Direct Mail Marketing : Does it work and is it worth trying?

Did you know Google is America’s BIGGEST direct mail marketing customer? Would you believe that? A digital marketing firm being the biggest client in print marketing for USPS. Now that’s something for you to wrap your head around.

direct mail marketing company

Contrary to the rumors you might have heard, direct mailers are not the dodo bird of the advertising world, destined for extinction. Far from it! In fact, it’s a bit more like a phoenix, continually reborn from the ashes of its own shredded junk mail. And believe it or not, there are enough statistics to back this up that you’d think we were running a census on postcards. So, let’s dive in and explore whether direct mail marketing really works, shall we?

Send It And They Will Come

First off, let’s chat about response rates. Would you believe that the response rate for direct mail is actually 4.4%? That’s right. It’s not 0.004%. It’s a whopping 4.4%! Now, I know what you’re thinking – those numbers are so big they practically need their own zip code. But wait, it gets better.

Size Matters, But So Does The Mailbox

Now, I know in the world of advertising, size often matters. But here’s a fun fact for you – oversized envelopes have a response rate as high as 5%! Sounds unbelievable, right? But it’s the absolute truth.

  • Tip 1: Suppose you’re planning to send mail, consider giving it a little extra size – think junk mail meets the jolly green giant.
  • Tip 2: The bigger your mail, the bigger the chance it won’t get lost among the bills and letters. It’s all about standing out, people!
USPS direct mail marketing

What About The Digital Realm?

Alright, let’s talk about the elephant in the room – or should I say the email in the inbox? You might think email would have direct mail beat, right? Wrong! Direct mail actually outperforms digital by a landslide. The response rate for email is only 0.12%. Yes, you read that right. It’s not 12%. It’s 0.12%! That’s less than the amount of sugar in your diet soda!

  • Tip 3: If you want to win the response rate game, stick with direct mail.
  • Tip 4: Though digital may be quicker and cheaper, it can’t compete with the response rates of good old-fashioned mail.

Making it Personal

Another fascinating aspect? Personalization increases the response rate even more. According to statistics, personalized color direct mail pulls a 6.6% response rate. That’s higher than your chances of finding a four-leaf clover!

  • Tip 5: Don’t underestimate the power of a personal touch. It could make all the difference in your direct mail campaign.

The Young and the Direct Mailed

What about age, you ask? Well, here’s a shocker: 18-34-year-olds are more likely to read and respond to direct mail. I guess the novelty of getting a physical piece of mail in a digital world is like finding a Charizard in a deck of Pokémon cards.

  • Tip 6: Don’t assume direct mail is only for the older generation. The youngsters love it too!
direct mail marketing service

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, direct mail is alive and kicking, my friends. It’s not just surviving; it’s thriving, outperforming its digital counterparts and packing a punch that could rival a heavyweight champ. So, the next time you hear someone say that direct mail is dead, you have my permission to laugh heartily and tell them they’re living in the past. Because the future, my friends, is in your mailbox.

  • Tip 7: Embrace the power of direct mail. It’s got the statistics to back it up.
  • Tip 8: Remember, bigger is often better when it comes to mail.
  • Tip 9: Make it personal and colorful. It could just increase your response rate.
  • Tip 10: Don’t forget the younger generation. They’re more likely to respond to direct mail than you’d think.

And there you have it – the truth about direct mail marketing in a neat, ten-bullet-point package. So, the next time you’re planning a marketing campaign, remember: direct mail isn’t just surviving – it’s thriving. Reach out to for help on your direct mail marketing campaign!


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