Make Your Takeout Menu Print Look as Delicious as it Sounds

As the owner of a food business, how can you go about the task to takeout menu print while making your dishes look and sound sumptuous – and also upping the ante in your profits? It’s all about learning the tricks of the trade. Restaurant owners have long used these techniques to enjoy maximum results, so let’s take a look at a few tricks:

  • Not using currency signs or two zeros at the end.

There’s absolutely no sense in putting a $5.00 sign opposite the cheapest item in your menu. The two zeros at the end might be mistaken by a customer for something more expensive than it actually is. You don’t want to emphasize the fact that they’re spending money while dining in or ordering takeout from your restaurant. If you must include prices in your menu, use 9.99 instead of $10.00 – almost the same price, but entirely different impressions on paper.

  • Using descriptive labels on food items.

It’s okay to simply list the highlight ingredients but to give your menu some spice, vary the lengths of the food descriptions. Use more appetizing words to describe the house specialties, or use intriguing terms that will trigger a conversation between the server and the customer during the ordering process.

  • Highlighting your most profitable dishes.

Use red and blue colors on your menu, or find a color palette that’s consistent with your restaurant logo. It’s fine to simplify the layout but make sure to also highlight your most profitable dishes. You can put a bestselling dish inside a box, or use a font that’s bigger with a brighter color.

When you print pizza menus, for example, highlight the pizza flavors which are most profitable. If you’re offering a variety of food items, set apart the dishes which are profitable but quick to make. You don’t want to frustrate hungry diners by encouraging them to order a complex dish that takes a long time to prepare.

It really is quite easy to design a menu that’s profitable for you as a business owner, while also looking sumptuous as far as a customer is concerned. Follow these tips when designing your takeout or dine-in menu, and make sure that the quality of print is high quality as well. Doing so will ensure that you’re giving hungry diners a preview of what’s in store for them when ordering items off your well-designed menu.








Maximize Your Profit by Following these Takeout Menu Print Tips

It’s tough to be in the food business because of the sheer amount of competition, Instagram food trends, and everything else in between – so it helps to use dine-in and takeout menu print. There’s actually a psychology behind how people select items off a menu, and there are many factors that each individual considers. A man may be too worried about impressing his date that he fails to properly pore over a menu, so he just orders whatever dish is listed first. The cost, ingredients that one may be allergic to, food cravings – all these will determine which dish a customer orders off your menu. For your part as a business owner, you must know how to tease the mind and palate of hungry diners by giving them a drool-worthy menu.

How Can I Get Customers to Order More Using the Menu?

So how can you get customers to order more, and have your profits soar by using to go menu printing? Here are a few tips:

  • Think about menu layout.

You don’t want to incorporate too many items on the menu that it looks intimidating, but you don’t want to leave customers with very few choices, either. Ideally, six to seven items per category is a good  balance between the two – depending on whether you’re fine dining establishment or a casual dining joint. Design-wise, keep the layout simple. A too-complex layout will turn off most customers.

  • Pay attention to how you describe your dishes.

If you need to print pizza menus, for example, how will you describe the dishes? Highlight the factor that makes your pizzas different. Is it the hand-rolled pizza dough, fresh ingredients, or unique flavor combinations? Vary the length of food descriptions to make it more palatable – and use simple words but still give customers a preview of how the food items would taste like.

  • Ditch the dollar sign.

People don’t want to be reminded of how much they are spending when dining in or ordering takeout – so ditch the dollar sign when creating your menu. Strategic pricing also helps – $9.95 looks less expensive than $10.

  • Go for set menus or bundles.

Yet another way to maximize your profit using your menu is by incorporating set menus or bundles. This makes it easier for customers to select multiple food items in one go, while also making them feel like they’re getting the best value for their money. If you want, you can also feature bestselling yet high-profit dishes inside boxes or highlight it in the design using a different color or font. This draws the eyes away from the rest of the items on the menu.

Follow these tips when designing your takeout menu and watch your profits soar in no time.



Takeout Menu Print: How to Write Yummy Food Descriptions

Is takeout menu print part of the to-do list that you must cross out for your food business? If yes, then you do have your work cut out for you. If you have a long, boring, too-short, or ineffective menu, customers may very well walk out of your diner or restaurant even before trying out your supposedly delicious dishes. Just like the sumptuousness of the food that you serve, the words used on your menu must be enticing enough to tempt a hungry diner to order a full course meal, or as many items off the menu as their stomachs can handle.

Top Tips for Writing Good Food Descriptions

So how are you supposed to come up with a good menu? It’s all about having good copy, and here are a few tips on how you can accomplish such a challenging feat:

  • Don’t hire a professional copywriter.

If you have a mom-and-pop diner, the recipes are probably handed down to your family from previous generations. A copywriter won’t do the dishes justice, so come up with the descriptions yourself. The words should evoke nostalgia while tempting the customer’s palate at the same time.

  • Know which words to use in the first place.

There’s really no list of correct or incorrect words that you can use when creating a menu, but knowing which ones are pleasing to the eyes and the palate helps. Start with terms like: aromatic, tasty, drizzled, organic, home-grown, pan-seared, grass-fed, infused, encrusted, broiled or grilled to perfection, juicy, moist, locally-sourced, fresh, zesty, yummy – the list is practically endless!

  • Vary the length of the food descriptions.

Focus on the ingredients. If you need to print pizza menus, for example, give the customer a list of what’s in the pizza that makes it different from the rest. Also vary the length of the food descriptions so the reader won’t get bored. Give lengthier descriptions to house specialties, and use shorter sentences for the more straightforward dishes.

  • Make sure to print good quality menus.

Finally, look for a to go menu printing company that specializes in printing menus and similar advertising material. Offset printing is always a better option than digital printing because of the professional results provided by the former. With offset printing using state-of-the-art printing presses, you can impress customers with one glimpse at your takeout or dine-in menu.

No matter which dishes you specialize in, it is important to describe the items in detail through your menu, so follow the above tips when creating one for your food establishment.



Ways to Print Postcards Based on Your Specific Industry

If you are looking for new marketing techniques, why don’t you print postcards? Almost everything is digital nowadays but surprisingly, a bigger percentage of consumers still respond to old school marketing techniques  like print advertising. For this, you can use business cards, postcards, rack cards, and similar materials. In the next section, we will take a look at how you should print postcards online based on the specific business that you’re running.

How Specific Businesses can Use Postcard Marketing to their Advantage

Almost all businesses can benefit from postcard marketing, and here are a few tips to remember based on your industry or profession:

  • Dentists

In the middle of the year 2000, email marketing became huge. Dentists and other medical professionals benefited from it because no-shows at doctor’s appointments drastically decreased. There was also greater name recall and better patient retention. But now that people are having a hard time trimming the junk mail they’re receiving in their Inboxes, email marketing has become less effective. Postcard marketing is a better option now. Receiving physical mailers produced the same results: better name recall, higher appointment completion rate, and smoother operations overall.

  • Veterinarians

Vets who have a list of pet owners within the vicinity of their clinics can greatly benefit from postcard marketing. They can personalize it and use it as a way to remind clients of pet vaccination appointments. Postcards can also double as discount coupons and holiday greeting cards, something that will boost customer loyalty.

  • Beauticians

Those in the beauty industry can send clients postcards that offer women discounts when having their nails or hair done.

  • Store Owners

No matter which product or service you’re offering, you can use postcard marketing to your advantage. Turn a portion of a large postcard into a detachable business card, which is beneficial if you are just starting to introduce your brand to your target market. Turn the postcard itself into a discount card so that when a customer brings it along, he or she can be qualified for a certain percentage off.

One last thing – it is important to look for an experienced color postcard printing service provider if you want to use print advertising to market your wares. Just like everything else about your business, you will leave a lasting impression to your clients if you will mail out postcards with high-quality print. More importantly, you will achieve the desired marketing results out of your print promotional campaign.

Apply these Top Marketing Tips when You Print Postcards this 2019

As an entrepreneur, you may already know that to print postcards is one way to boost your brand name through print advertising. While you’re at it, you should be aware of what the latest marketing trends are. The result is that you can apply these trends to make your ad campaign more effective.

Let’s say that you are launching a new product line and you want to use print advertising. The first thing to do is look for a company that provides color postcard printing service. Make sure that they offer offset printing using state-of-the-art printing presses. This way, you will get the highest-quality print possible.

Next, here are a few marketing trends that you can apply when creating the design and writing the copy of your postcards:

  1. It’s still about excellent customer experience.

If you’re just starting out in launching a print advertising campaign, remember that customer is king. Instead of just printing out a plain postcard, turn 1/3 or a portion of the card into a discount coupon. Offering customers such a benefit will increase the results of your marketing efforts.

  1. 65% retail, 35% online.

This coming 2019, majority of consumers do online shopping – but there’s still a huge chunk that go inside physical retail stores. Surveys show that 65% of buyers opt to still physically see the items before purchasing, while the remaining 35% are satisfied with a completely online buying experience. This means that you can print postcards online and use them as mailers so that customers can have a tangible promotional material from you.

  1. Millennials do respond to print advertising.

If you think that the only customers who belong to the older age bracket will respond to print advertising, think again. Despite the fact that millennials are pretty much born with a tablet computer or mobile phone in their hands, they do respond well to mailers. More than 60% pore over their mail as compared to scanning their Inbox so if they are your target market, you will get great results with a dynamic postcard marketing campaign.

Again, a postcard marketing campaign will be even more successful if you can integrate useful features like a detachable business card, coupon codes, or scannable QR codes. Combine this with awareness of the latest marketing trends to give your print ad campaign a boost.



Tips for Getting Started When You Print Postcards

If you want to print postcards but have no idea where to start, here are a few option to choose from:

  1. Customize it.

Color postcard printing service providers may offer you the most popular sizes: 4” x 6” and 5” x 7”. But if you’re just getting started and you don’t want your postcards to be drowned among similarly printed promotional materials, it is better to go for customized ones. If you’re a real estate agent, for example, you can order a 6” x 9” postcard. It can be a personalized postcard which shows the recipient the value of his or her property. This is an excellent way to target new clients and get you the leads you need.

  1. Go for what’s tried and tested.

On the other hand, you can also go for the most popular sizes. These are tried and tested printed advertising materials that will let potential and existing customers know about the product or services you’re offering.

  1. Think of something that will make you stand out.

If you’ve long been in the real estate industry but haven’t tried postcard marketing yet, think of something that will make you stand out. If you have a listing to share, you can incorporate that on the postcard design.  Featuring such an achievement will impress your clients and increase your listings.

When you print postcards online, look for an experienced and specialized printing company. It is best to go with one that has a wide range of products like brochures, business cards, door hangers, envelopes, folders, letterheads, rack cards, and the like.

The printing method is another thing that you must consider. Does the printing company use a digital or an offset printing technique? State-of-the-art printing presses apply the Heidelberg technology to make the colors pop.

As you can see, even if you are a newbie when it comes to postcards printing, there are many techniques that you can apply to make your brand stand out. Combine this with high-quality printing and you are bound to get the results that you want from your print advertising campaign.









Achieve Great Results when Printing Professional Brochures

Professional brochures and other printed materials are becoming an increasingly popular way to promote a business. Although email and other digital marketing methods are cheap and effective, launching a full-blast print advertising campaign will also deliver the results that you want. In fact, it has even more of an impact to the millennials because they are getting something that’s tangible instead of digital. This is just one of the many reasons why you should seriously consider including brochure marketing in your to-do list for your business.

How to Impress Customers when Printing Brochures

The good news is that there are many offset printing companies which specialize in creating high-quality brochures. If you do want to include brochures as part of your print marketing campaign, here are a few tips on how you can succeed in the task:

  • Come up with a unique selling point.

When writing the copy for your brochure, always think of your purpose. Come up with a unique selling point. Is the content something that’s interesting or beneficial to your target audience? Are you launching a new product line? Or do you simply want people to know how they can get in touch with you if they require your services? By determining your purpose in the first place, you can effectively create a suitable brochure design.

  • Think of a physical feature that will make your brochure stand out.

Next, what specific brochure feature do you think will make it stand out? If you’re launching a line of cosmetic products, half fold brochures with stunning colors and a detachable business card should do the trick. For trade shows, you can print trifold brochures that include a brief company history so people can learn more about how you got started in the industry. The fold and shape of the brochure are a couple of examples on how you can make the material stand out.

  • Pay attention to the small details.

Aside from the folding option, you should pay attention to even the smallest details when designing your brochure. What kind of paper stock should be used? Which size is best for a Z-fold brochure, for example? For the print, what size, color, and type of font should be used? If you want to incorporate images in the brochure, are the photos clear and professionally shot? Is there too much white space around the image or maybe too much text? Brochures are tangible so readers will notice even the smallest details once they pore over it.

All in all, brochures are an effective and cheap marketing tool that all business owners should take advantage of. Knowing how to effectively design one in the first place will help you achieve your print advertising objectives.

Highlight Your Name or Logo with Spot Gloss Business Cards

When having something like spot UV business cards printed out, it is important to pay close attention to even the smallest details. There are many professional-looking business cards out there with odd sizes, a portrait instead of a landscape orientation, or a material that’s out of the ordinary. But if you want a classic effect that will still make you stand out, the spot gloss effect will achieve exactly that.

How are spot gloss business cards made? These printing jobs are taken on by professional offset printing companies. Unlike digital desktop printing, offset printing is a bit more complex because different coating can be used to achieve a specific effect. With spot gloss UV cards, for example, a special varnish-like coating is applied on top of the card. For this, an additional file in solid black and white is required.

The spot UV effect appears in such a way that the rest of the card’s surface has a matte coating, while a specific part has a glossy finish. Let’s say that you want to highlight the logo of your company which is encased in a square illustration. You need to create an additional file for this in solid black and white. During the printing process, that portion will get the spot UV treatment. Everything that’s in the square logo will appear glossy, while the rest of the card has a matte, silk, or satin finish.

To achieve the best results with a spot gloss business card, follow these quick tips:

  • Do not go with thin fonts or shadow effects. Highlight an entire portion or logo. If you want specific letters to appear glossy, choose a block or thick typeface.
  • For spot UV gloss cards, a silk 17-pt. paper or any thick paper is recommended. This way, the gloss effect of a particular area in the card is what will stand out.

When you  print business cards with a spot gloss effect, choose an offset printing company and make sure that you know how to layout the design in such a way that the highlighted part will stand out. All in all, spot UV cards are a great way to put on the spotlight your business name or company logo.



A Glimpse at How Spot UV Business Cards are Printed

Out of all the printing variants available, why should you go for spot UV business cards? This is a viable option if you want your business card to stand out. In a stack of thin, cardboard business cards, one with a shiny effect and a special coating for UV protection will make your card get noticed.

But how do spot gloss business cards get made in the first place? If this is something that you want to have for your business, it is important to look for the right printing company. There are plenty of digital printing companies out there and they will most likely use desktop printers. There’s nothing wrong with this, they’re cheap and are everywhere. But if you want to stand out and get professional-looking results, it is better to go for offset printing. Companies that offer this kind of printing employ state-of-the-art printing presses so whether it’s a business card with a glass-like coating or a huge menu for your restaurant, they can do a professional printing job.

Spot UV business cards are also called spot gloss business cards. Thick card stock is used and instead of a matte finish, the glossy effect is achieved because of a varnish coating used on the paper material. There are spot UV business cards which have a matte or non-shiny finish but if you want something glossy, a silk or satin effect can also be achieved with the same varnish coating.

When you print business cards, such an effect – be it matte or glossy – will make your brand or name stand out. If you want, the spot UV effect can be applied on a certain part of the card only, while the rest of the surface has a matte finish. For such a design and printing option, it is important to pay close attention to detail. See to it that the font, color, and other design elements used on the card all blend together to showcase what you are all about as a company.

Spot gloss business cards are a great option if you want your business card to stand out. Talk to your printing company about it and once finished, you can distribute these professional-looking cards to your business contacts with pride.


Layout & Design Techniques when You Print Pizza Menus

If you own a pizzeria, you naturally need to print pizza menus that customers can use as a reference when ordering. Whether it’s food to go or for dining in, these menus must give them a quick look at the sumptuous pizza flavors, drinks, and side dishes that you can whip up in your kitchen. These menus will also drive sales, so you need to make sure that it’s visually appealing and tempting to the palate.

If you are still in the process of creating your print to go menus, here are a few layout and design techniques that you can borrow:

  • Decide on the size of the menu.

When you print carry out menus, you can take your pick from these sizes:

  • 5” x 11”
  • 5” x 14”
  • 11’ x 17”

The size of the menu will be the basis of the layout and design. Don’t be afraid to go bold and create an oversized menu – the more space you have to feature your dishes, the better.

  • Set your menu apart from the competition.

Next, check out the takeout menu of your direct competitors. Are they using an only-text menu, or is it a combination of text and images? While you’re at it, check out the price as well.  Make sure that the rates of your food items fare well against your direct competitors – otherwise, they might rake in more sales.

  • Use professional-looking food photos or illustrations.

If you must use food photos, make sure that the colors are realistic but still pop out. If possible, have them taken by a professional photographer. If you’re selling food items from a family heirloom recipe, vintage illustrations might work better to your advantage.

  • Choose complementing colors and fonts.

Lastly, make sure to pay close attention to even the smallest details when designing your takeout menu. The design, background color, font type and size – all these must blend together to create a visually appealing menu that will sell your dishes to hungry customers. To achieve professional results, go for offset instead of digital printing – and choose a company that has the length of experience and proper equipment when it comes to menu printing.