Rack Cards Printing Online

Rack Cards printing online with BlockbusterPrint.com is always producing the highest quality offset method using Heidelberg printing presses. This method is the highest quality in the world.

In today’s world, the majority of online rack card printing services are produced using a lower quality digital method which is a day and night comparison to the better quality offset choice.

Rack card printing is a wonderful and very cost effective marketing method where you able to drop off a stack rack cards in a hotel lobby or restaurants host stand. A rack card counter is usually filled with another 50 other local businesses looking to gain clients who are usually traveling. Rack Cards help visitors of that establishment learn about of business offers around town.

Color rack card print from blockbusterprint.com is not only high-quality but also happens to be the lowest priced online with the fastest 24 to 48 hour delivery.

Rarely can any other competitor beat those three categories.

Visit blockbusterprint and browse through sizes and more information on rack cards printing.

Premium Business Cards Online

Premium business cards online come in a variety of descriptive variations from printing company-to-company.

At BlockbusterPrint.com, premium business cards truly are premium with a 50% thickness of a credit card thanks to the 16pt cardstock we use. The competition is calling a 12pt business card,”premium” and that of course is not anywhere near premium.

When shopping for a premium business card online always ensure that you ask questions about what type of paper stock and material is used. Don’t fall for fancy titles.

Using the Right Format and Images for Brochure Printing

These days, most modern entrepreneurs rely on the Internet for their advertising. Once the website is put up, they hardly ever think of other ways to promote their business. This means that if you are using something like brochure printing to spread the word about your brand, you area already one step ahead of the pack. Why is this so? Printed advertising materials like brochures are things that customers can actually hold in the palm of their hands. Just like coupons, these are tangible things which can be held and read, which is the purpose of traditional print advertising. Once a customer gets to read your brochure, you are bound to achieve an increase in profit because your form of advertising is easier to remember – unlike websites which are pretty much all the same.

Formatting and Incorporating Images on Your Brochure

Now, if you would like to use to make your business stand out, here are a few tips on how you can come up with the best and most effective design:
• Formatting
With companies like BlockbusterPrint.com, you can take your pick from different sizes, folds, stocks and types of paper. Let’s say that you are designing a brochure for a soon-to-be-launched spa business. You can go for an 11” x 17” brochure which is tri-fold, made with a thick paper stock and finished in semi-gloss coating. Printed in full color HD, your brand will easily stand out when distributing such a brochure, especially if you pay attention to the next factor: image selection.

• Image Selection
People are visual creatures, so the quality of image that you will choose when designing brochures will play a big part in its effectiveness. Choose photos which are crisp, high-resolution, well-lit, and project the image that you would like to have for your company. It’s entirely up to you to balance the percentage of text and photos on the brochure. If you think that more pictures and less text is what will send out the right message, go for that. But if you’re launching a campaign which is more informative in nature, it’s perfectly fine to include more text.

How about you, what cheap brochure printing techniques are you using to make your brand stand out?

Participating in a Trade Show? Use a Banner Stand to Stand Out!

Can you actually use a banner stand to make your brand stand out during a trade event? Definitely! In today’s business environment, your company might as well not exist if you won’t put the word out there. Instead of relying on pricier methods of advertisement like producing TV or radio ads, you can launch a full-blast print campaign. Once the materials are displayed, you can combine print with word of mouth advertising and you can slowly but surely make your brand known.

So what is it about banners with a banner stand that makes them such an effective print advertising material? Let’s say that you are a software company participating in a trade show. There are dozens of other software companies with booths on the trade show, so your goal is to make your booth stand out. For this, you can use a vinyl banner with a stand. If you’re using an X-style banner and stand which is available from companies like BlockbusterPrint.com, you can simply assemble it and display it in an upright position in front of your booth. Depending on the activities during the trade show, you can move it to different points on the ground to maximize visibility.

The good thing about using a versatile banner with stand is that after the trade show, you can repurpose it and use as a display for your store or office. Aside from vinyl banners with an X-stand at the back, you can also make use of printed banner with stand or a deluxe retractable banner with a heavy duty stand. No matter which type of banner and banner stand combination you end up choosing, you can definitely use it to make your business name stand out – not just during trade shows, but in other advertising events as well.

Pay Close Attention to the Cover in Magazine Printing

Within a company, there are times when you would need to handle the task of magazine printing. Magazines are an excellent way to inform employees or your customers about product updates, the history of your brand, or any upcoming events that you may have planned. Of course, there are also publishing houses which release magazines on a regular basis.

Essential Tips when Designing a Cover for Magazine Printing

Be it a small batch or thousands of copies of magazines that you need to have printed out, the one thing that you should pay close attention to is the cover. When it comes to magazine printing, your goal is to make a person actually read the content inside and not just flip through the pages. The cover will play a huge part as to whether a reader will continue poring through the pages of the magazine or not, so this is what you should pay attention to when having a magazine made.

Here a few pointers when designing the cover of your magazine:
– It’s the first thing that a reader sees when handling the magazine, so it should contain your brand name and project what your business is all about.
– The cover should generate interest so that a reader is compelled to read the rest of the magazine.
– It should accurately reflect the content of the rest of the magazine.
– Pay attention to the typography, photography, graphic design, headlines and overall look of the cover. When you put all these elements together, the cover should achieve that visual impact that you are aiming for to capture the attention of readers.

As you can see, the design of the cover plays a huge role in the readability of a magazine, so pay attention to it when finishing custom printed magazines projects for your business.

Printed Promotional Materials:Still the Best Way to Advertise Your Brand

If you think that printed promotional materials have become obsolete and ineffective due to the presence of online advertising, think again. Sure, having a website is a must-have for most businesses these days, but it does not mean that printing flyers, banners and similar printed promotional materials will not achieve the same effect. For entrepreneurs who are not that tech-savvy, they still have an effective and affordable way to spread the word about their business – through printed materials.

With companies like BlockbusterPrint.com, you can take your pick from any of the following printed materials – which you can use to advertise your brand:
– Banners
– Booklets
– Business Cards
– Buttons with Pins
– Brochures
– Canvas Prints
– Door Hangers
– Envelopes
– Flyers
– Folders
– Foil Stamps
– Greeting Cards
– Letterheads
– Magnets
– Menus
– Mugs
– Notepads
– Plastic Cards
– Postcards
– Posters
– Roll Labels
– Signs
– Stickers/Decals
– Table Tents
– T-Shirts

Let’s say that you are opening a small restaurant in the neighborhood. You don’t have the budget for a website yet, so you relied on printed materials to spread the word about your soft opening. For this, what you can do is print out flyers which you can distribute to the locals to inform them of when the restaurant is opening.

For the main operations, you can print out menus for the tables, use banners as display and maybe distribute souvenirs like door hangers, magnets or buttons with pins for the first 100 customers. As you can see, starting from the main operation to the promotion of the business itself, there’s a printed promotional material that you can use. Through printing such promotional materials, you can spread the word about your business effectively and with very little costs involved.

What Entrepreneurs Need to Know about Brochure Printing

Despite the existence of websites, you can still use traditional brochure printing as a way to tell people more about your business. Printed promotional materials may seem superfluous to some, but it actually is a still effective way of getting the word out about your company. In fact, printing promotional materials should be done alongside online promotional activities.

Things to Remember when Having Brochures Printed

Now, if you decide that brochure printing is a good way to tell prospective clients and customers about what you do as a company, how can you go about the task? Here are a few things to remember:
• Include all the important information about your business on the brochure.
Brochures are printed promotional materials which tell people about your company history, products or services, and mission statement. If a business card includes just your contact information, a brochure takes things one step further by including all the pertinent information regarding your business. As such, it’s a must to include all important info, write solid content about what your business is all about, give people a glimpse about your company history, etc.

• Look for a printing company which has extensive experience and the right equipment for printing professional-looking brochures.
Brochures should leave a lasting impression so look for a printing company with plenty of experience in the field.

• Decide on the size, folding type and paper used for the brochures.
Finally, decide on the details of the brochure. In companies like BlockbusterPrint.com, the available brochure sizes are as follow:
– 8.5 x 11 inches
– 8.5 x 14 inches
– 11 x 17 inches

You can place orders for 100; 250; 500; 1,000; 2,500; 5,000; 10,000 and up. There are also more than ten options for folding types including tri-fold, Z-fold, half fold, double parallel, single gate fold, double gate fold, roll fold, accordion fold, half then half again, and half then tri-fold.

Through professional brochure printing, you can leave a lasting impression to your clients and tell them what your business is all about.