Choosing the Best Paper Type & Size for Letterhead Printing

Letterhead printing should be part of any printed marketing campaign. Along with custom stationery, envelopes, notepads, business cards, brochures, flyers, and postcards, letterheads showcase information about your business. Letterheads are printed on top or any other part of a piece of paper, memo paper, or stationery that contains your business’ name, address, contact information, and other pertinent information. What’s good about letterheads is that they make any business correspondence look official. They also add to your brand’s image, especially if the look and feel of the letterhead is consistent with that of all your other printed marketing materials.

All About Paper for Letterhead Printing

Let’s say that you have already decided to delve into letterhead printing. The first thing to do is look for an online printing that will do a good job of printing out the materials for you. Choose between digital or desktop printing, and offset printing which uses printing presses. Digital printing is suitable for small batches and the print quality is quite good. But if you want something faster with excellent print quality, go with offset printing.

Next, when it comes to choosing the best paper type and size for letterhead printing, here are the things to consider:

  • Paper size

Letterheads come in three sizes:

  • Standard size (8.5” x 11”)
  • Legal size (8.5” x 14”)
  • Tabloid size (17’ x 11”)

The standard size is mostly used for business correspondence. Legal sized letterheads are popular in the US and UK for legal documents, while the tabloid size letterhead is frequently used in the US and Canada.

  • Paper type and thickness

70# paper stock is the most popular for letterheads. When it comes to the type of paper, take your pick from textured white linen or smooth standard white.

  • Other things to consider

You also have the option to order the letterhead with a matching blank second sheet, as well as printing on just one or both sides of the paper.

By getting to know your paper options when printing letterheads, you can come up with a well-designed marketing material that will truly impress your customers.

Custom Letterhead Printing: The Basics

When you’re asking for an official price quotation from a company for a product or service, you will usually receive a sheet of paper with their letterhead. As the name implies, a letterhead is a printed heading on a piece of paper which indicates a business’ name, address, and other contact information. If you’re a business owner yourself, you definitely need to invest in letterhead printing. Not only does it make transactions look official, but it’s also a great way to make your branding consistent. When used with business cards, envelopes, notepads, folders, and similar products, letterheads can complete your set of printed advertising materials.

Getting Started on Letterhead Printing

Now, if you need letterheads printed out, here are some basic information that you need to know:

There are two printing options available: digital and offset. A desktop printer is used for digital printing. Although it gets the job done, ordering in bulk might have a longer turnaround time. On the other hand, if you want superior quality prints and a fast turnaround time, offset printing is the better choice. It uses state-of-the-art printing technology and huge printing presses. The setup may be a bit costly initially but if you will order more pieces and different types of printed products, the per piece price will be lower in the end.

  • Familiarize yourself with the options for materials.

There are three different sizes for letterheads: the traditional 8.5” x 11” size; the legal-size letterhead which measures 8.5” x 14”; and the 11” x 17” tabloid size letterhead. The most popular thickness is 70# paper stock which comes in two variations – textured white linen and smooth standard white. You also have the option to print on just one side or both sides, and decide whether you want matching custom folders or a blank second sheet.

  • Be consistent design-wise.

Perhaps the most important aspect of letterhead printing is the design. The letterhead should basically look like your company logo: similar font, colors, and design. Your contact information should be accurate, avoid typos, and do not overcrowd the space with too much text. Although letterheads are usually placed on top of the sheet, graphic designers have become more creative – placing letterheads on one side or at the bottom of the page.

With well-designed letterheads that have a look that’s consistent with your branding, you have a powerful advertising tool to use when communicating with your customers.

Come Up with Stylish Rack Card Printing Products

Walk into any hotel lobby or a tourist center and you are bound to see a stand where a stack of cards is prominently displayed. Called rack cards, these are printed advertising materials used to promote businesses. Rack card printing can be combined with other promotional materials like notepads, brochures, business cards, envelopes, flyers, letterheads, and postcards. Since you are promoting just one service or one line of products with these marketing materials, the theme should be coherent. Here, we will delve a bit deeper into how you can come up with stylish rack cards that will grab and hold the attention of your target market.

Things to Consider when Printing Rack Cards

When you print rack cards, the first thing that you need to do is look for an online printing company that will do a good job of it for you. These are a few things to consider when looking for a printing company so that you can come up with stylish rack cards that will suit your brand’s image to a tee:

  • Offset is best.

You can take your pick from digital or offset printing, but the latter is the better choice. Digital printing companies use desktop printers. They may do the job well, but they cannot process orders in bulk and in terms of print quality, offset is simply far superior. With offset printing, full high definition (HD) color is used, and the resolution is super sharp. The turnaround time is also fast so even if you place orders in bulk, you can have it finished in no time.

  • Use your business logo as basis for the color palette.

If you’re producing an organic beauty product for women, you may want to use colors that appeal to them. Use your logo as a basis for the color palette when designing your rack cards so that all your printed marketing materials will have the same look and feel.

  • Include sharp illustrations or HD photos.

Invest in professional photography if you want to include photos in your rack cards. Images should be clear and sharp, with the pictures well-lit.

  • Use an overall look and design that appeals to your target market.

Lastly, make sure that the overall look and design of your rack cards appeal to your target market. Based on the age bracket of your customers, there is a certain design that will immediately catch their eye.

Stylish rack cards are a must-have if you want to take full advantage of the benefits of printed marketing materials for your business.

Enumerating the Businesses that Benefit from Rack Card Printing

Rack card printing may sound like an old-fashioned way to promote a business, but it is still very effective nowadays. With everyone going digital when it comes to their advertising campaign, the novelty of receiving and reading printed advertising materials makes brands more memorable. Also, printed marketing materials are easy and cheap to produce. They last for a very long time, they can be kept for future reference, and can be given away to family and friends for referrals.

Think of rack cards as a torn off panel from a brochure. The typical sizes are 4” x 9” and 3.5” x 8.5”, with print on just one side or both sides. The information contained in a rack card could be the summarized version of what’s in a brochure. Since there is limited space, you would have to include only the most pertinent information. Make sure that it has your business name, updated contact information, a map of your location, or a QR code that leads to your website. Then, describe the products or services that you are offering. The last part should contain a call to action, or a benefit which could be a discount code or other promotional options.

Next, which businesses can benefit when they print rack cards? Here’s a quick list:

  • Hotels, motels, and bed-and-breakfasts
  • Restaurants and other food establishments
  • Theme parks, theatres, and movie houses
  • Stores at gasoline stations
  • Convention centers and tourist centers
  • Clinics and other health care providers
  • Convenience and retail stores
  • Specialty shops

As you can see, almost any type of business can reap the benefits of rack cards marketing. To have a stack of them made, check out the cheap printing services available online. Just because it’s cost-effective doesn’t mean you have to scrimp on quality. There are many offset printing service providers offering high-quality prints at still affordable prices.

Lastly, make sure to place the rack cards strategically. They can be given away personally, prominently displayed in areas where a lot of people pass by, or they can be included in marketing mailers.

Quick Tips for Rack Card Printing

Along with brochures, business cards, flyers, notepads, envelopes, and similar products, rack card printing is a great way to promote your business. But what exactly are rack cards? Unlike brochures which have folded pages that contain a lot of information to read through, rack cards  are 4” x 9” or slightly smaller cards with print on the front and the back. A rack card is displayed on brochure or rack stands, which is how it got its name. These are used as advertising material for hotels, theme parks, bed and breakfasts, and theatre companies – although any other business will benefit from them as well.

Now, if you would like to print rack cards to spread the word about your brand, the first thing to do is look for an online printing service provider. Here are more tips on how you can best go about rack cards printing:

  • There are digital and offset printing services available. Digital may be a bit cheaper, but offset offers far superior quality. With rack cards, you want to leave a great first impression to your clients, so it pays to invest in full color, HD printing.
  • Since your marketing material is tangible, a reader will pay close attention to even the tiniest details of the design. What font and colors are used? For the material, how thick is the paper? Did you use a glossy or matte finish for the print? How about the size of the rack card itself? By paying close attention to detail, you can come up with a well-designed rack card with an eye-catching design.
  • When writing the content of the rack card, make sure that there are no typographical errors. Your business contact details should be updated and accurate. If your address is difficult to find, include a QR code, a location map, or use a famous landmark as reference.
  • Always include a call to action when writing the content of your rack card. Part of your marketing strategy should be to entice people to take advantage of your products or services. The best way to accomplish this is by offering discounts, freebies, or even use the card as entry for raffles where they can earn prizes.

Lastly, know how to distribute the rack cards effectively. Place them in strategic areas with high foot traffic. Or, you can include them in mailers. With these tips, your sales should increase in no time at all because of the effectiveness of rack cards marketing.

Rack Card Printing: Make It Easy for Customers to Find You

If you are thinking of adding another item to your print advertising arsenal, why not go for rack card printing? Rack cards come in two sizes: 3.5” x 8.5” and 4” x 9”. They are larger than postcards but smaller than brochures, so you have this paper area that can contain just the right amount of information about your brand. Your goal in printing rack cards in the first place is to let people know that your brand exists. As such, your copy should be enticing, the design easily noticeable and aesthetically pleasing to your target market.

Rack cards are called such because they are displayed in brochure or rack stands. These are displayed in hotel lobbies, theatres, office reception areas, clinics, restaurants, tourist facilities, etc. People usually get one from the rack and read the information so that they can learn more about your business. If they like what they see, they will keep the rack card for future reference.

Now, if you want to print rack cards, the first thing to do is write the content. Use language that your target audience can easily relate to. The first part should contain your business name, address, contact information, website or email address, and other pertinent information. The crucial part about this is that the info should be accurate and up to date. To make it easy for customers to find you, you can include a QR code which, when scanned, leads to your website URL or a pinned location of your address in Google Maps. If your office is a bit tricky to locate, use more famous landmarks. Be creative in giving directions so that customers will be interested instead of frustrated when looking for your place of business.

The second part can indicate what your business is all about. Are you operating a bed-and-breakfast? Are you running a diner or a restaurant? Do you have a shop selling unique finds or antiques? Are you a theatre company producing shows? Describe your product or services in a clear manner that will immediately grab the interest of the reader.

Finally, there are rack card printing companies that can include a detachable business card during the printing process. This is a great option to have if you are mailing out the rack cards to your list of customer’s addresses.

With compelling content, eye-catching designs, and a sharply printed rack card, you have a marketing material that you will be proud to show off to your existing and prospective customers.

Rack Card Printing: Get the Best Bang for Your Buck

Rack card printing is one of the best printed advertising materials available. Unlike postcards which have limited space or brochures which have too much space, rack cards offer just-the-right amount of paper area to fill with information about your business. They can be displayed in prominent areas where a lot of people pass by. Once picked up, rack cards can be brought home for future reference, or given away as referral to other people.

So if you are planning to print rack cards to promote your business, how can you get the best deal? Here are a few tips to remember:

  • Know where to scrimp, know where to splurge.

For rack cards, you want to get the best print possible because they are representative of your brand. Imagine how disappointed a customer might feel if your rack cards, which are supposed to promote your restaurant, are printed with poorly lit images of food on thin paper with hardly any gloss on it. Instead of saving some money on digital prints, go with offset printing because the quality is far more stellar. The additional investment is worth it.

  • Do not place rush orders.

Just as it is with any print job, you would have to pay extra for rush orders so take your time in designing and ordering rack cards.

  • Size the competition.

Your rack cards should at least match – if not outshine – the competition. Collect rack cards from your direct competitors to check out the type and thickness of paper that they used, the design, and the printing process.

  • Compare different printing companies.

Make a list of the cheap printing services available online and compare it with offset printing deals. Narrow down your choices to ones with the best reviews and feedback, then make an informed selection from there.

  • Order more to save more.

When it comes to any printed material, the more pieces you order, the lower the per piece price gets. For example, ordering 500 pieces of rack cards is more expensive per piece than ordering 1,000 or 1,500 pieces.

With these tips in mind, you can get the best bang for your buck when ordering rack cards to promote your brand.

Know Your Color & Paper Options when You Print Rack Cards

When dealing with a task like rack cards printing, it is crucial to pay attention to detail. If you don’t, you can have a set of rack cards with the incorrect spelling of your business name – which can be a costly and disastrous mistake. To prevent things like this from happening in the first place, you should know what your options are when it comes to the material and the type of printing method used.

Before enumerating the color and paper options when you print rack cards, why should you use them for advertising? Rack cards are often displayed in brochure stands and people pick them up, read them, and take them home for future reference. These are great advertising materials for any business or product because a well-made rack card helps people remember your brand. If they bring home your rack card after getting it from the display stand, you have already gained a customer or two or more, if that person refers you to friends and family. This is how powerful rack cards are for advertising, so it’s something that you should include in your printed advertising materials arsenal.

When you print rack cards, here are your paper and color options:

  • The paper size

There are two rack card sizes to choose from. First, the lay flat counter size which is 3.5” x 8.5”. Second, there’s the popular rack display size of 4” x 9”. Knowing where and how you will display the rack cards will make it easier for you to decide between the two.

  • The paper thickness

Rack cards can be made using 16 pt. or 17 pt. thickness paper.

  • The print finish

Depending on the colors used in the design of your rack cards, you can choose between an ultra-smooth matte finish or an ultra-smooth gloss finish. As the name implies, a matte print finish does not have any sheen to it, while a smooth gloss finish is perfect for rack card designs with HD photography or illustrations.

If you want full color HD rack cards using the latest in printing technology, it is best to go with an offset printing company. By doing your research, you can have a batch of well-made, beautifully printed rack cards to distribute to your existing and potential customers.

Print Rack Cards & Distribute Them Wisely

After seeing a play, you will usually pass by the theatre lobby where people are reading brightly printed, glossy cards. These are called rack cards and they are used to advertise anything from theatre plays to museum events, theme parks to tourist attractions, restaurants to corporate businesses. What’s good about rack cards printing is that it gives entrepreneurs a cost-effective way of spreading the word about their brand. Whether you’re offering a product or service, you can rely on this type of printed advertising material to let people know that your business exists.

Rack Cards Distribution

Should you decide to print rack cards and include them in your printed advertising campaign, the first thing to do is look for an online printing service provider. Take your pick from digital or offset printing. Digital uses desktop printers and they may be a bit cheaper. But in terms of quality and turnaround time, offset printing will far exceed your expectation. Rack cards should be attention grabbing so imagine if the photos or illustrations in the card are printed out poorly. By investing in high-quality prints, you can give a great first impression to your customers.

Now, when it comes to distributing rack cards, here are some points to keep in mind:

  • If your direct competitors are using rack cards, too, collect samples of their cards so that you can compare them with the design that you have in mind. Also take into consideration your target market. Is your bed and breakfast suited for honeymooners or families? Depending on your audience, you can choose colors, fonts, and designs which will be visually appealing to them. Then, think of the places where you can effectively distribute the rack cards.
  • Display your rack cards in your place of business. It can be the reception area of your office, the check in counter of a hotel, or a theatre lobby. Make sure that the rack cards are prominently displayed in areas where there is high foot traffic. This way, people can easily notice and pick up one of your cards.
  • Aside from displaying rack cards in brochure stands, you can also distribute them through mailers. If you already have a mailing list, send out a copy of your rack cards to customers so that you can get their repeat business.

Get the Best Deal When You Print Rack Cards

Despite the popularity of online and social media advertising, there is still something about getting actual postcards, brochures, flyers, and rack cards that appeal to most people. Since these advertising materials are tangible, the name of your business will be more memorable to the reader. This is why it is a must to print rack cards if you’d like your target audience to remember your brand name. Rack cards are standard-sized, thick cards where information about a play, hotel, a country’s tourist destinations, and other similar information are printed. They can be distributed as mailers but they are usually displayed in brochure racks or stands, thus the name.

How to Get the Best Deal when Printing Rack Cards

Now, if you want to include rack cards as part of your printed advertising campaign, how can you get the best deal? Naturally, the first thing that you need to do is look for a printing company to create the rack cards for you. Here are some rack cards printing tips so that you can get the best value for your money:

  • Know beforehand the type of material that you want to use.

There are printing companies that print postcards, brochures, rack cards, business cards, etc. Look for one that has been in the business for a long time. Check out the reviews and customer feedback so that you would only deal with the legitimate printers.

Before comparing different rack card package offers, it pays to know beforehand the type of material that you want to use. Rack cards come in two sizes: 3.5” x 8.5” and 4” x 9”. Rack cards can be made with a detachable business card at the end – something that you may also want to consider. You can choose to print on just one side of the card or both sides. The thickness is 16 pt. paper stock and for the finish, choose between ultra-smooth matte or ultra-smooth gloss.

  • Go with offset printing companies.

Digital printers use desktop printers but they do not necessarily offer the same print quality as offset printers. Also, the turnaround time might be longer since desktop printers cannot print in bulk. With offset printers, Heidelberg color printing technology is used so you can rest assured that the colors come out sharp and vivid. Since the machines are state-of-the-art, you can also expect a quick turnaround time.

Finally, check out the per piece price when having rack cards printed out. With offset printing, the price becomes lower as the volume of your order increases. By knowing what to look for, you can get the best deal out of having rack cards printed out for your business.