A Comprehensive Guide to EDDM Postcard Printing

EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail) postcard printing is an essential marketing strategy that targets a diverse audience at a low cost. This strategy is ideal for small businesses where advertising budget is low, but the intention is to create maximum impact. In this blog, we’ll take you through what EDDM postcard printing is, why it’s essential, and how to make it work for your business.

What is EDDM Postcard Printing?
EDDM Postcard Printing is a service offered by the USPS (United States Postal Service) to help small businesses reach a broader demographic audience within specific zip codes without having to provide an address list. All you need to do is choose your desired zip codes and the number of postcards you wish to send. EDDM postcards can have different size options, making them more customizable according to your needs.

Why is EDDM Postcard Printing Essential?
EDDM Postcard Printing is an affordable marketing solution that targets individuals within specific zip codes. This way, you can reach an audience that may not be interested in your business otherwise. It is cost-effective, efficient, and measurable, allowing you to track responses and help you modify the marketing strategy accordingly.

The Benefits of EDDM Postcard Printing
The most significant benefit of EDDM postcard printing is its affordability. You can print beautiful, high-quality postcards without breaking the bank and saturate targeted neighborhood mailing routes with relevant, timely information about your business. Other benefits include low distribution costs, ability to customize postcards with coupons, special offers, and listing services. You can easily measure the results, gather feedback and adapt your strategies according to the findings.

How to Make EDDM Postcard Printing Work for Your Business
The first step to making EDDM postcard printing work for your business is having a clear understanding of your target audience. Conduct market research to identify what your potential customers need and the best ways to reach them. Once this has been established, offer a valuable and engaging message. The message should be compelling and encourage the recipient to act by providing a clear call-to-action. Design the postcard with a clear and easy-to-read font, including your company logo, with vibrant colors that will grab the recipient’s attention. Lastly, proofread and edit the message to ensure that there are no typos or grammar errors.

EDDM Postcard Printing is an affordable and efficient advertising solution for small businesses. It provides an excellent opportunity to reach your target audience while measuring the results. By providing customized postcards, clear and engaging messages, and a well-executed design, your postcards will stand out and attract your audience’s attention. Ensure that you conduct thorough market research and invest quality time in the design of the postcards to make your EDDM postcard printing campaign successful.

How 6.5×9 EDDM Postcards can Boost Your Marketing Efforts

Marketing with 6.5×9 EDDM postcards is an essential tool that organizations use to boost their sales and increase profit margins. However, many businesses struggle to determine the most effective marketing strategy. One marketing strategy that has gained popularity in recent years is Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) postcard marketing. This marketing technique has proven to be profitable, with many businesses reducing their marketing costs while increasing their sales. This article aims to explore the possibility of making profits through EDDM postcard marketing.

EDDM postcard marketing is a cost-effective marketing strategy compared to other advertising mediums. The U.S. Postal Service created this method to help businesses reach potential customers in their community through targeted mailing. This process eliminates the cost of seeking a mailing list, purchasing stamps, and the cost of an envelope. Since EDDM mailing only requires a postcard, businesses can save money and increase profits by targeting their marketing messages to a specific geographic location.

EDDM postcard marketing offers an excellent return on investment (ROI) compared to other advertising and marketing methods. Using EDDM postcards allows you to target specific neighborhoods, which increases the probability of getting your message in front of potential customers. In addition, EDDM postcards have a high response rate, as they are eye-catching, easy to read, and direct. With a high response rate and a low cost per postcard, businesses can increase their ROI and enjoy higher profits.

EDDM postcards in a 6.5×9 size allows businesses to personalize their messages. Since businesses can pick specific neighborhoods, they can target potential customers with specific messages based on demographics, interests, and behaviors of the neighborhood. This results in a more targeted and personalized marketing message tailored to the potential customer, increasing the probability of a sale.

Unlike traditional advertising methods, EDDM postcard marketing offers direct and easy to trackable results. It is essential to add a call to action on your EDDM postcard to prompt customers to take action, like visiting your website or calling your business. This call to action can be tracked through your website and phone inquiries, making it easier to measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaign. Through tracking, businesses can determine what works and make any necessary changes to increase their profit margins.

EDDM postcard marketing is flexible and can be used in many industries, including healthcare, food, real estate, beauty, and more. EDDM postcards are not limited by industry, making it an ideal marketing strategy for businesses of any size and industry. The versatility of this marketing strategy enables businesses to reach more potential customers and increase profits.


EDDM postcard marketing is a powerful marketing strategy that can help any business increase its sales and profits. This marketing technique is a cost-effective way to target potential customers in a specific geographical area and provide personalized messages. With a high response rate, excellent ROI, and easy trackable results, businesses can enjoy higher profits and more sales. EDDM postcard marketing offers a flexible, targeted and personalized option that can be used by businesses in any industry. As a result, businesses looking for a marketing strategy to increase their profits should consider EDDM postcard marketing.

Unleashing the Profit Potential of EDDM Postcard Marketing

Marketing is an essential tool that organizations use to boost their sales and increase profit margins. However, many businesses struggle to determine the most effective marketing strategy. One marketing strategy that has gained popularity in recent years is Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) postcard marketing. This marketing technique has proven to be profitable, with many businesses reducing their marketing costs while increasing their sales. This article aims to explore the possibility of making profits through EDDM postcard marketing.

  1. Affordable Marketing Strategy

EDDM postcard marketing is a cost-effective marketing strategy compared to other advertising mediums. The U.S. Postal Service created this method to help businesses reach potential customers in their community through targeted mailing. This process eliminates the cost of seeking a mailing list, purchasing stamps, and the cost of an envelope. Since EDDM mailing only requires a postcard, businesses can save money and increase profits by targeting their marketing messages to a specific geographic location. BlockbusterPrint.com is a leader in affordable EDDM postcard marketing.

  1. High Return on Investment

EDDM postcard marketing offers an excellent return on investment (ROI) compared to other advertising and marketing methods. Using EDDM postcards allows you to target specific neighborhoods, which increases the probability of getting your message in front of potential customers. In addition, EDDM postcards have a high response rate, as they are eye-catching, easy to read, and direct. With a high response rate and a low cost per postcard, businesses can increase their ROI and enjoy higher profits.

  1. Personalized and Targeted Marketing

EDDM postcard marketing allows businesses to personalize their messages. Since businesses can pick specific neighborhoods, they can target potential customers with specific messages based on demographics, interests, and behaviors of the neighborhood. This results in a more targeted and personalized marketing message tailored to the potential customer, increasing the probability of a sale.

  1. Easy to Track Results

Unlike traditional advertising methods, EDDM postcard marketing offers direct and easy to trackable results. It is essential to add a call to action on your EDDM postcard to prompt customers to take action, like visiting your website or calling your business. This call to action can be tracked through your website and phone inquiries, making it easier to measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaign. Through tracking, businesses can determine what works and make any necessary changes to increase their profit margins.

  1. Flexibility

EDDM postcard marketing is flexible and can be used in many industries, including healthcare, food, real estate, beauty, and more. EDDM postcards are not limited by industry, making it an ideal marketing strategy for businesses of any size and industry. The versatility of this marketing strategy enables businesses to reach more potential customers and increase profits.


EDDM postcard marketing is a powerful marketing strategy that can help any business increase its sales and profits. This marketing technique is a cost-effective way to target potential customers in a specific geographical area and provide personalized messages. With a high response rate, excellent ROI, and easy trackable results, businesses can enjoy higher profits and more sales. EDDM postcard marketing offers a flexible, targeted and personalized option that can be used by businesses in any industry. As a result, businesses looking for a marketing strategy to increase their profits should consider EDDM postcard marketing.

EDDM Mail vs. Google & Social Media Marketing – Which Works Best?

Consumers just 15 years ago had a marketing attention span of 60 seconds. Today, the attention span is 3 seconds.

The flood of social media posts and ads has people flipping through wildly into an endless abyss of images and ads. It is also why Google has removed their page count on search results and instead has an endless scroll, knowing people will browse through more ads if they remove page flipping. 

The battle for top 5 positions on social media and google has become a bidding war reaching anywhere from $4 per click to $58 per click all while 44% of ad links being clicked by mistake on mobile devices. This can get expensive long before anyone even reads a marketing message.

Repetition is the key to a successful campaign. The more times a viewer sees an ad the higher the rate of possible purchase. Just 15 years ago a viewer only had to see an ad 3 times to make a decision if a service was right for them. Today, that has rocketed to 14 times. Based on that math marketing via Google or social media is a losing game. 

With EDDM postcard marketing you can target people with a physical ad that they cannot immediately click away from. With mailed ads, a viewer tends to be in a calmer environment in their home, not clicking through hundreds of posts or ads on a phone. This allows for a message to be viewed in full at a higher degree. The best part is, it costs just 20 cents postage. At such a low cost you can afford to target the same viewer 10 times and still be at just $2.00 in postage costs. A small cost to pay for brand recognition. When repetition is key, EDDM achieves that with minimal investment and a more powerful impact.

No wonder so many business professionals such as Dentists, and Realtors choose EDDM postcard print as their preferred method of advertising. 

How EDDM Postcard Marketing is the Key to a Realtor’s Success

Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) postcards are an effective and efficient way for realtors to reach out to potential customers. In today’s digital age, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd when trying to advertise services online. With EDDM mailers, realtors can get their message across in a tangible, cost-effective manner that will guarantee their message reaches the right audience. Let’s take a closer look at how EDDM postcards are the key to success for realtors.

Targeting Your Audience
One of the greatest advantages of using EDDM postcards is that they allow you to target your audience with precision. When sending out mailers, you can choose which neighborhoods and postal routes you want your mailers sent along – allowing you to customize your marketing campaigns for maximum success. You no longer need to worry about wasting money sending mailers to people who may not even be interested in what you are selling.

Cost-Effective Advertising
EDDM postcard marketing is also very cost-effective compared to other forms of advertising. According to research conducted by the United States Postal Service, businesses that use EDDM postcards save up to 40% on their overall marketing costs! This makes it an ideal option for small businesses or those with limited budgets. Additionally, because they are printed on standard cardstock paper, there are no additional printing costs associated with them – making them even more affordable.

Measurable Results
Finally, one of the most attractive features of EDDM postcard marketing is that it provides measurable results that can be tracked and analyzed easily. By tracking how many people open your mailer, how many click on your website link or call you directly after viewing it, and how many ultimately convert into customers – realtors will have a better understanding of which strategies work best for their business and which don’t resonate as well with their target audience.

In conclusion, EDDM postcard marketing provides an effective and cost-efficient way for realtors to reach out to potential customers without having to break the bank doing so! It allows them to target specific neighborhoods and postal routes while providing them with measurable results so they know what strategies work best for them. If you’re looking for an efficient way to increase sales then look no further than Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) postcards!

How to Grow Income with EDDM Postcard Marketing

Direct mail marketing is not dead. In fact, it’s very much alive and well, thanks to Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM). EDDM is a direct mail service that allows businesses to target specific neighborhoods with their marketing materials. Best of all, it’s an affordable way to reach a large number of potential customers. Here’s how you can use EDDM postcards to grow your income.

  • Know Your Target Audience
    Before you can start designing your EDDM postcards, you need to know who your target audience is. Who are you trying to reach with your marketing materials? Once you know who your target audience is, you can start designing your postcards with them in mind.
  • Keep It Simple
    Your EDDM postcards don’t need to be complicated or flashy. In fact, simplicity is key when it comes to direct mail marketing. Keep your message clear and concise, and make sure your call-to-action is easy to understand and follow.
  • Include a Call-to-Action
    Speaking of call-to-actions, every EDDM postcard should include one. A call-to-action is simply an instruction for the reader on what they should do next. For example, you might include a coupon or special offer on your postcards and tell recipients to “bring this postcard in for 10% off their purchase.” Make sure your call-to-action is clear, concise, and easy to follow. You want recipients of your postcards to take action, so make it as easy as possible for them to do so.
  • Get Personalized Postcards Printed
    Personalized postcards are more likely to be noticed and read than generic ones. When you personalize your EDDM postcards, you can add the recipient’s name or address on the front of the card or even include a personalized message on the inside.
    Online printing companies such as BlockbusterPrint.com offer EDDM postcard printing services.
  • Test, Test, Test!
    As with any marketing campaign, it’s important that you test different versions of your EDDM postcards before settling on a final design. Try different images, messages, calls-to-action, etc., and see which ones generate the best results. Once you have a winner (or two), roll out your campaign to the rest of your targeted neighborhoods and sit back and watch your income grow!


EDDM postcard marketing is a great way to reach potential customers in specific neighborhoods without breaking the bank. By following these simple tips, you can maximize the effectiveness of your direct mail campaign and watch your income grow in no time!

What is EDDM postcard printing?

EDDM postcard printing (Every Door Direct Mail) is a program offered by the United States Postal Service (USPS) that allows businesses to target local mail delivery to specific neighborhoods, without the need for individual addresses. EDDM is often used for advertising, promotional materials, and direct mail marketing campaigns. It is a cost-effective way to reach a large audience with targeted marketing messages.

EDDM Postcards for Med Spa Service Providers

What are med spa businesses? It is a combination of a traditional day spa and a medical center offering aesthetics services. The non-surgical aesthetic/medical services are performed under the supervision of a licensed physician. The goal is to offer non-surgical treatments which help ‘rejuvenate’, enhance, refresh, and beautify the skin and body. Some examples of the treatments offered by med spas are Botox injections, non-surgical reduction of fat, tattoo removal, laser hair removal, laser skin resurfacing, chemical peels, injectable dermal fillers, and microdermabrasion. Instead of getting a surgical face lift, for example, more and more clients are getting alternative, non-surgical treatments which is why med spas have grown in popularity. Now, if you are a med spa operator, how can you advertise the services that you are offering? Why not go for eddm postcard printing? EDDM is the Every Door Direct Mail service offered by the United States Postal Service.

If you are a med spa owner and you would like to spread the word about the aesthetic treatments that you have, EDDM is an affordable yet effective form of advertisement. Here’s a quick look at the process:

  • You will get in touch with an online printing company that offers EDDM.
  • The print shop will work with the USPS to send your marketing postcards to every door within a zip code, mail carrier route, or address group based on demographic. Since your med spa services are geared more towards women, you might want to narrow down your mailing list to households where there are women living. You can also narrow down the mailing list based on average household income, household size, age bracket, etc.
  • After you have chosen which EDDM printing package to go with, the print shop will process your order. Once the postage fee is paid, they will fulfil the rest of the requirements for you and even bundle the postcards in 100s – as required by the USPS. After bundling and finishing the paperwork, the print shop will deliver the postcards to the local post office in your area for individual distribution.

As you can see, almost no work is involved in advertising using eddm postcards. By simply designing an effective marketing postcard, you can effectively spread the word about the med spa services that you offer. This will, in turn, enhance your brand, increase inquiries about the services that you offer, and help your business grow.

EDDM Mailers for Landscape Artists

If you are a landscape artist, how can you advertise your services to homeowners? You may know quite a few people in your neighborhood but if you want to make a good profit, you need to reach out to as wide an audience as possible. Essentially, everyone living within your house and nearby areas are potential clients. The elderly neighbor who is living alone may require professional lawn mowing, so you can offer your services. But to come off as a professional, you need to do something like sending out postcard mailers. If you don’t have your own mailing list, you can take advantage of eddm mailing services which stands for Every Door Direct Mail.

EDDM is a service offered by the United States Postal Service where they partner with local print shops to deliver advertising postcards to every door within a zip code, mail carrier route, or any group of addresses within a certain demographic. Since landscaping is your business, you can narrow down your mailing list to homeowners only instead of renters – because these are the ones most likely to book your services.

What Should I Include in Landscape Postcards?

For eddm postcard printing, you do not have that much space to work with so make sure to keep your message short but full of impact. Here are a few tips on the information that you should include in landscape postcards:

  • In lawn maintenance, it is better to hire a professional because you know how to maintain an entire ecosystem instead of just pruning shrubs or planting in-season plant species. Based on the location, weather, and plenty of other aspects, you can help increase the value of a property through landscape design.
  • Include the services that you offer including weed control, fertilization, aeration, seeding, caring for trees/shrubs, pest control, and professional landscape design.

Of course, you should summarize the information into a short headline – or place the number of services into a bulleted list so that the text will fit into an EDDM postcard.

When Should I Send Landscape Postcards?

The best time to advertise your professional landscaping services is right before the spring season. Let the readers know that spring is the best time to hire one because if they will do it in the summer season, the plants may not have sufficient time to grow. The only thing left for you to do is look for an online printing shop that offers EDDM postcards – then they will take care of the rest of the process for you. Just choose an address group, pay the printing package and postage fee, then wait for your advertising postcards to be delivered to individual mailboxes. From there, the number of inquiries about your landscaping services should increase.

EDDM Postcard Marketing for Home Inspectors

One of the many experts in the real estate industry is a home inspector. Before buying a house, it is the buyer’s responsibility to hire a qualified home inspector to assess the condition and safety of the property. If you are a professional home inspector, how can you advertise your services to homeowners? A convenient, cheap, yet effective way is eddm postcard printing. With Every Door Direct Mail, a print shop will work with the United States Postal Service to deliver your marketing postcards to every mailbox within a zip code, or a specific mail carrier route.

What are the Services Offered by Home Inspectors?

When you print eddm postcards, you need to let the homeowner know about the services that you offer. This can include any or all of the following:

  • Early detection of mould or pest infestation
  • Inspection and maintenance of roofs or garage doors
  • Inspection of the functionality of the water heating, plumbing, and air conditioning system
  • Water analysis, which includes determining if you need a water softener
  • Clearing clutter and organizing personal property
  • Assessment of water system, sewage, fire, and safety issues

Even with the largest-sized postcard, you may not necessarily have sufficient space to list all your services – so make sure to write an all-encompassing, attention-grabbing headline. This is one example: “Buying a House? Ensure You’ll Get Your Money’s Worth with Pro Home Inspection!” Another headline that you can use is “Have a Problem-Free Home Buying Experience – Book Our Qualified Home Inspection Services Now!”

After deciding on the headline and the design, make sure that you are getting the services of a reliable online printing company. The printing method can either be offset or digital. Other things to check on includes the turnaround time, printing package price, the materials used, the paper finish, and the quality of customer support used. Finally, for the EDDM part, you can choose a demographic that includes homeowners so that you will only be sending marketing postcards to those who will potentially book your home inspection services.