Print Pizza Menus & Watch Your Profits Soar

For most families, ordering pizza for dinner is a regular habit because it frees them from chores – so if you’re in this business, you should think about print pizza menus. The same thing holds true for casual or even fine dining establishments. You must offer customers the convenience of ordering food to go. This way, even if they do not have time for a sit-down dinner or if they are off to somewhere and just need to order something filling, fast – they will still consider ordering food from you.

Now, if you are offering different pizza flavors, how can you make sure that your menu becomes a marketing tool that will result to a boost in your profits? Here are a few tips:

  • Look for a company that specializes in tasks such as creating print to go menus. Gone are the days when pizzeria menus used to be thick, overly large menus with descriptions in big font. Today, you can still go for the oversized menu – perhaps for dine-in customers – but if you are targeting those who are ordering food to go, you must have a smaller, more easily accessible menu. Takeout menu printing companies usually offer pizza menus in these three popular sizes:
    – 8.5” x 11”

-8.5” x 14”

-11’ x 17”
When looking for a company to print the pizza menu for you, make sure that they offer full color HD printing; a variety of folding options; and good quality offset prints.

  • Pay attention to the design and content of your menu. Most people are visual so if you want to attract customers to order food from your menu, make sure that the images are drool-worthy. The pictures must look professionally-shot and appetizing. For the content, you should have updated contact information. It’s better not to incorporate dollar or currency signs on the menu – and use strategic pricing. For example, instead of pricing $10 for a pizza, you can use 9.95 or 9.99. This will make people think that they’re spending less and getting the best value for their money.


  • Distribution is also important. When you print carry out menus, remember that it should not be just for customers who are regularly ordering pizza from you. You should include a copy of the menu for every pizza order delivered to customers. You can also have the employees distribute the menus in high-traffic areas. You can send out mailers or put a stack of menus just outside your restaurant so people don’t have to actually set foot inside the store to see what you have to offer.


By remembering these key tips, you can make your pizza carry out menus work to your full marketing advantage.

Rack Cards are the Preferred Advertising Material in the Medical Industry

If you are a dentist, eye doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist, or any professional in the medical industry, you definitely should consider using rack cards for advertising. These are available in two typical sizes: 3.5” x 8.5” or 4’ x 9”. Usually seen on hotel lobbies and movie theatres, rack cards are an excellent material for print advertising. Why? Because they’re cheap, effective, and attention-grabbing. If you are in the medical industry, you must look for a company that specializes in rack cards printing so that you can enjoy these benefits:

  • It’s a cost-effective form of marketing.

Rack cards can be displayed in the reception area of your place of practice. Patients or customers who are waiting to be called, for example, would find something to occupy their time with. While they’re not looking at their phones, they can grab one of the rack cards which should be prominently displayed in your office. Instead of spending money on digital or other forms of advertising, you can hit the target right where they’re at – in your very own place of business! At a very reasonable price, you can have rack cards printed out. Put it in an easily noticeable spot in your workplace and you will experience almost instantaneous results from your marketing efforts.

  • It can feature a specific service.

If you’re an eye doctor, you can have a rack card printed out for specific conditions like glaucoma, retinal problems, and other related conditions. What’s good about this type of print advertising is that you can target a specific market and offer a new product or service, minus the huge costs.

  • It’s flexible and beneficial to readers.

If you chose to go for rack card printing to advertise a new service but you found out later on that it’s not cost-effective to continue it, you can simply remove the set of rack cards that you have for that specific service. An eye clinic that does not offer glaucoma-related service anymore, for example, can simply remove the set of rack cards that they have for that specific eye condition. They don’t need to spend too much printing a new set of rack cards for the new service they’re offering, and they get to reach out to their target market directly. When you’re offering a new service, on the other hand, you can include information on the rack card that will be beneficial to the readers – all while you are able to push your marketing agenda.

There’s really no excuse for you to say no to the prospect of using rack cards for advertising. Whether you’re in the medical or any other field, it is a great way to spread the word about your brand and the service you’re offering to the general public.











Top 3 Elements to Consider when Printing & Displaying Rack Cards

You might have seen rack cards at hotel lobbies, offices, theatres, and trade shows. These are longer than postcards, bigger than business cards, but have lesser printing space than brochures. The fact that it has a unique size makes rack cards attractive to passers-by, which is why it’s a must to display them anywhere that there is heavy foot traffic. Now, if you would like to take advantage of the benefits of rack cards in promoting your business, how should you print and display them? Read on to find out.

Rack Cards: Top 3 Elements to Consider

 Rack cards should be part of your print advertising campaign, just like business cards, envelopes, letterheads, postcards, and brochures. Before you can look for a rack card printing company, there are a few factors that you should consider first:

  1. The design.

Is it the rack card that you are printing out first – or do you already have a design for your business cards and letterheads? If yes, then you must be consistent when it comes to the look and feel of your printed advertising materials. Although rack cards should stand out more because its aim is to grab attention, it should still convey your main marketing message. Pay close attention to the color, font, and images used. With the limited space that you have, make sure that there is a good balance of image and text.

  1. The copy.

Next, what is your goal in distributing the rack cards in the first place? When you see rack cards at theatres, there is usually information about the actors, a schedule of the next shows, and the basic information about the production company. The same thing applies to rack cards – tell customers a bit about your business. Your complete contact information, website, and address should also be there. If you’re promoting a new line of products or a new service, the copy must be written with this marketing goal in mind.

  1. The benefits.

If you want, you can have the rack cards printed out with a detachable business card which can double up as a discount coupon. Customers would want to get one of your rack cards even more if you can offer them such benefits, or at least a free trial or discounted price for your products or services.

When displaying rack cards, look for an area where there is heavy foot traffic. If your design and copy is attractive enough, you can definitely use these nifty cards to spread the word about your brand.










Have a Tourist-Oriented Business? Here’s Why Rack Cards are a Must!

Marketing with the use of rack cards is a must if you have a business in the tourism industry. Whether you’re a travel agent offering vacation packages to retirees or selling products related to travelling, rack cards should be part of your marketing material. Take a look at the reasons why:

  • Print advertising helps you reach out to your target market.

Business cards, rack cards, brochures, envelopes, letterheads, postcards – these are all part of one type of marketing campaign that’s as effective today as it was decades ago: print marketing. Although digital advertising is more prevalent, the fact that print materials are tangible make them effective – especially for those who are practically born in the digital age. If you have a rack card, you can efficiently reach out to your target market, whether they’re retirees or millennials.

  • You can incorporate design elements to get your message across.

Another reason why rack cards should be part of your print advertising campaign is that you can incorporate elements into the design to deliver your message. How about a map at the back of the rack card that travellers can use as reference? Or a checklist of the fun activities that they can engage in while exploring an area? Since you’ve already pinpointed your target market, all you have to do is think of ways to attract their attention using the design and copy of your rack cards.

  • You can make the rack card double as a discount coupon.

For this, it pays to look for companies that specialize in rack card printing. There’s actually a way for the design to include a detachable business card which you can also use as a discount coupon, or a die-cut image to make the card stand out. When you turn the rack card into something useful and beneficial, customers would want to get their hands on it even more.

  • There are many ways to distribute rack cards.

Rack cards should be placed in area where there is heavy foot traffic. You can display them at office or hotel lobbies, tourism offices, trade shows, theatres, restaurants, public bulletin boards, etc. You can also send them as mailers, similar to how you would use a postcard.

With all these benefits and more, there’s really no reason for you to not use rack cards as part of your print advertising campaign – whether you are in the tourism or some other industry.


All About Designing Rack Cards

Just like business cards, brochures, flyers, booklets, door hangers, envelopes, folders, letterheads, and postcards, rack cards are used as a traditional form of print advertising.  Despite the emergence of digital marketing campaigns, having something tangible like rack cards creates a huge impression on customers. It increases name recall, and you can actually combine print with your digital promotional campaign by including cool features like QR codes that can be scanned or discount codes that can be applied on online or in-store purchases.

How to Get Started in Printing Rack Cards 

After learning about the benefits of using rack cards in print advertising, how can you actually go about the process of having one made? The first thing to do is look for companies that specialize in rack card printing. Offset printing is better than digital printing, simply because of the sheer difference in output quality. The former delivers professional-looking results, which is something that you need if you want to grab the attention of people walking by when your rack cards are displayed.

Design-wise, here are a few things to remember when you print rack cards:

  • When writing the copy, determine what your goal is in the first place. Do you want to introduce your brand to your target market? Or are you introducing a new line of products or a new service? Based on your marketing goal, you can come up with content that will effectively convey your message.
  • Strategically include photos or illustrations in your rack card design. There should be a good balance between text and images. If you want to include pictures, make sure that they are professionally-shot and there should be a description at the bottom.
  • The overall design of the rack card must fit the image that you would like to portray for your brand. You don’t want to use too-dark colors if your target market is women of all ages – it should be a bit more fun and feminine. If possible, use a palette that is similar to the colors used in your business logo.
  • Include a call to action. Just like brochures and flyers, there is sufficient space in a rack card for you to squeeze in a line or two for a call to action. It can be your contact information – something that you can incorporate in the design through a detachable business card at the bottom of the rack card. It can also be a scannable QR code that will lead a customer to your website, or discount codes that they can use when purchasing.

There should be plenty of information here to get you started on rack card printing, so make it work to your business advantage and start right now!

Rake Profits from Rack Cards Specifically Designed for Your Business

Rack cards are a handy marketing tool for when you need to introduce your brand to the market, or when launching a new product or service. The most popular sizes are 3.5” x 4.5” and 4” x 9”. When both sides are used, the cards can contain just the right amount of information to effectively deliver your marketing message.

Follow these Tips to Boost Your Profit when Printing Rack Cards

You will often see rack cards displayed in hotel lobbies and the reception areas of offices. Your goal when you print rack cards is to make people walking by stop, notice, pick up, and actually read the card – so it should be attention-grabbing. Here are a few tips on how you can make your rack cards noticeable, while also using it as a tool to rack up your profits:

  • Make sure that there’s a good blend of images and text.

There’s more to rack card printing than just putting a bunch of pictures and standard copy together. With the limited space that you have, you must make sure that there is a good balance between the text and the images. Too much text will make the rack card read like a boring pamphlet, while too many photos without descriptions is also a big no-no. When writing the copy, it can be short but still convey your marketing message.

  • Combine your digital campaign with your print campaign.

Printed advertising materials are considered traditional, but you can actually combine it with your digital print campaign. Include scannable QR codes in your rack cards. Once scanned using a smartphone, it will automatically go to your website. You can also provide codes which will qualify users to discounts on your products or services.

  • Consider ordering rack cards with detachable business cards.

Aside from QR codes, you can also include a detachable business card at the bottom part of your rack card. This way, you can have a double purpose card without paying double the price. It’s also an effective way of creating awareness about your brand.

  • Invest in good quality paper and print.

Your goal is to make a good first impression, so your rack card should be printed using thick stock paper and high-quality ink. If possible, go for offset instead of digital printing so that professional-looking rack cards are produced.

With the help of rack cards, you can send out your desired marketing message using an old-fashioned but distinct and still-effective advertising material. Design one for your business now and reap its benefits in the long run.


Top 3 Tips when Displaying Rack Cards

Rack cards offer more space than business cards, but less space than flyers or brochures. This makes the material ideal for print advertisement because it can contain just the right amount of information. This is also the reason why you’ll often see rack cards displayed on hotel lobbies, clinics, tourist information centers, and retail stores.

Keep these Tips in Mind when having Rack Cards Made

So if you want to print rack cards, the first thing to do is look for an offset printing company. As compared to digital printing, offset printing delivers more professional results, there are more printing effects that can be made, and there are several sizes to choose from. You can also order in bulk or have your rack cards delivered as soon as possible, especially through companies that offer 24-hour printing.

Next, what are the top three rack card printing that you need to keep in mind? Here’s a list:

  1. Maximize the available space that you have.

Rack cards are displayed in areas where there is high foot traffic, so it should immediately catch someone’s attention. Maximizing the available space that you have doesn’t mean that you should cram it with information. There should be a good balance between image and text.

Photos and logos must be professional-looking, and fit the theme or logo of your business.

  1. Offer incentives to customers.

Rack cards are used for marketing, so what incentive are you offering to customers for them to pick the cards up? There are rack cards which have a detachable business card which you can use as a discount coupon for your products or services. You can also include scannable QR codes or discount codes that customers can input before checking out the items on their cart if you have an online store.

  1. There should be a call to action.

Just like all the other printed materials used for advertising, rack cards must have a call to action. If it’s a real estate rack card, you should include your complete contact information so clients can give you a call. If it’s a retail store rack card, they should know which physical or online store to visit so they can use the discount codes you’re offering.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can enjoy maximum results when printing out rack cards for your business.

Printing Professional Brochures? Here’s How to Make the Design Stand Out

When printing professional brochures, the first thing that you need to determine is its purpose. Marketing is the general answer, but what exactly is it that you are trying to sell? Are you launching a new product line or a new service that you want people to know about? Are you a new company working on creating brand awareness? Are you attending a trade show and you want to print brochures that does a good job of representing your company? Upon determining your purpose, you can come up with a suitable design that will suit your needs to a tee.

Next, to get you started on the design, here are a few tips on how you can make your brochure’s design stand out:

  • Choose the right folding type.

There are several sizes and folding types to choose from when you’re printing a brochure. Choosing the right one again boils down to the purpose. If you’re attending a trade show, for example, trifold brochures will give you six pages – enough so you can include a brief history of your business, as well as a preview of the products or services you’re offering. Half fold brochures will give you four wide pages to use, which is perfect when incorporating other features into the brochure like a discount coupon for marketing purposes.

  • Make sure there’s a right balance between text and images.

Brochures will instantly give you multiple pages as a layout base, but you still need to make sure that there is a good balance between text and images. Having an image-centric brochure is good but to make it effective for marketing, you still have to include a short description of the image to sell it. On the other hand, having a brochure that’s too wordy might turn off most readers – so there has to be just the right balance between the two.

  • Go for high-quality print.

If it’s your first time distributing brochures, you want to give customers a good impression of your brand. This means that you must pay close attention to the paper stock you’re using, as well as the print quality. There are many printing companies that use state-of-the-art printing presses along with an offset printing method. As compared to digital printing, offset printing will deliver more excellent results, so the extra investment will be well worth it in the end.

By taking these factors into consideration, you can design a brochure that will leave a lasting impression to your customers and help you achieve your marketing objectives.




Highlight Your Name or Logo with Spot Gloss Business Cards

When having something like spot UV business cards printed out, it is important to pay close attention to even the smallest details. There are many professional-looking business cards out there with odd sizes, a portrait instead of a landscape orientation, or a material that’s out of the ordinary. But if you want a classic effect that will still make you stand out, the spot gloss effect will achieve exactly that.

How are spot gloss business cards made? These printing jobs are taken on by professional offset printing companies. Unlike digital desktop printing, offset printing is a bit more complex because different coating can be used to achieve a specific effect. With spot gloss UV cards, for example, a special varnish-like coating is applied on top of the card. For this, an additional file in solid black and white is required.

The spot UV effect appears in such a way that the rest of the card’s surface has a matte coating, while a specific part has a glossy finish. Let’s say that you want to highlight the logo of your company which is encased in a square illustration. You need to create an additional file for this in solid black and white. During the printing process, that portion will get the spot UV treatment. Everything that’s in the square logo will appear glossy, while the rest of the card has a matte, silk, or satin finish.

To achieve the best results with a spot gloss business card, follow these quick tips:

  • Do not go with thin fonts or shadow effects. Highlight an entire portion or logo. If you want specific letters to appear glossy, choose a block or thick typeface.
  • For spot UV gloss cards, a silk 17-pt. paper or any thick paper is recommended. This way, the gloss effect of a particular area in the card is what will stand out.

When you  print business cards with a spot gloss effect, choose an offset printing company and make sure that you know how to layout the design in such a way that the highlighted part will stand out. All in all, spot UV cards are a great way to put on the spotlight your business name or company logo.



A Glimpse at How Spot UV Business Cards are Printed

Out of all the printing variants available, why should you go for spot UV business cards? This is a viable option if you want your business card to stand out. In a stack of thin, cardboard business cards, one with a shiny effect and a special coating for UV protection will make your card get noticed.

But how do spot gloss business cards get made in the first place? If this is something that you want to have for your business, it is important to look for the right printing company. There are plenty of digital printing companies out there and they will most likely use desktop printers. There’s nothing wrong with this, they’re cheap and are everywhere. But if you want to stand out and get professional-looking results, it is better to go for offset printing. Companies that offer this kind of printing employ state-of-the-art printing presses so whether it’s a business card with a glass-like coating or a huge menu for your restaurant, they can do a professional printing job.

Spot UV business cards are also called spot gloss business cards. Thick card stock is used and instead of a matte finish, the glossy effect is achieved because of a varnish coating used on the paper material. There are spot UV business cards which have a matte or non-shiny finish but if you want something glossy, a silk or satin effect can also be achieved with the same varnish coating.

When you print business cards, such an effect – be it matte or glossy – will make your brand or name stand out. If you want, the spot UV effect can be applied on a certain part of the card only, while the rest of the surface has a matte finish. For such a design and printing option, it is important to pay close attention to detail. See to it that the font, color, and other design elements used on the card all blend together to showcase what you are all about as a company.

Spot gloss business cards are a great option if you want your business card to stand out. Talk to your printing company about it and once finished, you can distribute these professional-looking cards to your business contacts with pride.