Letterhead Printing: Ways to Use & Distribute

If you’re running any kind of business, you most likely already have a logo and some level of online presence. These are good things to have, but what about taking things up a notch and launching a full-fledged print advertising campaign? Since you already have a logo, you should stamp that brand on other printed marketing materials like letterheads, business cards, postcards, banners, envelopes, notepads, brochures, and flyers. Letterhead printing in particular is very effective in legitimizing your brand, making your transactions look official, and completing your print promotional campaign.

Printing, Using & Distributing Letterheads

So how do you use letterheads for advertising? Here are a few techniques:

  • Choose which online printing company to go with.

You can select between offline and digital printing. Some online printing services offer just one, while others have both – what they will use depends on the volume of your order. Since letterheads are tangible and they are seen, read, and held by customers, they need to feel luxurious and look professionally-printed. Invest in a good letterhead design and make sure that the quality of print as well as the materials are excellent.

  • Use letterheads in every transaction.

You can use notepads or stationery with your business letterhead to send correspondence to business partners, clients, customers, suppliers, and other contacts. They can be used to write memos, acceptance letters, price quotations, invitations, or any other information or event that’s related to your business.

  • Distribute notepads or stationery with your business letterhead.

Finally, you can get in touch with an online printing shop to create notepads or stationery with your business letterhead. Distribute these in trade shows, corporate events, give them as gifts to clients and customers, or personally hand them out on the streets. Since they are practical to use, people won’t hesitate getting one.

Learning how to print, use, and distribute letterheads is essential if you want to include them as part of your print marketing campaign.

Letterhead Printing is No Minor Detail

When you are sending correspondence to a supplier of your food business, for example, do you just print on plain paper? If yes, you might think that the stationery you’re using to print anything that’s business related is just a minor detail. Although it may be a small detail, it is definitely not minor. With letterhead printing, you can actually use your stationery and envelopes to make a statement about your brand.

As you may already know, a letterhead is a part of a stationery or envelope where your business’ logo and the basic information about it is printed. There are numerous ways that you can design a letterhead, but it’s better if you will incorporate the same font and colors as your business logo.

Since the primary purpose of letterhead printing is to spread the word about your brand, here are a few ways to go about it:

Look for a reliable online printing services. They can either use a digital or offset printing process. Some of the things that you need to decide on are the following:

  • the number of sheets that you want printed with your letterhead
  • the size of the letterhead (14” x 8.5” or 17” x 11”)
  • whether you want one-sided or two-sided printing
  • the type of paper, choose from textured white linen or smooth standard white
  • optional folding or blank second sheets
  • the turnaround time.

If you are sending out snail mail or physical mail to clients, suppliers, customers, and other business contacts on a regular basis, it is a must to invest in letterhead printing. Since your logo is incorporated in the design of the letterhead, it becomes part of your branding. If you are using the letterhead for soft copies of the emails that you are sending or if your website has the same logo and colors incorporated on the design, then you have a cohesive look that is instantly recognizable. This is crucial for your branding, because customers will instantly associate the look of your correspondence with your brand.

With a well-thought-out letterhead design and by using high-quality materials, you can leave a great first impression to your customers about your brand. Letterheads also make your transactions look legitimate, so it is something to invest in if you are business owner.

Print Rack Cards to Upgrade Your Print Ad Campaign

The organizers of concerts, plays, theatre shows, movies, and other musical events usually print rack cards to promote any event that they are handling. Why? Because rack cards are cheap to produce, yet are very effective in reaching out to their target market. This is also why you will often see rack cards of an upcoming play once you step into the lobby of a theatre. The rack cards are displayed on brochure or rack stands and the goal is for passers-by to get one. Once they read about the upcoming event, they will be interested to find out more information about it.

Another good thing about rack cards advertising is that it is a type of targeted marketing. If you’re a concert promoter and you display rack cards at a concert hall, the people who will see and take one of your rack cards are already interested in music. This means better response rate for your next events and if your rack cards are impressive enough, you will get more inquiries about your business.

Upgrading Your Rack Cards Advertising Campaign

Perhaps one of the challenges of rack cards printing is how to make your design stand out. Remember that the rack card will be displayed along with dozens of other rack cards of the same size, so how can your cards be attention-grabbing enough? Here’s how to upgrade these marketing materials:

  • Never use cheap paper!

It’s fine to use thin paper for brochures and flyers but never rack cards. These should be thick cards that are able to stand on their own. The finish should be impeccable – you can choose between matte or glossy. The higher the paper quality is, the more impressive your rack cards would be.

  • Make the images pop on paper.

If you must include photos or illustrations on the design, make sure that they are professional-looking. Imagine having a poorly pixelated photo of a band on your rack card. Not only will the reader not recognize the photo, but they will also have a poor impression of the quality of show to expect. Make sure that the colors and overall design blend well when designing the card.

  • The content should be impactful.

Finally, the content should be short but full of impact. Include a call-to-action. Ask the online printing services if they offer a tear-off business card option if you want something more unique.

Any business will greatly benefit from rack cards advertising, so make sure to ask your local print shop about your print package options.

Print Rack Cards to Connect to Your Customers

Rack cards are what those cards displayed in hotel lobbies are called. They usually come in 4” x 9” sizes and are printed using thick cardboard, with a glossy finish and bold colors. When you print rack cards, your purpose is to promote your business to as many people as possible. Here, we will learn more about how you can use rack cards to connect to your customers.

How Can I Use Rack Cards to Connect to Customers?

If you wish to include rack cards in your print marketing arsenal, you first need to look for an online printing services provider. They will be the one to print out the rack cards for you using either an offset or digital printing process. Offset is more suitable for big volume orders, and if you want professional-looking results for the print. When distributing any printed material to promote your brand to customers, make sure to pay attention to detail. Everything from the thickness of the paper to the finish of the print, the font, the colors used, and the overall design – these should all blend into one coherent design.

Next, how can you use rack cards to connect to your customers? These are displayed in brochure or rack stands so people can pick them up, read them, and take them home. You can actually have the rack cards made with a detachable business card that people can use to get in touch with you. This is one way to connect to them.

Another way that you can use rack cards to connect to customers is by making your message on the copy clear yet concise. You don’t have that much space in rack cards unlike in brochures, so reveal your message right away. There should be a call-to-action in the end so people would know exactly what to do after reading your card. Use both the front and back sides of the card to maximize printing costs.

How Should I Give Away Rack Cards?

Finally, how can you effectively distribute them after you’re done with rack cards printing? Again, its main purpose is to be displayed in a stand and picked up – so choose strategic locations. Hotels, tourist centres, rest stops, landmarks, restaurants, convenience stores, and theme parks are some of the places where you can display rack cards. Aside from putting them on display, you can also use them as package inserts, distribute them during trade shows, or hand them out personally in areas where there is high foot traffic.

All in all, rack cards are a great advertising tool so consider having yours printed out now.

Your Many Paper Options for Takeout Menu Printing

Have you ever walked into a restaurant and was handed a dine-in menu, only to be disappointed because its print is hardly readable, it’s greasy, and the information is not well organized so you don’t know where to look? You do not want to make these glaring mistakes when designing a dine-in menu for your food business. The same thing holds true for takeout menu printing – you want to make sure that it is printed with the highest quality possible to impress your customers.

The good news is that there are many print shops that are now offering online printing services. Depending on the number of copies that you need printed, they can use either a digital or offset printing process. For small jobs, digital printing uses a desktop printer. For bigger orders, offset printing is used which utilizes huge printing presses with state-of-the-art printing technology. In terms of quality, offset printing is also better. It provides professional-looking results because of the full color, HD printing process used. 

Takeout Menu Paper Options 

Now, if you would like to finish your takeout menu printing task with professional-looking results, you need to pay attention to even the smallest details. For the paper used for printing, here are some of the decisions that you need to make:

  • What size should I choose for the takeout menu? 

The available takeout menu sizes are 4.25” x 11”, 8.5” x 11”, 8.5” x 14”, 9’ x 12”, 11’ x 17”, and 11” x 25.5”. The smallest size is great for packaging, the 8.5” x 11” option is the standard size, while the succeeding ones are legal size, folder sheet size, tabloid size, and map size. Choose one that will fit the number of items that you have on the menu. 

  • How about the folding option? 

There are many folding options available including trifold, Z-fold, half fold, single gate, double gate, double parallel, roll fold, accordion, French fold, and half then trifold. 

  • Medium or extreme gloss?

Choose between 100# gloss text book paper with medium gloss and extreme gloss using 100# cover paper. 

  • What about the paper thickness? 

You can use either 16-pt. or 17-pt. paper stock for takeout menus. 

By familiarizing yourself with the paper options for takeout menus, you can produce the best quality print ad materials that will suit the image of your brand in the food industry. 

Takeout Menu Printing: Tips on Organizing the Items

If you need to have takeout menus printed out, the first thing to do is look for an online printing services provider. Go online and compare the printing packages offered by different print shops. Do they offer digital printing, offset printing, or both? If you need a large number of copies produced, offset is the better option because it uses huge printing presses with state-of-the-art printing technology. For smaller takeout menu printing jobs, digital should be suitable. 

Narrow down your choices of print shops to the ones with a good package price, a number of paper printing options, and make sure that they received good feedback from previous customers. From your pared down list, you can make an informed decision and work with the best print shop possible.

Tips when Organizing the Items on Your Takeout Menu

Now, the challenge in takeout menu printing is designing the actual menu. First, what size of menu would you like? Your options include:

  • 4.25” x 11”
  • 8.5” x 11”
  • 8.5” x 14”
  • 11” x 17”
  • 11” x 25.5”
  • 9” x 12”

There are also several folding options available – the most common are trifold, half fold, and Z-fold. 

Second, to organize the information in your takeout menu, narrow down the choices to about 12 items – anymore than that is bound to confuse the customers. Make sure that there are high-profit, easy-to-prepare items which customers can order repeatedly and still enjoy. The takeout menu should be easy to read.

If you have a complete restaurant menu with several courses, arrange the items from left to right starting with appetizers, soups, salads, main courses, then desserts. There should be a central color palette, apply the hues which are also present in your business logo. 

To sum it up, the overall look of your takeout menu should be consistent with your restaurant’s brand and theme. As a printed marketing material, you need to make sure that the takeout menu is designed well with the information organized. Finally, it should be printed using high-quality materials to impress and entice those hungry diners to check out your restaurant. 

Print Postcards to Complete Your Print Marketing Campaign

If you’re in the food business or if you are selling a line of products for babies, for example, you need to invest in marketing schemes like postcard printing. Naturally, nobody would know about your brand at first except for the direct employees. Over time, awareness about your business should build – and this cannot happen if you will not launch any kind of advertising campaign. Fortunately, you can combine digital with print marketing to spread the word about your brand. 

For digital marketing, you need to establish an online presence. Create an official Facebook page and do the same thing for other social media accounts like Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and other sites. Of course, you need to have an official website and email address where customers can get in touch with you. Your digital marketing scheme would target the young people who are always online. 

For print marketing, you need to look for an online printing services provider. This targets the older generation who are not always online. Surprisingly, there are still young customers who appreciate being sent tangible instead of digital marketing materials. This actually broadens the reach of print advertising, making it effective up to this day. 

When you print postcards, here are a few things to remember: 

  • Work with a trusted print shop. Check on the online feedback about the quality of customer service that they provide. Determine if they use a digital or offset printing process – some offer both and use the appropriate method based on the volume of postcards that you will order. Also check on the quality of materials that they use. 
  • Know how to distribute your postcards effectively. You can go with the direct mail option where you have to put together your own mailing list. Or, ask if the print shop offers EDDM or Every Door Direct Mail postcards. Here, they will partner with the USPS to every door in a zip code, mailing route, or demographic that you will specify. 
  • When designing the postcards, always include a call-to-action. This will guide the recipient of the card on what to do next. Would you like them to sign up for a mailing list, visit your website, or buy something from your store using the promotional code that’s included in the card?

Familiarizing yourself with the benefits and must-dos when it comes to postcard printing will help you get maximum results for your print ad campaign. 

How to Combine Postcard Printing with Digital Marketing

People usually receive postcards from their loved ones who are on holiday, or during special occasions. This may be an old-fashioned way of sending greetings or any other message, but there is such a novelty in receiving something tangible because of the presence of digital options. Let’s say that you are a business owner and you want to send holiday greetings to your customers. With postcard printing, you can make your customers feel special – especially if you will include a promotional code that they can use for discounts when purchasing something from your store or when booking your services. 

Digital Plus Print is The Way To Go!

No matter what product or service it is that you are offering, you need to make people aware that your brand actually exists. This is where marketing efforts come into place. For digital marketing, you do need to have that online presence because that’s where the young audience is. If you don’t have a website, a Twitter handle, a Facebook page, or an Instagram account, you might as well not exist for the young people. This is where they get information and feedback about brands that they haven’t heard of before. As such, you need to establish an online presence first. 

However, there are members of the older generations who have not yet caught up with technology. This is the part of the market that you can reach through print advertising. If you will contact an online printing company to order 500 postcards, for example, you can mail these out to all the addresses within the vicinity of your business. With the help of the online printing services provider, you can launch a worthy print advertising campaign to complement your digital marketing efforts. 

By combining digital with print marketing, you can reach out to as many people as possible, based on how they consume their information. 

Postcard Printing with Direct Mail Marketing: What You Need to Know

If you decided to include postcard printing in your list of print marketing materials, you are on the right track. Similar to business cards, flyers, brochures, letterheads, and other print ad materials, postcards serve as a medium for you to communicate with your target audience. As a business owner, your goal is to inform customers about the background of your company, the products or services that you offer, or if there are any upcoming promos or events that they might be interested in. When you print postcards, you can include any marketing message that you want and the recipient could respond accordingly. It’s an effective advertising medium that is also cheap to produce. 

Direct Mailing Postcards 

The first thing to do if you want to include postcards in your print advertising campaign is to look for an online printing services provider. There are two options to choose from: digital and offset. Digital print shops use desktop printers while offset printing involves huge printing presses using state-of-the-art printing technology. The latter may be a bit more expensive but once the initial setup is done, the per piece cost actually gets lower. This means that the more postcards you order, the lower the price becomes. Another advantage of offset printing is that it can handle bulk printing jobs, and the print quality is excellent. 

After printing the postcards, what comes next? You need to distribute the cards because they actually belong to the hands of your prospective and existing customers. An easy way to distribute postcards is to include them in deliveries, supplier receipts, or gift packages for business contacts. You can also personally hand them out on the streets in areas where there is high foot traffic. But the main purpose of printing postcards is to include them in mailers. For this, you have the option to do a direct mail campaign. If you have a mailing list that you put together yourself, you can have the print company mail out the postcards for you. You can also purchase a mailing list so you don’t have to go through the tedious process of collecting names and addresses. 

Despite the prevalence of online campaigns, there is still a huge chunk of the market that can only be reached via direct mail. By direct mailing postcards, you can target this specific market, enhance your brand, and increase the sales of your products or services. 

Make the Most Out of Your Brochure Printing Task

One of the many tasks that you should take on if you want to promote your business is brochure printing. For this, you will be ordering a stack of brochures from an online printing shop and you can distribute them by mailing them out to customers, by including one in every product purchase, or by personally handing them out to people. Here, we will take a look at how you can make the most out of your brochure printing task.

Easy-to-Follow Brochure Printing Tips

The first thing you need to do is look for an online printing services provider that can print the brochures for you. Choose between digital or offset printing. The first one uses desktop printers and is suitable for small volumes, while offset printing uses huge printing presses and can handle big printing jobs. 

Here are more tips to follow when printing brochures: 

  • Design your brochure accordingly. 

Your goal in creating printed marketing materials is spread awareness about your brand. As such, the same colors as your business logo should be used for brochures, especially the cover. The overall design should be simple yet impactful, and suit the image of your brand while appealing to your target audience all at the same time. 

  • Deliver the right marketing message.

Do you want to let people know how you got started as a business? If yes, include a Mission and Vision or History in one of the panels of the brochure. Or maybe you’d like to include a detailed description of the line of products that you offer? Based on your goal in creating the brochure in the first place, you can deliver the right marketing message by using a combination of text and sharp, full color, HD images. 

  • Make sure that the brochure is printed properly. 

Pay attention to detail when printing out brochures. Decide on the size, folding option, paper thickness, and finish. Brochures should be impressively printed so invest in offset printing that uses state-of-the-art technology. 

  • Distribute the brochures effectively.

After ordering the brochures, you need to get them into the hands of your existing and prospective customers. To distribute, you can include them in deliveries, receipts, price quotations, and product purchases. You can also use direct mailing, every door direct mailing, or personally hand them out to people passing by.