What are Silk Laminated Business Cards?

Silk laminated business cards, oh my! These are not your average, run-of-the-mill business cards. No, sir! These are the Rolls-Royce of business cards, the crème de la crème, if you will. Imagine you’re at a networking event, you reach into your pocket, and pull out a business card so smooth and glossy, it makes even the Mona Lisa look a little dull.

Now, you might be wondering, “What makes these silk business cards so special?” Well, I’m glad you asked. Here’s what these luxurious little rectangles have to offer:

  1. They are coated with a silky smooth finish, hence the name, which not only feels great but also makes them more durable.
  2. They are tear and water-resistant (because who hasn’t spilt their morning coffee over important contacts, am I right?).
  3. They have a thickness that adds to their premium feel (no flimsy paper that can be crumpled easily!).

So next time you’re out there, trying to make an impression, remember – nothing says “I mean business” like a silk laminated business card! Print silk business cards with BlockbusterPrint.com

Author: BlockbusterPrint.com

High quality online printing servicing businesses large and small at the fastest production and delivery speed in the industry all while providing the lowest prices. From postcard mail marketing that helps expand a business's clientele to in office printed products for day-to-day business operations. Are your full service one stop shop for anything print.