Ways to Print Postcards Based on Your Specific Industry

If you are looking for new marketing techniques, why don’t you print postcards? Almost everything is digital nowadays but surprisingly, a bigger percentage of consumers still respond to old school marketing techniques  like print advertising. For this, you can use business cards, postcards, rack cards, and similar materials. In the next section, we will take a look at how you should print postcards online based on the specific business that you’re running.

How Specific Businesses can Use Postcard Marketing to their Advantage

Almost all businesses can benefit from postcard marketing, and here are a few tips to remember based on your industry or profession:

  • Dentists

In the middle of the year 2000, email marketing became huge. Dentists and other medical professionals benefited from it because no-shows at doctor’s appointments drastically decreased. There was also greater name recall and better patient retention. But now that people are having a hard time trimming the junk mail they’re receiving in their Inboxes, email marketing has become less effective. Postcard marketing is a better option now. Receiving physical mailers produced the same results: better name recall, higher appointment completion rate, and smoother operations overall.

  • Veterinarians

Vets who have a list of pet owners within the vicinity of their clinics can greatly benefit from postcard marketing. They can personalize it and use it as a way to remind clients of pet vaccination appointments. Postcards can also double as discount coupons and holiday greeting cards, something that will boost customer loyalty.

  • Beauticians

Those in the beauty industry can send clients postcards that offer women discounts when having their nails or hair done.

  • Store Owners

No matter which product or service you’re offering, you can use postcard marketing to your advantage. Turn a portion of a large postcard into a detachable business card, which is beneficial if you are just starting to introduce your brand to your target market. Turn the postcard itself into a discount card so that when a customer brings it along, he or she can be qualified for a certain percentage off.

One last thing – it is important to look for an experienced color postcard printing service provider if you want to use print advertising to market your wares. Just like everything else about your business, you will leave a lasting impression to your clients if you will mail out postcards with high-quality print. More importantly, you will achieve the desired marketing results out of your print promotional campaign.

Author: BlockbusterPrint.com

High quality online printing servicing businesses large and small at the fastest production and delivery speed in the industry all while providing the lowest prices. From postcard mail marketing that helps expand a business's clientele to in office printed products for day-to-day business operations. Are your full service one stop shop for anything print.