Rack Cards Printing for Travel Companies

Rack cards printing is the perfect advertising technique for those in the travel industry. Whether you are offering travel insurance, booking services, travel management, or consultation services, rack cards and cheap business cards can be part of your marketing arsenal. Business cards can be given away to prospective clients, suppliers, and other business contacts. Rack cards, on the other hand, can be displayed in high-traffic areas for people to pick up and bring home once they read the information. 

Simplifying the Process of Ordering Rack Cards 

If you are in the travel industry, your rack cards should look enticing – and make people want to book flights immediately. The photos should look postcard-perfect, while the copy should be short but enticing. Here is a look at a simplified process of ordering rack cards, which every travel business owner must do: 

There are digital or offset printing shops from where you can order rack cards. Digital printers use desktop printers and are suitable for small batches. If you will order a thousand copies or more, offset might be the way to go because it is faster and can handle printing hundreds of copies in a short span of time. Aside from the printing process used, also ask about the package price, the turnaround time, and research for feedback about the quality of customer service they provide.

  • Decide on the size and material that you will use for the rack cards. 

Rack cards are displayed on brochure stands so the size is pretty standard: 4” x 9” or the smaller 3.5” x 8.5”. For the material, thick cardboard stock is used like 16-pt. or 17-pt. paper. For the finish, choose between ultra smooth matte or ultra smooth gloss. 

  • Think of strategic distribution points. 

Lastly, think about where you would like to display the rack cards. Famous local landmarks are an obvious choice. Since you’re a travel company, this is where a lot of tourists will come and they are already a targeted audience so you are bound to have great response. You can also ask local business owners if they can display your travel rack cards on their place of business. These could be non-competing establishments such as gasoline stations, hotels, motels, theme parks, clinics, retail stores, and similar businesses. 

By using rack cards to advertise your travel company, you can entice people to go out and explore the world again. 

Stand Out from the Crowd with these Rack Cards Design Ideas

Similar to postcards, business cards, envelopes, and letterheads, rack cards printing should be part of every business owner’s print promotional campaign. The good news is that there are many online printing services which are now offering cheap business cards or rack cards printing packages – at an affordable price without compromising the quality. Rack cards are slim cards used to advertise products, services, or events. They are designed to be displayed in what are called rack or brochure stands. When people pass by, they can pick one up to read and take home.

Creatively Design Your Rack Cards

After looking for a print shop to order your rack cards from, the next and most important thing to think about is the design. The response to your advertising message will depend on how well-designed your rack cards are. Here are a few ways for you to creatively design your rack cards:

  • The upper portion of the card should include the most important information. 

Rack card displays or holders have full back, with a shorter front so the upper portion of your card is what will be seen by the reader. This means that they should be able to read your message even before they pick up the card from the holder. Make sure that there is a catchy tagline, and your business name and information should be placed prominently on top of the card. 

  • Use colors which are the same as your business logo. 

To make your branding consistent, use colors which are the same as your business logo. If you have a black-and-white logo, for instance, use the same color scheme in designing your rack cards. Mix it with something bold for contrast and to attract the eyes instantly. 

  • Highlight the benefits. 

With a 4” x 9” or a 3.5” x 8.5” card, you have very limited space so you should highlight the benefits that a customer will get from buying your products or services. Use bulleted lists instead of chunks of text to make it easier to read.

  • Use the back page for your call-to-action. 

Finally, use the back of the page to include a call-to-action. You might want to include a QR code that leads to your website, or a promo code that they can use for discounts or freebies. 

Creative design and proper placement of accurate information are the keys to having a successful rack cards advertising campaign. 

On a Tight Budget? Inexpensive Business Cards to Choose from

You already have an eye-catching design and you only plan to order inexpensive business cards. But if you want to make a lasting first impression, you need to think about the base material as well. The overall look of your business card will be remembered by the recipient of the card, so you need to come up with a cost-effective option that still looks mighty impressive. So what are your options? The good news is that there are many inexpensive materials for business cards, as well as finishes that would not cost so much, but the end result would still look great.

Here are a few examples:

14-pt. Business Cards

There are printing companies that can create inexpensive business cards for you, without compromising on quality. 14-pt. card stock business cards have 43% the thickness of a credit card. In terms of finish, you can go for smooth matte, glossy, or silk spot UV. Smooth matte business cards are a simple but elegant option. If you want a bit of flare, choose glossy business cards – especially if your design has photos or illustrations on it. The application of gloss enhances the colors in a photograph. For designs where there is a stark color contrast, silk spot UV business cards are your best bet. For this, a flat gloss layer is added onto the logo or a name, to highlight that specific portion.

Cheap Business Cards with a Pearl Metallic Finish

Another elegant yet inexpensive option is pearl metallic business cards. These also use 14-pt. paper stock, while the base material is a metallic cotton blend. The resulting texture is that of a brilliant pearl color with a metallic sheen to it – similar to what is used in wedding invitations.

Even if you are on a tight budget, you do not have to end up handing out cheap-looking, cardboard-thin business cards. By choosing a suitable material, coming up with a striking design, and choosing a reliable printing company, you can have elegant-looking cards that will truly impress your business clients.

The Best Business Cards vs Cheap Business Cards- Does Quality Matter?

So you’re on the hunt for the best business card online? Lets give you some pointers just in case you don’t already know.

If you are looking for business cards that means you have a product or service to sell and if you have either one of these, then that means you are a business owner. 

Business owners are smart! Well… maybe just a small majority of them. There is a reason why 9 out of 10 small businesses fail. The reason for this is untruthfulness and the lack of respect for your customer or client.

Let’s explain what we mean by this:

As a business owner, it is a basic instinct (if not the core principle) to try and acquire the lowest cost good and sell it for as much as you can, right? After all you didn’t get into business to get things out for free and do charity work. Well when do you cross the invincible boundary of not having respect for the client and giving him or her below grade service or quality in order to benefit yourself and yourself only? Is it really bad to think in such away? Why yes, yes it is!

If you are a believer of you get what you give may be through the principles of business or karma or whatever religion you believe in from any part of the world you live in, there is the law of attraction which is very much real. The law of attraction says that what you do give or put out into the world you shall receive. I know a lot of us here reading this can agree with that.

So when do you start to tippytoe over onto the side of, “forget the customer let me benefit myself” and still stay profitable without potentially risking losing clients?

The moment you feel that what you are doing is lower grade than what you know you could and should be giving is when you can answer that question for yourself.

In today’s world the majority of people will not be confrontational when it comes to your service they will just move along and take whatever it was you want to give and they will explode on you you have the Internet may be social media or testimonial based online reviews. Human beings these days know the difference between quality and when they are not receiving perfect service. They wont hold signs up or yell on a megaphone at that very moment to let you know, so you may think that you can just get by with providing this lower grade service. In the long run it would have caught up to you. So while you may think that you are benefiting in the short term it will almost always make you lose greater in the long run.

The majority of profitable businesses rely on 63% repeat customers, and this is a fact you do not want to ignore or try to cheat.

Happy customer is a repeat customer!

Nine out of 10 small businesses that are new to the world do not have the experience or wisdom to understand these basic values that you must respect your customer or client and their intelligence. I know we all think that we are great in anything we do or believe in life but the fact is even a low income earnerMay possess the intelligence of someone making quarter million dollars a year at a fortune 500 company we just didn’t get the same break. This is why you should never try and treat your customers or doubt their intelligence and level of acceptance of what they may perceive as less than perfect.

So you as a business owner or employee of a company looking to order the best business cards online, yet still make sure they are cheap business cards in price, should take into account that your customers or clients are not as stupid as you might think they are, even though they may ask stupid questions!

You are judged on every little piece of your company that have to do with you. May it be your office furniture down to the clothes you wear or as a local business your interior Decour. You’re constantly being judged and the quality of your printed materials is truly the front lines to your business image.
The best business cards online do not have to be the most expensive but you certainly should not be looking for the cheapest business cards because as you know being a business owner yourself nothing cheap is of great value.

For the best business cards online with all visit blockbusterprint.com, the unicorn in high-quality and cheap, at the same time.