Include EDDM Postcards in Your Chiropractic Marketing Kit

If you are a chiropractor and you are just starting out in the profession, you might want to put together a marketing kit. Prior to this, make sure that you have already established a solid presence in social media. Have an official Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or LinkedIn accounts where prospective patients and fellow chiropractors can find information about your practice. Social media engagement is important if you want to increase the number of clients that you have. This should be combined with a physical marketing kit that contains a business card, EDDM postcards, flyers or brochures, and other printed materials that you can display in your clinic. Here, we will delve deeper into why eddm mailing is an important part of every chiropractor’s marketing kit. 

EDDM Mailers for Chiropractors 

EDDM postcard printing can be done by a digital or offset print shop that offers Every Door Direct Mail service. For this, they will work with the United States Postal Service or USPS to deliver your postcards to every door within a zip code, for example. You can also choose based on mail carrier routes or demographic. Since it is mostly adults who have back or neck problems, you can easily send postcards to every door within a zip code because every household has an adult who can book your services. 

After choosing which online printing service provider to go with, design your chiropractic postcard in such a way that the headline is attention-grabbing. For instance, “Visit AAA Chiropractic Clinic to alleviate chronic or sudden pain!” Since postcards are not contained inside envelopes, the message will be read right away by the recipient. The headline should be combined with a high-quality graphic or photo that illustrates a patient experiencing back pains, or a chiro helping out a patient. 

At the bottom of the postcard, include all important information so that it will be easy for clients to get in touch with you. Why not include a promo code at the back of the card while you’re at it? Aside from introducing your chiropractic clinic to people, you can send another batch of postcards for those who are celebrating their birthdays, or those who already booked appointments with you to remind them of a follow-up treatment. Low-cost yet effective, postcards are perfect for those who are putting together a chiropractic marketing kit. 

Why Use 5 x 7 Postcards for Content-Driven Ads

If you want to use postcards to advertise your brand, there are almost two dozen sizes to choose from. The number of options might be overwhelming so you may want to stick with a couple of the most popular sizes: 4” x 6” and 5 x 7 postcard printing. 4” x 6” is the measurement of a typical postcard that tourists mail out when traveling. If you’re a business owner, there is nothing wrong with choosing this size especially if your postcard design is graphics-driven. When you see a typical travel postcard, it is usually designed with just one picture that dominates the page, and maybe a one or two-liner description. If you want to advertise your brand using mainly graphics, this is a good size to use. 

Why Use 5” x 7” Postcards

On the other hand, if your ad is more content-driven – which means that you want to rely more on text rather than graphics or photos, then 5” x 7” is the ideal postcard size for you. Here are a few more reasons why it pays to use this slightly bigger postcard size: 

  • It is wider than a standard # 10 envelope. 

What’s good about using postcards as mailers is that there is no envelope to open. When you send out postcards to a typical household, the fact that 5” x 7” is wider than a standard #10 envelope will make your mailer stand out. Also, there is no envelope to open so your message will be read right away. 

  • There is more space to write content.

With 5” x 7” postcard printing, you have bigger space to write your content in than 4” x 6” cards. Since the card can display more lines, you can have a more content-driven ad and maybe just include a small photo or a graphic background to break the monotony. 

When you get in touch with an online printing services provider, you can get a lower per piece price if you order more copies. To sum it up, if your postcard ad is more text-heavy than graphics-focused, it is better to go with a 5” x 7” postcard than a 4” x 6” or something even smaller. 

Cleaning Carpets for a Living? Why Brochure Printing is a Must

Those who are experts at cleaning carpets offer their professional cleaning services to residences and businesses. If you are part of this group or if you offer spring cleaning, general cleaning, deep cleaning, commercial cleaning, or other cleaning services, then you should invest in brochure printing. Brochures are cheap-to-produce, yet effective advertising materials that can deliver your marketing message to your target audience.

Factors to Consider when Ordering Brochures

Naturally, the first thing that you need to do if you would like to use brochures to market your carpet cleaning services is to find a place to order them from. You can take your pick from digital or offset print shops – some have both and will use a method based on the volume of brochures that you will order. Next, here are some factors to consider when ordering brochures:

  • The size of brochures depends on the amount of information that you want the printed marketing material to contain. If you want to include a brief history of your business’ background or how your professional carpet cleaning business came to be, you may want to use the biggest map-sized brochure which measures 11” x 25.5”. The smallest brochure size is 4.25” x 11” while the standard size is 8.5” x 11”
  • For the folding style, you can have anywhere from four to twelve panels which will serve as pages for your carpet cleaning brochure.
  • For the paper type and finish, there’s the 100# stock textbook paper which has a medium loss finish, or a 100# stock cover paper which has double the gloss for the finish.

Headline Ideas for Carpet Cleaning Brochures

After deciding whichonline printing services to go with, you need to come up with a layout for the content of the brochure. If you want people to grab one of your brochures to read, make sure that you have a catchy headline. Here are a few ideas:

  • Dirty carpet? We got it! Woohoo!
  • XYZ Carpet Cleaning: Bringing back the former glory of your carpet.
  • Give a second leash of life to your luxury rugs!
  • In Need of Tile & Grout Cleaning? Give Us a Call!

Be creative in coming up with a headline for your carpet cleaning brochure. Use language that both residential and business customers can relate to. You can also include a promo code at the back page of the brochure for good measure.

If you want to reintroduce your carpet cleaning business to new clients or if you simply want to enhance your brand, well-designed brochures printed on high-quality material is key and will surely impress your customers.

Why Offices are Your Number One Clients for Takeout Menu Printing

A well-designed menu is a powerful advertising tool for those in the food business. Whether you’re operating a food truck, a small bakery, or a full-service restaurant, menus are a primary selling tool and is the first thing that hungry diners get a hold of. For full-service restaurants, the dine-in menu should be complemented withtakeout menus. The purpose of the latter is more on increasing sales, and filling the gap of customers who prefer the convenience of ordering takeout or delivery instead of eating at your food establishment. 

Why are Offices Your Number One Client for Takeout Menus?

Now, if you would like to increase the number of customers that you have, you must invest in takeout menu printing. For this, simply look for an online printing provider that can create to-go menus for you at affordable prices without compromising on quality. The good news is that there are many print shops from where you can order menus with excellent print and materials. 

Once the menus are printed out, your next focus is to deliver them strategically so that they can reach the right audience. Everyone is a possible customer so you can distribute the menus out on the streets where there is high foot traffic. You can also include the takeout menus on delivery or takeout receipts, supplier invoices, and other paper transactions. Another option is to ask other local, non-competing businesses to display your menus for their own customers to get a hold of. 

Yet another type of clientele that you should not miss out on when it comes to distributing takeout menus is offices. Here are the reasons why offices are your number one client for takeout menus:

  • Employees spend most of their day at work. For a nine-to-five shift, a typical employee will most likely eat two meals and the convenience of ordering food for delivery or takeout is something that they will take advantage of. Those who are working from home are also prospective customers, so make sure that your takeout menu reaches them as well.
  • There are usually employee-focused celebrations at offices where ordering food for delivery is always an option. 
  • Human resource managers and other employees can refer you to other small businesses or large companies. 

With every employee busy going about their day, offering them the convenience of eating restaurant quality food at affordable prices is a marketing opportunity. By distributing takeout menus at offices, you can give your sales a boost, enhance your brand, and increase the likelihood of getting repeat orders from this type of client.

Catering for Clients? Cater to Your Own Advertising Needs through Rack Cards

Impeccable service, mouth-watering dishes, an elegant menu – these are some of the things that clients look for when booking catering services. If you are a catering services provider, you may have already mastered all of these. But what about looking for something that will cater to your own advertising needs? Sure, word of mouth is as good as advertisement as any – but it is not always reliable and may not necessarily deliver good results. If you want to increase your bookings, boost your profit, and enhance your brand as a caterer, you need to supplement word-of-mouth advertising with print advertising materials. This is where rack cards prove to be useful. Larger than business cards but smaller than brochures, rack cards are the perfect size to hold information about your catering business.

Rack cards are available in two sizes:

  • 3.5” x 8.5” is the lay flat counter size, which is suitable if you want to simply display a stack of rack cards on countertops or tables. Let’s say that you provided catering services to a wedding, and you would like guests to know about your business.  To send more business your way, you can have lay flat counter size rack cards made by an online printing services provider, then place a stack of them by the dessert table for guests to pick up during the event.
  • 4” x 9” is the more popular rack display size. Rack cards in general are displayed on what are called literature, brochure, or rack stands. Most establishments have these – and you can choose this option to display your catering rack cards on food establishments which are not your direct competitors. You can also ask other local business owners to have your catering rack cards displayed in their offices so that more people would know about your brand.

Through rack cards printing, you can cater to your own advertising needs. Once these are printed out and distributed, more people would know that your business exists, and you can increase inquiries and bookings for your catering services.

Preparing for a Black Friday Sale? How Postcard Printing Can Help

One of the most anticipated events by shopaholics and online shopping addicts is the big Black Friday Sale. The date for this varies between November 23 and 29 – technically the Friday after Thanksgiving Day. It’s basically the start of the holiday shopping season so if you own any type of business, you need to take full advantage of the hype behind this very American tradition. Let’s say that you are planning to hold a Black Friday sale for your business. How can you start building the hype? Do so in your social media posts and your website so that online users will anticipate what is in store for them. Add to this a good postcard printing campaign, then people are bound to flock to your establishment.

Tips for Printing Postcards for Black Friday

First, make sure to look for an online printing services that can create high-quality postcards for you at an affordable price. Next, keep these tips in mind when printing Black Friday postcards:

  • Send the postcards with plenty of time to spare before the actual holiday. If you already have a mailing list or if you want to send one postcard to every door within your zip code or a mail carrier route, do it a month or so before the actual date of your Black Friday sale.
  • Create a postcard with a catchy headline and an attention-grabbing design. Entice customers to spend their money by designing a postcard using bold colors and a screaming headline. Why should shoppers visit your website or your store on Black Friday? How much discount can they get? Are there many varieties, products, or services available? Tempt them with phrases like 50% off, buy-one-get-one, or free shipping.
  • Do not forget the QR or promo code. Your goal in mailing out the postcards in the first place is to entice as many people as you can to visit your online or actual store on Black Friday. When you mail the postcard, there should be something in it for them – which can only be achieved using QR codes or promo codes. The higher the discount is, the more customers you can attract to purchase your products or services.
  • Extend any promotions that you have to “Cyber Monday”, or make the whole week “Black Friday” in your store.

By following these tips, you can use postcards to market your Black Friday sale, and have customers flocking your store on that date.

What are the Benefits of EDDM for Retailers?

If you are in the retail industry, you are doing the public the service of selling items or services in small quantities. You can either have an actual store, a virtual store, or both. Some examples of retail stores are ready-to-wear stores, groceries, drug stores, and convenience stores.  Retail stores are great businesses to have because they are accessible, convenient, and allows customers to buy what they need without having to wait in line on the counters of giant stores. So if your business is in the retail industry, how can you make your target audience aware of what exactly it is that you are selling? One great tool to use is Every Door Direct Mail or eddm mailing. Read on to find out more about Every Door Direct Mail and how it can benefit your business.

What are the Benefits of EDDM for Retailers

With EDDM, the print shop that will create your postcards will work with the United States Postal Service to mail out your marketing materials to every door within a specific group of addresses. Here are the specific benefits of this service:

  • You can send postcards to every door within a zip code or mail carrier route without having to collect or buy your own mailing list. Since the print shop will work with the USPS, the name and addresses will come directly from the source, which means that if you specify a zip code, one postcard will be sent to every door within that address.
  • You can enjoy discounted postage rates. At just a few cents of postage fee per piece, you can enjoy the marketing benefits of having your postcards mailed to every door within a specific address.

When Is EDDM Not Applicable for a Business?

If you are in the retail industry, then you will benefit from eddm mailing services. This is because your target audience is the public – it is not necessarily niche. EDDM is not applicable for when your target market is young girls, for example, since you are selling apparel for teenagers. If you are selling makeup for women, you need to narrow down your EDDM mailing list to a demographic of households with females. All in all, if you are working in the retail industry, you can use the numerous benefits of eddm marketing to your advantage – thereby increasing your sales and enhancing your brand.

In the Construction Business? Up the Ante in Your Marketing Campaign with Brochures

If you are in the construction industry, you might think that being an expert at what you do is enough. But if you want your business to thrive, you should exert a lot of effort into advertising your services. Fortunately, you can always rely on a combination of online and offline marketing to spread awareness about your brand. For the online part, you simply need to build a website for your construction business. Match this with official accounts on the most popular social media platforms and you’re all set. For the offline part, you can use brochure printing with other printed marketing materials so that you can reach the part of your target market who are not online. With brochures, you can have a cover page that includes your company information and a catchy headline. From there, you can create content that will let potential customers know about your construction business – making brochures the ideal advertising medium. 

Tips for Designing Construction Brochures

To use brochures for your marketing campaign, you need to look for a suitable online printing company that will create the brochures for you. When deciding which one to partner with, always check on the printing method that they use, the quality of materials, the turnaround time, and the customer support offered. Once you have chosen which printing partner to go with, the next thing to do is design the actual brochure. Here are a few tips:

  • Decide on the layout and content of the pages. 

When having brochures online made, you can choose from six different sizes ranging from 4.25” x 11” to 11” x 25.5”. Different folding styles are available as well, so you can have anywhere from four to twelve panels, which can translate to pages. After choosing the size and folding style, you can plan the layout and content of the pages. 

  • Don’t get too technical. 

With brochures, you want to convince a reader to book your services, but you don’t want to use industry jargon or get too technical about it. Use language that common folks will understand. For instance, if you offer asphalt paving services, you can include it in a bullet point – and explain the benefits of homeowners having their driveways look brand new again. 

  • Make sure that the content is well-written. 

Similar to any other printed marketing material, you have to make sure that the content of your brochure is well-written, organized, and free from spelling or grammatical errors. This will show a reader that you care enough to provide them with a well-made advertising material. 

  • Use an overall simple look that fits the image of your construction brand. 

Finally, make sure that the overall look, layout, and design of the brochure suits the image of your construction business. The brochure should be easy-to-read so combine text with sharp images. At the back page, include a call-to-action and your updated contact information. 

As a construction company, you can use brochures to let people know about the services that you offer – so spend time designing and refining the content of this marketing material. 

Help Professionals & Businesses with Their Taxes: Advertise Your Accounting Services through Postcards

One of the best ways to advertise accounting services is through postcard printing. Whether you’re working on your own or with a slew of other accountants, people and businesses need to be made aware that your services exist. When tax filing season looms, that is usually when professionals and business cram to look for an accountant – so you need to be proactive and make them aware that your services exist in the first place. This is where postcards prove to be useful. By simply printing a headline with maybe a short, bulleted list and your contact information, you can tell your individuals and businesses about your services. 

Tips when Looking for an Online Printing Company

Before counting down the ways for you to look for the best online printing company, it is good to know how you can create good copy in the first place. Postcards have more space than business cards but less space than brochures. With a 4” x 9” or a 6” x 11” card, you do not have the available area to write long paragraphs in, so keep the text short but impactful. There should be a catchy headline, then a bulleted list that includes details about your accounting services.  Try to include an image or a photo to break the monotony of an all-text surface. At the bottom or back of the card, you can include your contact information. If you want, you can even have a QR code which leads to your website, or a promo code that clients can use when booking your services. 

Next, check out these quick tips when looking for an online printing company: 

  • When printing postcards, ask about the printing method that the shop uses. This can be digital or offset or both – they will use one based on the volume of your order.
  • There are almost two dozen sizes of postcards available – choose one that best fits your advertising campaign as an accounting firm. 
  • Check on the material, paper stock, and paper finish that the print shop offers. 
  • Ask about the turnaround time, and research if they have good feedback on the quality of customer support. 

In the accounting business, you are performing a great service helping people and business owners with their taxes. Advertise this fact with affordable yet effective advertising postcards, and wait for the number of your clients to increase in no time. 

Establish Customer Loyalty through Birthday Postcard Printing

If you’re a business owner, some of your priorities when starting out includes advertising your brand, refining your day-to-day operations, and boosting sales. No matter which product or service it is that you are offering, these things will help solidify your presence in the industry. But what if you already have a set routine in running your business? The next thing that you need to work on is establishing customer loyalty. Most customers tend to stick to buying the same brand when they find the product useful, and the same service provider if they are happy with the service they’re getting. To help establish customer loyalty even more, you can use  postcard printing as part of your print promotional campaign. 

Let’s say that you already have a pretty solid online presence. When you combine this with printed promotional materials, you can reach that untapped part of your target market. So how can you use printing postcards to establish customer loyalty? Postcards are ideally sent on a regular basis to the doorsteps of customers because they are cheap to produce, yet effective in marketing. You just need to find a good online printing services provider then you are all set in earning the loyalty of your customers by using affordable postcards. 

How Different Businesses Can Use Birthday Postcards for Promos

Postcards come in different sizes and they’re effective marketing materials because there is no envelope to open – so the message can be read right away. If you are collecting information from your clients, you can use postcards as birthday promotional materials to establish customer loyalty. Here’s how different businesses can use birthday postcards for promos:

  • Restaurants

Send a postcard on a customer’s birthday and include a tagline for your promo. For example:  “Happy birthday, Janine! Your next dinner is on us if you book on your exact birthday – or get 50% off the bill if you dine in anytime within your birth month!” Use the back of the postcard to include a promo code or a QR code, and this is something that customers will eagerly take advantage of. 

  • Dental Clinics

You can use postcards to offer free dental cleanings for patients on their birthday. 

  • Hair Salons

Hair salon owners can offer free shampoo, haircut, blowout, or back massage to clients on their birthday. 

  • Chiropractor Clinics

How about a free adjustment on your birthday, (insert client name here)? This is a great way for you to attract patients to your chiropractor clinic. 

  • Health and Wellness Spas

Health and wellness spas can offer free massages or add-on services to their clients who are celebrating their birthday. 

  • Dry Cleaners

After the happy birthday greeting, you can offer free dry cleaning for a certain number of shirts, for example, if you are in the dry cleaning business. 

Be creative in thinking of a promotional offer that you can give to customers who are celebrating their special day, and you will earn their loyalty to your brand.