Takeout Menu Printing: Knowing Your Restaurant’s Target Market

When you’re in the restaurant business, there is a certain crowd that you will attract based on your dishes, the interiors, and the vibe of the place. You might have a crowd that is mostly young professionals, couples, workers, or families. But if you want to broaden the diners that your food establishment attracts, you may want to consider takeout menu printing. For this, you will print a takeout version of your restaurant menu. Instead of it being made of thick cardboard, it can be printed on thinner paper stock because the idea is for people to be able to take these home. 

Takeout menus can be distributed personally; included in delivery receipts and other paper transactions; included in takeaway orders; included in mailers; or you can simply display a stack of them right outside your restaurant. When people get one, they will have an idea about your menu items and the prices. When you include takeout menus in mailers, that is another form of print advertisement to make more people aware that your business exists. 

Determining Your Target Market

Next, how can you determine your target market if you would like to include takeout menu printing as part of your advertising materials? As mentioned earlier, the interiors and dishes that you offer are factors of the type of crowd that you will attract. But here are a few more details about your target market:

  • Those who will be tempted to take home one of your takeout menus are people who are looking for utmost convenience. Instead of slaving away for hours in the kitchen, they’d rather order takeout and still enjoy restaurant quality dishes.
  • Those who are always in a rush always look for convenience buys – starting from pre-assembled items for the home to takeout lunch or dinner. 

Convenience is the keyword here, so the items in your takeout menu should be high-profit items which are easy and quick to prepare. Once you have ordered takeout menus from the online printing services provider of your choice, distribute it accordingly and wait for your sales to be given a boost.

Brochure Printing for Photographers

Are you a photographer who is looking for a way to market your services? You might think that you already spent a lot of money on equipment and training, so why should you spend more on marketing? First, without a proper target market, who will book your photography services? You want people to think about your name whenever they need a professional photographer. Fortunately, brochure printing is quite cheap. You don’t have to spend a lot in order to have something that features your sample photographs and previous work. There are many online printing services that offer free color, two-sided, same-day offset printing services. Simply choose the size, paper type, folding option, and volume then place your order. 

Tips when Designing a Photographer’s Brochure

Next, if you want to use brochure printing as a way to market your photography services, here are a few designing tips to remember: 

  • Make an outline of the content. 

Depending on the size and folding type, you can have anywhere from four to twelve panels in a brochure. What do you plan to put on the first page or cover? The second page may contain an introduction of your photography services, then the succeeding pages can include your photo packages. Also include samples of your work, the photo should be compelling and give readers an idea about your photography style. The back pages or panels should contain your contact information, and maybe a QR code that leads to your online portfolio. 

  • Be creative when designing the brochure. 

If the holidays are approaching, you may want to have a Christmas-themed brochure. This gives your marketing material that extra appeal. Pay close attention to the colors, font, borders, layout, and overall design. 

  • Put a deadline on your call-to-action. 

Finally, to get great response to your marketing efforts, put a time-sensitive aspect to your call-to-action. For example, if they present the brochure to your photography studio within a week of receiving it, they are entitled to a thirty-minute professional photoshoot. If they use the promo code within a month, they can get 5% off your services. 

Brochures are an excellent way to present to a reader what you can do for them as a professional photographer, so have yours printed right now and distribute them wisely.

Postcard Printing for Artists

Artists contribute a lot to the local community and if you’re an independent artist with no connection to the big galleries, how can you promote your work? First, you can establish your online presence by creating official social media accounts. There are also websites where you can upload samples and sell legit prints of your work. Once you already have that digital presence,  postcard printing comes next. This is a form of print advertising where you can mail out postcards to a specific mailing list, or use the Every Door Direct Mail service offered by the USPS to send your postcards to a specific address group. Postcards are cheap to produce, easy to carry around, and can be sent to customers regularly. You simply need to look for online printing service providers who can do a good job of printing out your postcards for you. When choosing which color postcard printing service provider, make sure that they use state-of-the-art color matching technology for your postcards to stand out. 

When Can I Use Postcards to Market Myself?

Next, how can you use postcards to market yourself as an artist? Here are some instances when you should think about sending postcards to prospective clients:

  • When inviting people to gallery openings

If you already have a good collection of your artworks and you’re ready for a show, you might be ironing out the details of your exhibit. Or maybe you are participating in an art show featuring several artists. For you to promote your work specifically, you can send out postcards with the details about the show. Make sure to send out the postcards a month or two in advance to give people time to clear out their schedules and check out your work. 

  • When inviting people to book your services

If you’re an artist who commissions work, you can use postcards to invite people to book your services. If a business owner needs a mural painted, for instance, how can they get in touch with you without seeing samples of your work? You may want to create a postcard that showcases a sample of your art. At the back, you can include a QR code that leads to your online portfolio so that they can learn more about your style as an artist. 

  • When selling your work at local art shows

When joining local art shows, you need to have something handy to distribute to folks who are interested in your work. You can also mail out postcards beforehand so that art enthusiasts would know what to expect coming into the art show. 

Whether you are a struggling or a seasoned artist, postcards can easily provide information about your work without having to engage in small talk – let your work and the printed advertising material do all the talking. 

EDDM Postcard Printing for Beauty Salon, Spa & Wellness Centre Owners

If you’re in the business of making people look and feel better, the best and cheapest way advertise it is through eddm postcard printing. With Every Door Direct Mail, the postcards you designed will be sent to a group of addresses with the help of the United States Postal Service. Since everybody is a potential client when it comes to health, wellness, relaxation, and beauty, what you can do is choose a zip code or a mail carrier route. After you print eddm postcards, the print shop will work with the USPS to send one postcard to every door in the address group that you chose. This makes it easy to promote your products and services, without having to put together a mailing list. 

When to Use EDDM Postcards

After choosing which online printing services provider to go with, the next thing to do is design your postcards. These printed marketing materials have more space than business cards but less space than brochures or flyers. There are different sizes to choose from, but even if you go with the biggest size, you still want to keep your message short but impactful. Include a call-to-action and a time-limited promo code so that you can entice the readers to take immediate action. 

If you own a hair salon, beauty salon, a spa, or a wellness centre, here are the instances when you can effectively market using eddm postcards:

  • For salon, spa, or wellness centre openings

If you are newly opening your business, you want to get the word out to as many people as possible. Send out eddm postcards at least a couple of months in advance to let your target audience know about the opening. Also establish your social media presence so that you can get a lot of initial clients. 

  • When offering a new service

If you own a hair salon and you have a new perming equipment, for example, you can send postcards to let your existing and new customers know about it. Offer a discount so that more customers can try it out. 

  • When having a big sale

If you think that sales are a bit slow, that’s when you can hold big sales for your products or services. Announce it by sending out postcards. 

  • When reopening or introducing your business to a new audience

If you are reopening or introducing your salon, spa, or wellness centre to a new audience, you can send out postcards as well. 

Cheap and easy to produce but effective, EDDM postcards are a great marketing tool to have for those in the aesthetics and wellness industry.

Stand Out from the Crowd with these Rack Cards Design Ideas

Similar to postcards, business cards, envelopes, and letterheads, rack cards printing should be part of every business owner’s print promotional campaign. The good news is that there are many online printing services which are now offering cheap business cards or rack cards printing packages – at an affordable price without compromising the quality. Rack cards are slim cards used to advertise products, services, or events. They are designed to be displayed in what are called rack or brochure stands. When people pass by, they can pick one up to read and take home.

Creatively Design Your Rack Cards

After looking for a print shop to order your rack cards from, the next and most important thing to think about is the design. The response to your advertising message will depend on how well-designed your rack cards are. Here are a few ways for you to creatively design your rack cards:

  • The upper portion of the card should include the most important information. 

Rack card displays or holders have full back, with a shorter front so the upper portion of your card is what will be seen by the reader. This means that they should be able to read your message even before they pick up the card from the holder. Make sure that there is a catchy tagline, and your business name and information should be placed prominently on top of the card. 

  • Use colors which are the same as your business logo. 

To make your branding consistent, use colors which are the same as your business logo. If you have a black-and-white logo, for instance, use the same color scheme in designing your rack cards. Mix it with something bold for contrast and to attract the eyes instantly. 

  • Highlight the benefits. 

With a 4” x 9” or a 3.5” x 8.5” card, you have very limited space so you should highlight the benefits that a customer will get from buying your products or services. Use bulleted lists instead of chunks of text to make it easier to read.

  • Use the back page for your call-to-action. 

Finally, use the back of the page to include a call-to-action. You might want to include a QR code that leads to your website, or a promo code that they can use for discounts or freebies. 

Creative design and proper placement of accurate information are the keys to having a successful rack cards advertising campaign. 

Letterhead Ideas that Entrepreneurs Can Use

One of the best ways to remain consistent with your branding is to use letterhead printing. Letterheads are previously printed headings on stationery, letters, memos, notes, and envelopes. A basic letterhead design includes images, lines, shapes, or colors which are usually derived from the same logo that an entrepreneur uses, for example. What’s good about using letterhead is that there are many cheap printing services where you can order letterheads from, without sacrificing the quality of print. Letterhead printing makes any business transaction look legal and more professional, and your branding is reflected all throughout your print advertising materials. 

Letterhead Design Ideas 

No matter which industry it is that you are in, these are the letterhead ideas that you can apply to make your stationery, letters, and any form of written or email communication stand out:

  • A simple letterhead that uses your business logo. 

Perhaps the simplest letterhead design is one that uses your business logo. If you have a blue-and-yellow logo, for example, you can place the logo on top of the page while the footer will show your contact information. 

  • Use a footer instead of a header. 

You can actually place letterheads on the upper, lower, or either side of the paper. For a more creative take, use a footer instead of a header for your letterhead design. Still use the same color scheme as your business logo, and make sure the information is accurate and up-to-date.

  • Turn your logo into an arrow. 

If you want, you can enclose your company name in a big arrow pointing downwards so that when you write Dear… on top of the page, the arrow seems to point towards the start of the letter. You can also use a footer, with the arrow pointing up. 

  • Use images or shapes to frame your company name. 

You can use images or shapes to frame your business logo or company name. Make sure that the colors blend well together for a more creative yet impactful look. 

  • Use contrasting colors. 

You can use the contrasting color bars or ombre colors on either the left or right side of the paper, with your business logo on top. 

A letterhead expresses your brand’s personality, so get creative and design it the best way you can. 

Why Retailers Should Advertise with 5″ x 7″ Postcard Printing

If you are a retailer, customers expect you to bombard them with email messages on their Spam folders. Although there is nothing wrong with sending advertisements through email, this does not always work. What you can do is combine your digital presence with traditional ways of advertising, such as using 5 x 7 postcard printing. There are plenty of other postcard sizes that you can use – but the idea is to maximize the usability of postcards to reach your sales goals.

How to Use Postcards 

You first need to contact an online printing services provider and check out the packages that they have for postcards printing. There are 24-hour offset printing options available with free color, two-sided printing, and almost two dozen sizes to choose from. Once you have chosen a printing package, the next thing to do is know how to utilize postcards as your main marketing method. Here’s how you can use postcards:

  • To introduce your brand to customers

If you’re introducing your brand or a new line of products to customers, send out postcards. These have a bigger printing area compared to business cards so you can write more and include images. Make sure that the postcard is well-designed to capture the attention of your audience. 

  • To reward customer loyalty

You can send postcards to reward loyal customers, or to gain new ones. This can be done by sending out promo codes. Add a time limit to the offer so that you can get the quickest response possible. 

  • To announce openings, sales, and big events

If you have an ongoing big sale, if you’re opening a new retail store, or planning any other big event, postcards can be used for the announcement. 

  • To entice repeat orders or check out abandoned carts

If you have an online shop, you can send postcards with a promo code to those who added items to their shopping cart but have not checked them out yet. This will entice them to complete the order, and make repeat orders of other items. 

  • To send holiday greetings

Finally, you can use postcards to send holiday or birthday greetings. The more frequent you send mailers to your customers, the more loyal they will become to your brand. 

Printing Rack Cards for One-Time Events

Do you have a one-time event coming up and you’re not sure if a lot of people will come? Or maybe you are planning the soft launch of a restaurant and you want people to know about it? Aside from announcing the event on your official social media pages, you can go for rack cards printing as a way to advertise the event. You do need a mix of digital and traditional advertising if you want to reach as many people as possible. What’s good about rack card printing is that it is cheap without sacrificing the quality of material. It can also be easily distributed. 

Printing and Distributing Rack Cards for One-Time Events 

For your one-time event, here are a few important things to know when using rack cards for advertising: 

  • Printing Rack Cards 

The first thing that you need to do if you want to use rack cards for advertising is to design the card itself. Rack cards measure either 4” x 9” or 3.5” x 8.5” and they are made from thick paper. For the design, you need to make sure that it stands out. Rack cards are designed to be displayed on brochure or rack stands. The idea is for people to pick them up, read, and hopefully take home for future reference.

If your rack card is displayed alongside other events held on the same date, do you think that the design will stand out? If you already have a business logo, you can incorporate its colors on the design of the rack cards. Use bright colors and blend text with professionally-shot photos or HD illustrations. There are some online printing services that offer rack cards with a tear-off business card option – you may want to go for this for that unique look. 

  • Distributing Rack Cards 

After designing and printing the rack cards, how can you effectively distribute them to promote your event? First, make sure to have the rack cards ready two to three months before the event. This gives you plenty of time to display the rack cards to make as many people aware of the event as possible. 

Second, display the rack cards in areas where there is high foot traffic. Think rest stops, clinics, hotel lobbies, reception areas, local landmarks, tourist centres, movie theatres, etc. Ask permission from the business owner if you can display your rack cards in their place of business. 

Third, distribute the rack cards in other ways. Aside from using rack displays, you can also hand them over to people personally, still in high foot traffic areas. Or, you can include them in postcard mailers and send them to every household living within a five-mile radius of where the event will be held. 

By following these tips, you can use rack cards to promote your one-time event, turning it into a resounding success. 

How Medical Professionals Should Design Brochures

If you are running a wellness center, a medical clinic, a hospital, a dermatologist’s clinic, a psychiatric clinic, or any other clinic which is related to medicine and wellness, you need to find a way to introduce your services to the public. This is where brochures prove to be handy. As you know, brochures are marketing materials made from thick paper which contain information about a business, product, or service. Through brochure printing, you can market your services by letting readers know what your background is; what those health and wellness services are; how they can benefit from the services; etc. Your brochure should be completed with a call-to-action and your contact information. 

Designing Medical Brochures

Now, the first thing that you need to do if you want to print brochures for your business is to look for an online printing services provider. Check on their background, customer reviews, and package prices, as well as the printing method that they use. Digital and offset are the options, while the bigger print shops offer both. Before getting in touch with the online printing service provider that you have chosen, you should already have a design. 

Here are some tips for designing medical brochures: 

  • Decide on the size and folding type. 

Brochures come in different sizes including 4.25” x 11”, 8.5” x 11”, 8.5” x 14”, 9” x 12”, 11” x 17”, and 11” x 25.5”. There are ten folding options available including half fold, trifold, and half then trifold. Depending on the size and the folding option that you will choose, you can have anywhere from four to twelve panels to write your copy in. 

  • Work on the cover of the brochure. 

This is the first part that a person reads upon receiving your brochure. Make sure that your business logo is there, use the same color scheme if possible. The cover should have your business name, a headline, and a short preview of the content. Include images or HD photos and make sure that they are professionally shot. 

  • Design the content. 

How many panels do you have to write in? If you want to include a list of your clinic’s services, for example, place it in a bulleted list. Stay away from chunks of text because people do not like long reads. Use a mixture of images and text but make sure that there is a good balance between the two. 

  • The last page should contain a call-to-action, a promo code, and your contact information. 

The last page is what will stick to the reader’s mind so there should be a call-to-action. Include a promo code so that you can entice them to take advantage of the medical services that you offer. Finally, make sure that your contact information is correct and up-to-date so people would know how and where to find you. 

By effectively designing your medical brochure, you are bound to experience an increase in client visits once these marketing materials are distributed.

Letterhead Printing for Legal Professionals

If you are in the legal business, you need a combination of traditional and digital advertising to let possible clients know that you exist. No matter which branch of the law it is that you specialize in, there will always be a part of your target audience who will look for you online, so you need to have that presence. Your website and social media pages should be easily accessible online. At the same time, the more traditional clients will look for legal services the old-fashioned way. They might consult a telephone directory, ask around, or check legal aid directories. This is where you will find letterhead printing to be extremely useful. With a letterhead, you can “represent” your law firm using stationery and actually make all your business transactions look more legitimate and legal. 

Law Firm Letterhead Printing Tips

If your law firm is already operational, you might already have a business logo. This is very important because you will incorporate your logo into all your printed marketing materials. Your logo should appear on your business cards, letterheads, envelopes, notepads, banners, stickers, brochures, flyers, signs, etc. For letterhead printing, here are a few tips to remember: 

You can choose either a digital print shop or an offset print shop – some offer both. Digital printing is suitable for small volume orders. Offset uses huge printing presses and can handle big volume orders. Compare the printing packages offered by different print shops and take your pick from there. Some print shops offer optional folding or blank second sheets when you order letterheads.

  • Know which elements to include in your letterhead. 

Again, you should incorporate your logo in the design of your letterhead. Use the same font and color palette. You don’t need to be traditional in placing the letterhead – it can be on the upper or lower side of the paper, or even on the right or left side. Letterheads come in three sizes: standard, legal size, and tabloid size. The text should not look overcrowded so only include relevant information. 

  • Upload the finished letterhead to your business management software. 

Once the logo is done, you can upload your letterhead to a business management software so that you can use it when sending email attachments, making things look more professional. 

With letterheads, you can deliver a consistent brand message about your legal business to your clients, impress them, and make them remember your law firm whenever they need such services.