print shops work with the USPS to bring your postcards to a specific group of addresses. Here are the ways for you to target the right customers through eddm postcard printing:

  • Know who your target market is in the first place. 

Are you offering landscaping or lawn care services? If yes, then you can send promotional postcards to every household within a five-mile radius of your office. This is because you are offering a service that anybody can use. 

  • Do not send postcards to every household in a zip code if you have a niche market.

Now, if you have a niche market, you will just be wasting money by sending postcards to every household within a zip code. The good news is that you can narrow down your mailing list based on different categories. You can send mailers according to:

  1. Average household income
  2. Average household size
  3. Households with family members of a certain age bracket (elderly, kids, women, etc.)
  4. Renters or homeowners

By knowing where exactly to send your postcard mailers, you can save money on unnecessary postage. Not only that, but you will also get great response because these folks are the ones who are interested in buying your products or services. With an enticing tagline, call-to-action, and promo code, you are bound to see results from your postcards mailing campaign shortly. 

Details to Iron Out for Every Door Direct Mail Postcard Printing

One of the cheapest yet most effective ways to market your business is through postcard printing. Whether you’re offering a unique line of products or a service that people use everyday, you can let customers know what your business is all about through postcards. These come in more than a dozen different sizes. They can be designed to match the rest of the print marketing materials that you have for consistent branding. You also have the option to mail them out directly if you have your own mailing list, or use something like eddm mailing or Every Door Direct Mailing services. For this, the print shop will work with the USPS to distribute your postcards to every mailbox. 

Iron Out these Details for EDDM Postcards Marketing

Unlike direct mail where you have to put together your own mailing list, eddm mailing allows you to enjoy the convenience offered by the USPS. Not only will you get great marketing results, but you do not have to go through the rigors of the manual collection of the mailing list or filing the paperwork. The print shop offering eddm postcard printing does it all for you at a minimal price. 

Here are the details to iron out for EDDM postcards marketing: 

  • Which print shop to order from 

There are only ten postcard sizes which are eligible for EDDM mailing – a print shop that specializes in EDDM marketing knows this. Choose between offset or digital printing, and make sure that they have been making EDDM postcards for a long time so they’re already familiar with the process. 

  • The design and copy of the postcards

As much as possible, use colors which are also present in your company logo to create a cohesive look. The copy should be short but impactful, and there should be a call-to-action as well as a promo code. 

  • The material to use for the postcards

After deciding on the size of the postcard, choose the paper thickness and finish that you want. 

  • The address group to send the EDDM postcards

Lastly, where do you want to send the postcards? You can choose to mail to every door in a zip code or you can narrow down the list based on household size, mail carrier route, income bracket, age bracket, and other demographic. Then, the print shop will take care of bundling the postcards for you, completing the USPS paperwork, and delivering the postcards to the local post office for individual mailbox distribution. 

Launching a Direct Mail Campaign? What You Must Know about the Costs

Online printing serviceIf you’re thinking about using a direct mail service to send out postcards to your existing or potential customers, you must be aware of all the costs involved. Why would you want to use direct mailing service in the first place? If you are newly launching a business, for example, you may not necessarily have a mailing list so that you can introduce your brand to your target market. For this, you can use EDDM or Every Door Direct Mail marketing. Depending on your location, you can send out postcards to every address within the vicinity. Using the postcard, you can introduce your brand and maybe even include a discount code that they can use when purchasing your product or service. With very little effort on your part, you can use postcards and direct mail services to introduce your brand to potential customers.

With this type of marketing, remember that there are still hidden costs involved so make sure that you are aware of them. Cost-wise, here are the things that you need to know about direct
mailing service:

– Consider the costs of printing out the postcards. There are offset or digital printing companies which can also offer you direct mail services.  Are they in partnership with the United States Postal Service or another courier company? If yes, can they offer you a discounted package for printing the postcards and the direct mail service?

– If you already have a preferred printing company, you can get a separate prospect lists provider. These usually small businesses utilize analytics to identify which customers are the best fit for your products or services. They will then generate a list that you can use for your direct mail campaign.

– If your printing company does not offer direct mail services, check with the USPS if they can offer you discounted rates for sending out mail in bulk. Also ask about other features like tracking the progress of the mail, and the estimated delivery time. – If your printing company does not offer direct mail services, check with the USPS if they can offer you discounted rates for sending out mail in bulk. Also ask about other features like tracking the progress of the mail, and the estimated delivery time.

Another thing to remember when printing out postcards and using them for direct mailing service is that there are postal companies that have certain restrictions. You might be tempted to send out jumbo postcards to grab the attention of a customer – but if you end up paying more for the mailing service, then it might be a better idea to stick with the standard sizes and just focus on content.

By doing your research, you can launch a successful direct mail marketing campaign using postcards, without being surprised by hidden costs.