Postcard Printing Musts for Photographers

Despite the fact that a lot of people have mobile phone cameras with amazing resolution, the skills of professional photographers are still unmatched. Those who are getting married, having a big birthday bash, or people who simply want professional-looking portraits or family photos are the prospective clients of photographers. If you are one, how can you promote your services? Thankfully, you don’t have to spend much because you can rely on postcard printing to do the marketing for you. When paired with establishing your presence on popular social media sites, a combination of online and offline marketing is the key to making your presence felt and your brand known as a photographer.

Must Do when Printing Postcards as a Photographer

The first thing that you need to do if you want to use postcards marketing to promote your services is to look for an online printing shop. There are digital and offset printing methods available. Do your research and ask about the printing package, the materials, the sizes available, and the turnaround time. 

Next, here are a few things that you must do when designing postcards that will be used to market your services as a photographer:

  • Use stunning photographs. 

Think of your postcards as a sampler of your talent as a photographer. You are basically applying for a job when you send out these postcards – you want people to hire you for their events and photo sessions. Once they look at the postcards that you will send, will they like your style? Depending on the size of your postcards, you can include two or more photos that showcase your style in taking pictures. 

  • Highlight your specialization in taking photos. 

Are you a wedding photographer? Do you like taking portraits of kids or families? There are even those who specialize in pet photography. When choosing which photos to include in your postcard, make sure to highlight your specialization. 

  • Offer seasonal discounts. 

Finally, offer seasonal discounts so that more people will book your services. For example, include a code for 10% off a professional shoot for a family for the fall season. Those who would like to include family portraits in a Christmas card can get 5% off if they book your services early. Be creative in thinking of discounts to offer and include them in your postcard design. 

With these tips, you can maximize the earning potential of your photography business simply by using inexpensive, yet effective marketing postcards. 

Postcard Printing for Tailors and Seamstresses

Not a lot of people know about tailors and seamstresses. With the popularity of ready-to-wear clothes, these professionals in alterations and making clothes may not necessarily have a booming business. This means that if you are in the alterations business, you need to exert some extra effort into advertising your work. So what can you do? First, establish your presence in the most popular social media websites. Create official accounts in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Engage your customers here then ‘talk’ to the part of your target market who are not online through postcard printing

Postcards are cheap yet effective. When you send out these mailers to every door within your zip code, for example, you can reach the part of the market who may or may not be online, but has a high possibility of requiring your services. Everyone can have a pair of pants that need alteration, or maybe a dress that requires a few minor adjustments to have a perfect fit. With postcards, you can advertise the fact that there is a professional that they can hire for such tasks, so go ahead and have those postcards made.

Things to Remember for Postcards Printing

To get you started, here are a few things to remember about postcards printing:

  • Do your research when looking for an online printing company to order postcards from. 

You can go for either a digital print shop, or one that uses offset printing with huge printing presses. The latter is suitable for big print jobs because once set up, the machines can easily print hundreds of copies in a matter of minutes. For smaller volume requirements, digital should be suitable. Some print shops offer both. Aside from the printing process, also ask about the turnaround time, quality of customer support, and the rates for postcard printing packages. 

  • Pay close attention to the design and the material used. 

You want to make a great first impression when sending postcards, so pay close attention to the design and the material used. Postcard sizes range from 4” x 6” to 9” x 12” while for the paper type, there’s silk-laminated, premium, or basic. For the paper finish, you can go with either matte or glossy. Make your decisions for these aspects based on your postcard design, and the image that you’d like to have as a brand.

  • Send postcards regularly. 

Finally, do send out postcards regularly. After introducing yourself through postcard marketing, you can again send postcards during the holiday season, on a customer’s birthday if you have that information, and when you have any type of promotion to offer customers. 

For tailors, seamstresses, and alteration specialists, postcards are the perfect advertising material to make people aware of your skilled services. 

EDDM Postcard Printing for Auto Dealerships

You’re fairly new in the neighborhood and you put up an auto dealership business. You want to tell people about the automotive products and services that you are offering, but you’re clueless on how to get started. A good starting point is to establish your online presence. Creating accounts in the most popular social media sites is free, and you can start engaging prospective clients there. Once that’s all done, post quality content to continue engaging your customers. But how else can you spread the word about your business, especially for clients who are not always online? This is where eddm mailing comes in. With EDDM or Every Door Direct Mail, your marketing postcards can be sent to every door within a specific zip code or mail carrier route. For just a few cents of postage fee per card, you can spread awareness about your brand. 

Ways that Auto Dealerships Can Use Postcards 

All you need to do to print eddm postcards is to find an online print shop that offers such a service. You need to make sure that they specialize in EDDM because the print shop will work with the USPS to deliver your postcards to every mailbox in a mail carrier route. After printing the cards, they will even bundle it for you, complete the USPS requirements, and bring the postcards to the local post office for individual mailbox distribution. 

Next, here are the different ways that auto dealerships can use postcards: 

  • To create brand awareness

If you are just starting out with your postcard advertising campaign, you need to create brand awareness first. Mail out postcards that introduces your auto dealership, then include a list of the products and auto services that you offer. 

  • To announce special offers 

You can also use postcards to announce sales incentives, discounted promos for services, and any other special offers. Do this regularly to make customers feel that you care about them getting the best bang for their buck. 

  • To send out service department reminders

If you know that a customer’s car requires servicing, send postcards as reminders – preferably a week or two before the actual date. 

  • To thank customers for their loyalty

Lastly, regular mailing is the key for a successful postcard campaign. Thank customers for their loyalty using thank you postcards, and include a discount code for good measure. By using eddm mailing services and a regular postcard mailing campaign, you can boost awareness about your auto dealership, taking your sales along with it. 

Rack Cards Printing: How to Grab a Reader’s Attention

One of the biggest challenges of rack cards printing is grabbing a reader’s attention. As you may already know, rack cards are handy promotional cards measuring 3.5” x 8.5” or 4” x 9”. They are displayed on brochure or rack stands, thus the name, and the idea is for people passing by to grab one to read and take home. Whether you are promoting a new business, a product, or a service, these rack cards make for an excellent print material to create awareness about your brand. 

Grab a Reader’s Attention when Creating Rack Cards

Since your goal is to have someone passing by get one of your rack cards from the display stand, how can you grab a reader’s attention? Here are a few ideas when designing your rack cards:

  • Use catchy headlines. 

If you’re running a bed-and-breakfast and you want to promote your rooms, how about a headline that says “Get the sleep you deserve”? If you’re offering pumpkin picking activities in your farm, something as simple as “Go pumpkin picking with the whole family this Halloween!” is enough to grab a reader’s attention. If they are interested with the activity, event, product, or service, they will surely pick up the rack card and bring it home to use for researching more information. 

  • Include high-definition images, illustrations, or photos.

A pumpkin picking event rack card will not be complete without a high-definition photo of a family or kids having fun in a pumpkin patch. Make sure that the photos are professionally shot and high-definition to really impress a reader. For this, the quality of print should be equally impressive so go for offset printing rather than digital. Also make sure that the paper stock and finish are suitable for the overall design of the rack card when you order from an online printing company.

  • Include a call-to-action or QR code at the back. 

When you print rack cards, always include a call-to-action urging the reader to call a number or visit a website. A QR code which leads to your website or social media pages is also helpful. Better yet, include a promo code which they can claim within a certain number of days so that you can get quicker, better response for your advertising campaign.

By grabbing a reader’s attention using these techniques, you can use a rack card to boost your sales and enhance your brand.

Maximize Your Earning Potential with Print To-Go Menus

If you are in the food business, you need to ramp up your advertising campaign to let more people know about your brand. Whether you are planning a soft opening or if you have been operating for quite a long time, you should already have a pretty solid online advertising campaign. For this, you just need to establish a presence in the popular social media sites and have a website that people can visit to know more about your food business. It’s important to combine an online campaign with an offline advertising medium, which is where print to-go menus come in. Dine-in and takeout menus are the heart and soul of restaurants because these are the first things that hungry diners look at once they walk into your establishment. Whether it’s a food truck, a casual diner, or a formal sit-down restaurant, it is important to invest in good quality menus. 

Tips to Boost Your Profit Using Print To-go Menus

Now, let us take a closer look at print to-go menus in particular. People want to enjoy the convenience of ordering takeout food so they don’t have to slave away in the kitchen while still enjoying restaurant-quality food. To make the most out of your to-go menus printing, check out these tips: 

  • Make sure that your delivery fee is affordable.

Takeout menus contain the items from your restaurant that can be ordered for takeout or delivery. For the delivery option, make sure that the fee is affordable. Offer free delivery for those who are living near your restaurant, while highlight the fact that only a minimal delivery fee is charged to those who are living outside your usual delivery area. 

  • Offer discounts for specific groups. 

You want as many people as possible to order takeout or delivery, so offer discounts for specific groups. For instance, if you have a pizzeria near a college or university, offer student discounts. For customers dining in who would like to order additional food items for takeout, offer discounts for certain items on the menu. You can also offer discounts for kids, or individuals ordering takeout on their birthday week. Be creative in thinking of discounts to offer so that you can entice more customers to order from you. 

Go online and look for print shops that offer takeout menu printing packages. Compare the fees, turnaround time, and the quality of materials used – then make an informed decision from there. 

  • Distribute your to-go menus strategically.

Finally, distribute your takeout menus strategically. Aside from giving them away in areas where there is high foot traffic, you can include one in each takeaway order, delivery receipt, supplier receipts, or simply place a stack of menus outside your restaurant and by the cashier. If people are hungry, they would order from restaurants that they have menus of – so the more copies you distribute, the higher the repeat orders will be. 

Follow these tips to maximize your restaurant’s earning potential with to-go menus.

5 x 7 Postcard Printing for Advertising Companies

If you’re in the advertising business, how can you promote your own brand? How do you advertise the fact that you are in the business of advertising? It has to be a combination of digital and print marketing. Naturally, you need to establish an online presence so that other business owners would know about your services. Create official pages on popular social media websites, make sure that your website is user-friendly, and interact with your audience regularly by regularly posting good quality content. When you match this with something like 5 x 7 postcard printing, you can let people know about your advertising services. 

Looking for the Best Online Printing Company? Here’s How 

What’s good about postcard printing is that it is cheap yet you can have great quality postcards despite the affordable price – you just need to know where to look. Here are a few tips on how to look for the best online printing company: 

  • Compare different postcard printing packages. 

Some print shops offer digital only, offset only, while others offer both types of printing processes. Digital utilizes desktop printers and is suitable for small print jobs. Offset printing uses state-of-the-art printing presses, and once set up, can print hundreds of copies in a matter of minutes. For offset printing, the more copies you order, the lower the per piece price gets. Consider this when choosing which postcard printing package to get. Also check on the quality of customer service offered, the turnaround time, and the materials used. 

  • Decide on the size of the postcards that you will use. 

Some of the most popular sizes when you print postcards are: 
– 4.25” x 11”, favored by big corporations
– 4” x 6”, frequently used in door-to-door mailing campaigns
– 5” x 7”, the size of a greeting card
– 5.5” x 8.5”, which measures half of a computer paper
– 6.5” x 9”, popular for small businesses
– 6” x 11”, used in most mailing campaigns

For the finish, you can choose matte or gloss while the paper stock is either 16-pt. or 17-pt. 

  • Know where the key distribution points are. 

If you will take advantage of EDDM or Every Door Direct Mail, the print shop will work with the USPS to send your mailers to every door in a specific zip code or mail carrier route. Since you’re an advertising company, you can narrow down the recipients to only the business addresses in your area. 

You may be an advertising company but you still need help in advertising your own brand, so that you can have clients to help in promoting their products or services. With the help of postcards, you can spread awareness about your advertising services, and hopefully gain more clients. 

Rack Cards Printing for Travel Companies

Rack cards printing is the perfect advertising technique for those in the travel industry. Whether you are offering travel insurance, booking services, travel management, or consultation services, rack cards and cheap business cards can be part of your marketing arsenal. Business cards can be given away to prospective clients, suppliers, and other business contacts. Rack cards, on the other hand, can be displayed in high-traffic areas for people to pick up and bring home once they read the information. 

Simplifying the Process of Ordering Rack Cards 

If you are in the travel industry, your rack cards should look enticing – and make people want to book flights immediately. The photos should look postcard-perfect, while the copy should be short but enticing. Here is a look at a simplified process of ordering rack cards, which every travel business owner must do: 

There are digital or offset printing shops from where you can order rack cards. Digital printers use desktop printers and are suitable for small batches. If you will order a thousand copies or more, offset might be the way to go because it is faster and can handle printing hundreds of copies in a short span of time. Aside from the printing process used, also ask about the package price, the turnaround time, and research for feedback about the quality of customer service they provide.

  • Decide on the size and material that you will use for the rack cards. 

Rack cards are displayed on brochure stands so the size is pretty standard: 4” x 9” or the smaller 3.5” x 8.5”. For the material, thick cardboard stock is used like 16-pt. or 17-pt. paper. For the finish, choose between ultra smooth matte or ultra smooth gloss. 

  • Think of strategic distribution points. 

Lastly, think about where you would like to display the rack cards. Famous local landmarks are an obvious choice. Since you’re a travel company, this is where a lot of tourists will come and they are already a targeted audience so you are bound to have great response. You can also ask local business owners if they can display your travel rack cards on their place of business. These could be non-competing establishments such as gasoline stations, hotels, motels, theme parks, clinics, retail stores, and similar businesses. 

By using rack cards to advertise your travel company, you can entice people to go out and explore the world again. 

Let Guests Know about Your Hotel Business with Rack Cards

Almost all businesses are getting back on track after the pandemic, and the hotel industry is no exception. If you are in the hotel business, you need to ramp up your advertising to attract more guests so that you can give your profits a boost. If you already have social media presence, pair it with printed advertising materials for good measure. Read on to find out how you can use rack cards printing for promoting your hotel business. 

A Multitude of Options for Designing Hotel Rack Cards

Rack cards measure either 3.5” x 8.9” or 4” x 9”. They are made of thick cardboard with either a matte or a gloss finish, and are designed to be displayed on rack or brochure stands. The idea is for people to get one when they pass by, so that they can bring home the business’ information with them to use for future reference.

For hotels, rack cards have a multitude of uses including these:

  • Do Not Disturb

You can use the rack card as a Do Not Disturb sign that can be hung by the guests on the doorknob of their rooms. For this, make sure that the design reflects your business logo so use the same color palette. Also, do not include too much text or information on the front side. The back side, you can use to include your hotel’s contact information. 

  • Please Service My Room 

Right below the Please Service My Room line, you can add a checkbox for “I need fresh towels and linens”. This can also be hung on the doorknob for your guests to use. 

  • Our Hotel Menu

For your guests’ convenience, you can print rack cards and use them as menus. You can trim the items to ones which are highly profitable and easy to prepare so they don’t have to wait long. 

  • Our Accommodation Rates

Finally, use rack cards to include your hotel’s general information. The location, accommodation rates, map, contact number, email address, and promo code, if any, can be included here. 

As you can see, rack cards are super useful in the hotel industry. Contact an online printing serviceprovider now to have these printed out to be distributed and used by your guests. 

Offering Tutorial Services? Top Tips for EDDM Postcards Marketing

Are you in the business of educating students? If yes, you might be offering back-to-school tutoring services. This is the perfect business for a group of teachers or individual educators who would like to earn some extra money while helping struggling students at the same time. You’d want your tutoring services to be fun, educational, judgement-free, and helpful to students – so you need to communicate such a message when creating advertising postcards. Here, we will look at how Every Door Direct Mail or eddm mailing can help you connect with parents and students who might require tutoring services. 

Tips for EDDM Postcards Marketing if You Have a Tutoring Business 

First, how does EDDM marketing work? Unlike direct mail where you need to collect your own mailing list to send postcards for advertising, EDDM has no such requirement. It is a service offered by the United States Postal Service which aims to help entrepreneurs in marketing their services. Only postcards are allowed to be sent here, and there are EDDM mailing postcard sizes which are acceptable. Anything larger or smaller than what’s on the USPS list will not be accepted. 

Basically, the USPS works in partnership with local print shops so that business owners can send their marketing postcards to every door within an address. If you have an upcoming restaurant opening, for example, you can use EDDM mailing to send one postcard to every door within the same zip code as your establishment. Instead of putting together your own mailing list, you simply need to specify which zip code or mailing route you would like to send the postcards to. 

If you have a more targeted niche like tutoring services, you can narrow down the mailing list by demographic. Check the USPS website and see which addresses you can send the postcards to based on average household income, or the households which have school age kids. This type of marketing is more targeted, you don’t have to spend money on sending postcards to households where there are no kids, it is quite cheap, and very convenient. 

While designing the tutoring postcards, check if the eddm postcard sizes that you are planning to use are acceptable. Do your research on the printing method and materials used by the print shop. Ask about their turnaround time and check for good customer feedback online. 

With EDDM postcards marketing, you can let as many parents and students know about your tutoring services, so your inquiries and enrolees will hopefully increase in a short span of time. 

Secure the Future of Your Business with Letterhead Printing

One of the many industries that you can have a business in is security. These are examples of some branches in this industry:
– Health insurance
– Medical insurance
– Life insurance 
– Car insurance 
– Home insurance 
– Insurance consulting
– Home security systems 

If you have any of these businesses, you need to invest in business cards and letterhead printing to let people know about the services or products that you are offering. When paired with establishing an online presence, you can use printed marketing materials to spread the word about your brand. 

Need-to-Know about Letterheads for Security Companies 

Here are a few things that you need to know when creating letterheads for security companies:

Take your pick from digital or offset printing companies. Some print shops have both, and will use the method that best suits the volume of prints that you will order. Do your research and check on their turnaround time, the prices, the quality of customer support offered, and if there are any promotional discounts available. 

  • Make the letterhead part of a complete print marketing material campaign. 

Letterheads should be part of a complete set of printed marketing materials including envelopes, stationery, business cards, postcards, flyers, and brochures. Be consistent when designing these so that you can have a consistent look for your brand. 

  • Leave a lasting impression by choosing the right material for the letterhead. 

For the sizes, you can choose from standard-sized letterheads, legal-sized letterheads, or tabloid-sized letterheads. For the material, textured white linen or smooth standard white are your options. You can also opt for blank extra sheets to match the letterhead, or have them folded for better handling. 

Letterheads can be used for office memos, price quotations, insurance plan invoices, letters to customers or suppliers, and any other transactions that require printing. With letterheads, you can make all your transactions look official while enhancing the branding of your security business at the same time.