Know Your Color & Paper Options when You Print Rack Cards

When dealing with a task like rack cards printing, it is crucial to pay attention to detail. If you don’t, you can have a set of rack cards with the incorrect spelling of your business name – which can be a costly and disastrous mistake. To prevent things like this from happening in the first place, you should know what your options are when it comes to the material and the type of printing method used.

Before enumerating the color and paper options when you print rack cards, why should you use them for advertising? Rack cards are often displayed in brochure stands and people pick them up, read them, and take them home for future reference. These are great advertising materials for any business or product because a well-made rack card helps people remember your brand. If they bring home your rack card after getting it from the display stand, you have already gained a customer or two or more, if that person refers you to friends and family. This is how powerful rack cards are for advertising, so it’s something that you should include in your printed advertising materials arsenal.

When you print rack cards, here are your paper and color options:

  • The paper size

There are two rack card sizes to choose from. First, the lay flat counter size which is 3.5” x 8.5”. Second, there’s the popular rack display size of 4” x 9”. Knowing where and how you will display the rack cards will make it easier for you to decide between the two.

  • The paper thickness

Rack cards can be made using 16 pt. or 17 pt. thickness paper.

  • The print finish

Depending on the colors used in the design of your rack cards, you can choose between an ultra-smooth matte finish or an ultra-smooth gloss finish. As the name implies, a matte print finish does not have any sheen to it, while a smooth gloss finish is perfect for rack card designs with HD photography or illustrations.

If you want full color HD rack cards using the latest in printing technology, it is best to go with an offset printing company. By doing your research, you can have a batch of well-made, beautifully printed rack cards to distribute to your existing and potential customers.


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