Brochure Printing Marketing Strategies

Along with business cards, postcards, flyers, notepads, envelopes, banners, letterheads, menus, and rack cards, brochure printing should be part of every print marketing campaign. Despite the prevalence of digital marketing, there is still a certain appeal brought about by handling something tangible, so print ads still work. Here, we will take a look at the marketing techniques that you can use when printing and distributing brochures.

Marketing Techniques to Apply when Printing Brochures

Should you decide to launch a full print marketing campaign, the first thing to do is look for an online printing services provider. Take your pick from digital or offset printing companies. There are shops that offer both, and they will use a method that’s suitable for the volume of your order. After choosing which online printing shop to go with, you need to choose the brochure size, folding option, paper finish, and paper thickness. 

Naturally, the first thing that the print shop staff will ask is whether you already have a design for your brochures. Since you have plenty of space to write content in, it is important to apply these marketing techniques so that you can reach goals when designing this type of printed material:

  • Do your research about your audience.

Are you operating a restaurant or selling a product for women? If your audience is the general public, you do need a mix of print and digital ads to reach out to them. If you’re selling products for women, what is their age group and income bracket? Do your research on how they like to receive their information. This way, you can have a more targeted marketing campaign.

  • Use language that persuades them to buy your products or services.

A brochure can have up to twelve panels, giving you plenty of space to use. For the copy, use language that entices them to buy – ditch the old fashioned hard sell method. Highlight the advantages of using your product or service. Combine text with full color, HD images so the reader won’t get bombarded with too much text. 

  • Combine digital with traditional.

Lastly, mix your print advertising efforts with digital so that you can reach as wide an audience as possible. By doing your homework about your target audience, you can come up with brochures that will entice them to actually read and respond to your marketing message.

Keep Information Organized with Brochure Printing

One dilemma that you have to face with print advertising is determining how much information to include in a marketing material. Let’s take brochure printing as an example. As you may already know, these are informational leaflets that advertise a business, organization, service, or product. If you’re selling a product or service, your main purpose in printing the brochure is to let people know that your brand exists, and what benefits they can get from doing business with you. 

Tips for Organizing Information in Brochures 

Again, the challenge in brochure printing is organizing information. Depending on the size and folding option of the brochure, you can get anywhere from four to twelve panels. An 8.5” x 11” trifold brochure, for instance, will give you six panels to place your copy on. How can you wisely use the space while organizing the information at the same time? Here are some tips: 

  • Start with the cover. 

All your printed marketing materials should have a color palette that’s similar to your business logo. This way, they will instantly associate those hues with your brand. For the brochure cover, there should be an image which is the main focus of the page. The cover should show your company name, logo, and what the brochure is all about – all in one glance. 

  • Balance the text with high-resolution images. 

In this digital age where everything is instantaneous, people do not like reading through too much text. For your brochure, there should be a good balance between text and high-resolution images. You want to leave a great first impression, so the brochure should have full color HD images. 

  • Highlight the benefits that a customer will enjoy from your products or services. 

This should be the main purpose of your brochure: informing the reader of the benefit that he or she will enjoy when taking advantage of your product or service. Highlight this in the middle parts of the brochure. 

  • Your information should be accurate, and there should be a call-to-action.

Finally, all your contact information should be accurate – and include a call-to-action. Do you want customers to call you, sign up for a mailing list, or visit your store, restaurant or website? It’s better if you can include a promo code that they can use for discounts. 

When having brochures made, look for cheap printing services provider that can deliver high-quality prints at an affordable price.

Done with EDDM Postcard Printing? What’s Next?

You may already have a print advertising campaign in place if you are thinking about EDDM postcard printing. If not, then it’s high time to include EDDM postcards in your list of print ad materials because it is cheap, hassle-free, and effective. First, what is an EDDM postcard? It stands for Every Door Direct Mail where the online printing company will charge you just a few cents per postcard for the postage. You only have to select where to send the postcards to, and they along with the USPS will take care of the rest of the process for you. 

Key Tips for Distributing EDDM Postcards 

When having EDDM postcards printed, make sure that the printing process has a high-quality output. This is especially true if you plan to include images in your postcards. The pictures should be professionally shot and printed in full color HD. Your goal is to impress your customers so anything other than excellent printing results would be a disappointment. They would equate the quality of your postcards with the quality of products or services that you are offering. Next, choose an EDDM eligible size for the postcards. You should also decide whether to print on one or two sides; and if you want a matte or a glossy finish. 

Once you’re done with EDDM postcard printing, what’s next? Distribution is the keyword here. You can choose to mail the EDDM postcards to a specific zip code so one postcard will be sent to every household in your chosen route. You want to be as specific as possible in selecting the route because you want to have good marketing results. 

Let’s say that you are launching a line of women’s products. You want to mail out promotional postcards to households with this demographic. You can select by zip code, individual mail carrier route, age bracket, income bracket, or household size. Aside from paying for postcard printing package, you only need to pay a few cents additional for the EDDM postage. The print shop will bundle the postcards for you, fulfil the other USPS requirements, and bring the cards to the local post office for mailbox distribution. 

Effective distribution is key if you want your print advertising efforts to be a success using EDDM mailing. 

How Cost-Effective is EDDM Postcard Printing?

When entrepreneurs think about something like EDDM postcard printing, the first thing that they might consider is the costs involved. It’s perfectly fine to scrimp on some costs but when it comes to advertising your business, you need to invest – and you should get your money’s worth. With EDDM or Every Door Direct Mail, you will get every bang for your buck. Read on to find out what makes EDDM cost-effective.

Factors that Make EDDM Postcard Printing Cost-Effective 

First, let’s have a quick look at how EDDM works. If you order business cards online from a print company, ask if they offer EDDM mailing. If yes, you need to order EDDM postcards and pay the printing fees. Then, you have to specify which audience you would like to send the mailers to. The online printing company will work with the USPS in sending your postcards to the zip code, mailing route, or any other demographic that you will identify. 

What makes this arrangement cost effective? Take a look: 

  • At just a few cents per piece, you can have a ready-made mailing list. Imagine how time consuming it is to put together a list of your customer’s names and mailing addresses. You can also pay for mailing permits, but that is another cost to pay and too much of a hassle. If you are soft opening a restaurant, for example, you can send postcards with promo codes to every door in the same zip code as your location. You can also narrow down the list by age bracket, household size, household income, number of people per household, etc. This is yet another cost-saving way because you don’t have to mail a postcard to someone who does not belong to your category of target audience. 

  • At just a few cents per piece, you do not have to do the ‘dirty work’ in mailing out the postcards individually. Once you order EDDM cards from a print shop, they will bundle the cards in stacks of 100 each. This is a requirement of the USPS. Then, they will fill out the necessary paperwork. Finally, they will be the one to deliver the ready-for-mailing postcards to the local post office in your area. This is what will be delivered to the individual mailboxes on your chosen route. 

As you can see, EDDM mailing is a cost-effective, hassle-free way of reaching out to your target market. The time and effort that you will save, you can use to focus on growing your business more.

Frequently Asked Questions about EDDM Postcard Printing

There are many online printing services offering either offset or digital printing. If you want to launch a full-fledged print advertising campaign, then you need to look for one with the length of experience and the equipment needed for the types of printing jobs that you require. Here, we will take a look at one print job in particular: EDDM postcard printing

EDDM is Every Door Direct Mail where the print shop works with the USPS to send your mailers to the mailboxes of every door in a specific zip code or mailing route that you will specify. Instead of building a mailing list from scratch, you can simply pay for the EDDM postage fees and the printing company will take care of the rest of the process for you. 


To learn more about EDDM postcards mailing, here are some frequently asked questions about it:

  • What are my printing options for postcards? 

As mentioned earlier, you can choose between offset and digital printing. Offset looks more professionally-made than digital simply because of the sophistication of the printing presses that they use. If you want to have full color HD postcards, offset printing is for you. 

  • Which size should I choose? 

There are over two dozen sizes available for postcards ranging from 2.5” x 2.5” to 9” x 12”. For EDDM, however, there are only seven acceptable sizes including: 4.25” x 11”, 4.5” x 12”, 6” x 11”, 6.5” x 12”, 6.5” x 9”, 8” x 10”, and 9” x 12”.

  • Is EDDM cheap? 

If you will be working with a print shop that specifically offers EDDM services, you only need to pay for the price of the printing package, plus a few cents each for the EDDM services. This fee is more than worth it because the printing company will take care of the bundling of the postcards for you, as well as the paper work. They will also deliver your postcards to the local post office for mailbox distribution. 

  • What marketing message should I include in the postcard?

Based on the size of the card, you can have just a short marketing message in the mailer. Make sure to add a call to action, the information should be accurate, and it’s better to include a promotional code. This way, your marketing message will be all the more effective. Lastly, be consistent in postcard marketing because the more that customers hear from you, the more loyal they will be to your brand.

How Do I Choose the Best Size for EDDM Postcard Printing?

When launching a print marketing campaign, you want to focus on two things: design and distribution. Let’s say that you would like to add EDDM postcard printing in your print advertising arsenal. EDDM stands for Every Door Direct Marketing. Here, the online printing company will work with the USPS to distribute your mailers to every door in a zip code or carrier route. You can also mail to a specific age bracket, income bracket, household size, or any other demographic. What makes EDDM mailing an ideal option for entrepreneurs is that distribution becomes hassle-free. Just pay for the printing and postage fees. After choosing the mailing route, you simply wait for customers to receive their postcards in the mail. Since distribution is already taken care of, you can focus your attention on designing the postcard itself. 

What are the EDDM Eligible Postcard Sizes?

Let’s say that you have already chosen a printing partner. Once you have your design, you can decide on the other details like the size, the paper finish, the thickness of the paper, and whether you are printing front and back, or one side only. 

Next, if your print partner is working with the USPS, they should have a list of the EDDM eligible postcard sizes that you can mail out to your customers. Here are your options for the EDDM postcard sizes:

  • 4.25” x 11”
  • 4.5” x 12”
  • 6” x 11”
  • 6.5” x 12”
  • 6.5” x 9”
  • 8” x 10”
  • 9” x 12”

There are dozens of other postcard sizes available but these are the specific ones accepted by the USPS for EDDM. The print shop will also handle other tasks like bundle wrapping the postcards in stacks of 100 as required by the USPS. There’s also paperwork to be done. After you have paid the postage fees, the print shop will ship directly to the local post office in your area for mailbox distribution. It’s that easy! 

One more thing to remember when designing your postcard is to not fill it with too much text or too many images – balance the two. You can also include a call to action so that the recipient of the card can take the next step in doing business with you. Better yet, include a promotional code so you can be sure that they will buy the product or services that you are offering.

EDDM Postcard Printing: How to Reach Out to Your Target Market

EDDM postcard printing stands for Every Door Direct Mail, a form of marketing using printed materials. These materials are displayed, given away, or mailed out. Despite the prevalence of digital advertising, there’s still a place for printed marketing materials – if only for novelty. But more than these materials being tangible, they are actually effective and reliable when it comes to spreading the word about your brand. So why should you go with EDDM mailing?

First, it’s easy. You simply need to partner with a printing shop, order your postcards, then they will take care of the mailing part for you. If you will order EDDM cards, they will work with the USPS and fulfil their requirements in mailing out the postcard. You just need to choose the route and your printing partner will handle the rest. 

Second, EDDM mailing is cheap yet effective. For just a few cents per card, you can have your advertising postcards mailed out to ‘every door’ in a zip code, for example. When you make it a habit to mail postcards to your existing and potential clients, you are actually establishing customer loyalty. With all these reasons and more, what is there not to like about EDDM mailing? 

Choosing Where to Distribute the EDDM Postcards

Again, the online printing company will be the one to work with the USPS in mailing out your postcards. You just need to choose which address category to mail out the cards to. Here are some of your options:

  • By zip code

If you’re in the food business, everyone can be considered your target market. So choose a zip code that’s within a five-mile radius of your restaurant, for example, then you’re good to go. 

  • By age bracket

If you’re offering a product or service with an adult or teenage market, choose a mailing list according to age bracket. 

  • By income bracket

If you are have a more upscale clientele, choose a mailing list of people on the higher spectrum of the income bracket. 

  • By household size

You can also decide who to send out your mailers to based on the number of people living in the same house. 

  • By individual carrier route

Finally, you can mail your postcards by individual carrier route. 

With EDDM postcards, there is no need for you to put together your own mailing list. Simply choose among the above categories and the printing company will work out all the details for you. 

Mistakes to Avoid in Rack Cards Printing

Rack cards printing is a popular material for print advertising. When you walk into a hotel or theatre lobby, you will usually see a stack of 4” x 9” cards made from thick paper stock. The font is large so it can easily be seen, with a colorful design and eye-catching details. The goal of displaying these rack cards is for people passing by to get one. Once they read it, they will learn more about the products or services that you offer. If they like what they read, they can take home the rack card for future reference or even give them away to family of friends for referrals. 

Rack Card Printing: Mistakes to Avoid

Rack cards can also be sent out as mailers. With a lot of marketing advantages, there really is no reason for you to say no to the prospect of including rack cards in your print advertising arsenal. Now, when having rack cards printed out, the first thing that you need to do is look for an online printing services provider. 

To get the best results out of your rack cards marketing efforts, here is a list of the mistakes that you should avoid:

  • Filling the card area with too much text or too many images. 

Aside from the popular rack display size, there’s also a lay flat counter size available which measures 3.5” x 8.5”. Although rack cards are bigger than postcards or business cards, it still has limited space as compared to brochures or flyers. This means that you should not fil the card area with too much text or too many images. Use colors which are present in your logo for a cohesive look, and make sure that the letters and images are sharp. 

  • Rushing through the process of looking for a printing partner. 

Another mistake to avoid is rushing through the process of looking for an online printing services provider. Take your pick from digital or offset print shops. Do your research and check on the length of time that they’ve been in the business, the quality of customer services that they offer, the turnaround time, and the price of the printing packages. Narrow down your choices to two or three, do further research on the quality of prints that they offer, and make an informed selection from there.

  • Not familiarizing yourself with your printing and material options. 

Rack cards should be loud, colorful, and eye-catching. Not familiarizing yourself with the material and printing options is a mistake because you would want to only get the best quality output possible. 

  • Not considering the printing costs. 

Finally, always consider the printing costs. Offset may be a bit pricier than digital but in terms of quality, nothing beats full color, HD printing. Also, the more pieces you order, the lower the per unit price gets. Consider this when choosing a printing package. 

By avoiding these mistakes, you can order a stack of rack cards with the best price and quality.

Pocket-Sized Advertising Wonders: All About Rack Cards

When using printed advertising materials, you want something that grabs the attention of the readers. It also helps if the material can be easily carried wherever they go. Such is the flexibility and portability of rack cards. Rack cards printing is something that you must consider if you want an eye-catching, pocket-sized advertising material for your brand. 

Everything You Need to Know about Rack Cards Printing

Fortunately, it is very easy to look for online printing companies that specialize in rack cards printing. Here’s what you need to know about it:

  • You can choose from offset or digital printing shops.

Rack cards are pocket-sized printed advertising materials which aim to promote a brand. You will often see a stack of rack cards in brochure displays at hotel lobbies, tourist centres, amusement parks, theatres, and reception areas of offices. The goal in rack cards advertising is to have people grab one from the display case, then read it and bring it home. Naturally, your business’ information should be printed on the rack card. Since there’s limited space in it, make sure that your copy is short but still attention-grabbing. 

Take your pick from digital or offset printing companies when having rack cards printed. Digital typically uses desktop printers while offset uses big printing presses. For large volumes and professional print quality, offset is the recommended option. 

  • You have different printing options to choose from. 

After choosing between offset and digital, there are several material-related decisions that you need to make. Would you like the regular 4” x 9” size or the smaller 3.5” x 8.5”? Would you like to use 16-pt. or 17-pt. paper stock? How about the paper finish – ultra-smooth matte or ultra-smooth gloss? There is also the tear-off business card option, and you can decide between one side or two sides printing. 

  • Aside from using them as displays, rack cards can also be mailed out.

Finally, rack cards can also be used as mailers. You can include them in your postcards marketing campaign, or just mail them out as is. It’s better if you can include a promotional code at the back of the card so that you can have a sure response from the customer once they read it. 

Indeed, rack cards are pocket-sized marketing wonders, so better take advantage of it!

Rack Cards Printing: Sales Strategies You Can Use

Would you like to have an effective marketing tool for your brand? Whether you’re offering a service that people use everyday or if it’s a unique retail product that you’re selling,  rack cards printing is the ideal solution to promote your wares. Rack cards are usually 4” x 9” cards which are made from thick paper stock. Similar to postcards, these are promotional materials which are prominently displayed in areas where they can easily be seen. They can also be used in mailing promotional campaigns. 

Apply these Sales Strategies when Using Rack Cards

Now, the first thing to do if you’d like to include rack cards in your line of printed marketing materials is to look for cheap printing services. There are dedicated offset or digital printing shops, while other offer both types of printing process. With digital printing, a desktop printer is typically used, making it ideal for small print jobs. But if you want professional-level quality and if you’re ordering in bulk, offset printing is the better option. 

Next, here are the sales strategies that you can apply for rack cards printing:

  • Design your rack cards appropriately.

Rack cards have less space than brochures but more space than business cards or postcards. Use the available space wisely – make sure that the copy is not too text-laden. If you want to include pictures, make sure to invest in professional photography to impress your customers. The copy should be short but well-written, accurate, and catchy. 

  • Display your rack cards in strategic locations.

Brochure or rack stands are usually seen in hotel lobbies, gas stations, tourist centres, hotels, movie theatres, amusement parks, reception areas, etc. By displaying your rack cards in areas where there is high foot traffic, you can make sure that it is seen by as many people as possible. 

  • Include special offers. 

Why would anyone want to take home your rack card if there’s nothing in it for them? When having rack cards made, there should always be a benefit for the customer in the form of promotional codes, discount coupons, and other similar offers. 

  • Lower the printing costs by ordering more.

Lastly, you can lower the printing costs by ordering more copies. Once an offset printer is setup, the costs of printing each card gets lower.  As such, a batch of 2,000 copies is cheaper than ordering just 1,000 or 500 copies.