Top 3 Tips when Displaying Rack Cards

Rack cards offer more space than business cards, but less space than flyers or brochures. This makes the material ideal for print advertisement because it can contain just the right amount of information. This is also the reason why you’ll often see rack cards displayed on hotel lobbies, clinics, tourist information centers, and retail stores.

Keep these Tips in Mind when having Rack Cards Made

So if you want to print rack cards, the first thing to do is look for an offset printing company. As compared to digital printing, offset printing delivers more professional results, there are more printing effects that can be made, and there are several sizes to choose from. You can also order in bulk or have your rack cards delivered as soon as possible, especially through companies that offer 24-hour printing.

Next, what are the top three rack card printing that you need to keep in mind? Here’s a list:

  1. Maximize the available space that you have.

Rack cards are displayed in areas where there is high foot traffic, so it should immediately catch someone’s attention. Maximizing the available space that you have doesn’t mean that you should cram it with information. There should be a good balance between image and text.

Photos and logos must be professional-looking, and fit the theme or logo of your business.

  1. Offer incentives to customers.

Rack cards are used for marketing, so what incentive are you offering to customers for them to pick the cards up? There are rack cards which have a detachable business card which you can use as a discount coupon for your products or services. You can also include scannable QR codes or discount codes that customers can input before checking out the items on their cart if you have an online store.

  1. There should be a call to action.

Just like all the other printed materials used for advertising, rack cards must have a call to action. If it’s a real estate rack card, you should include your complete contact information so clients can give you a call. If it’s a retail store rack card, they should know which physical or online store to visit so they can use the discount codes you’re offering.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can enjoy maximum results when printing out rack cards for your business.


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