Plastic Business Cards: Durable, Flexible, Impressive

Competition in any business is very tough so you need to have something that makes you stand out – and plastic business cards do exactly that. Durable and flexible, these unique business cards will impress the heck out of your customers.

The Characteristics that Make Business Cards Stand Out

So what exactly are the characteristics that make business cards made from plastic stand out? Here’s a preview:

Clients will definitely not be impressed with thin linen cards which look like they just came out from a desktop printer. Cards which are as thick as a credit card and plastic cards are considered premium because of the quality of material used. By showing customers that you are investing in high-quality material, they will have the impression that you are also delivering the same level of quality when it comes to the products or services that you are offering.

  • The material is durable and flexible.

As compared to paper, no matter how thick, plastic is waterproof, durable, and fade-proof. Just make sure to look for a business cards online printing company that specializes in printing plastic business cards.

  • The uniqueness of the material will make your business card stand out.

If a customer has a stack of business cards collected over the years, they will most likely be made from standard-sized cardboard material. If your plastic business card is inserted in such a stack, it will really stand out and it will increase the likelihood of a customer calling you. Another thing that makes plastic cards stand out is the fact that there are different styles or finishes to choose from: white, clear-colored, frosted, or textured. When designing the card, make sure that the layout, font, and colors used will be a good fit for the material used.

Size-wise, you can go for the standard 2” x 3.5” option – or something a bit bigger like 2.125” x 3.375”. Square, oval, or standard-sized business cards with rounded edge are the other options that you can choose from. Stylish, durable, and flexible, plastic business cards are a must-have if you want to leave a lasting impression to your clients.


What Makes Up Rack Cards: Size, Material, and Design

Rack cards are a familiar sight in theaters, hotel lobbies, airports, tradeshow booths, office reception desks, and similar areas. These thick cards usually indicate the contact information of the business, as well as a brief description of the products or services offered. In a doctor’s office, for example, you might see a rack card which lists down the most important vaccines that new born babies must get. At the bottom of the card is the contact information of the doctor that you can contact for vaccines. If you’re a business owner, you can use rack cards in your own advertising campaign as well. Read on to find out the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about rack cards.

Frequently Asked Questions about Rack Cards

  • What’s the standard size of a rack card?

Rack cards are printed advertising materials and in order for them to fit in display cases, you must go for one that’s standard-sized. The most common sizes of rack cards are 3.5’ x 8.5” and 4’ x 9”. The orientation is portrait, while the design is colorful and eye-catching.

  • What is the best material to use when printing rack cards?

When looking for a company to print rack cards, make sure that they use only high-quality offset printing presses. This is better than desktop digital printers which may not necessarily be capable of printing on thick or heavy cardstock. Most rack card printing companies use paper which have a thickness. Depending on whether you want a matte or a glossy finish, there is a suitable paper thickness and type that you can use for printing.

  • How can I effectively design a rack card?

For rack card printing to be effective, the design must be eye-catching. The colors and design should be eye-catching enough so that anyone walking by or standing near the display case of the rack card will notice enough to grab one or two cards. Of course, similar to business cards printing, the colors used and the overall design should also match the image that you would like to project for your brand. Another way to make your rack card stand out is to incorporate maps, QR codes, discount coupons, or a detachable business card at the bottom of the material.

By doing your homework and learning as much as you can about rack cards, you can successfully use it to promote your business.


Getting to Know Rack Cards

When you are checking out of a hotel, you are bound to see a stack of rack cards that promote the other services of the establishment that you just visited. You pick one for future reference, or to give to a friend who might be planning to stay in the same hotel in the future. Such is the effectiveness of marketing through rack cards. They hold a person’s attention enough to grab one card, read through it, and hopefully take it home.

If you would like to take advantage of the appeal of rack cards and use it as a way to advertise your business, here are a few things to learn about them:

  • Rack cards should be placed in an area where there is a lot of foot traffic.

Aside from hotel lobbies, you will usually see rack cards displayed in theaters, the waiting area of doctor’s offices, showrooms, booths in tradeshows – basically any area where there is a lot of foot traffic. Placement is important because the more that people will grab one of your rack cards, the more exposure your business will get.

  • Design, color, and overall look is important.

Since your goal is to capture the attention of anyone standing near the place where the rack card is set, the design of your card must be eye-catching. Think of the brochures distributed in airports which showcase the most beautiful tourist destinations in the country you’re visiting. The images are attention-grabbing and are professionally photographed. The same thing should apply when it comes to your own set of rack cards. Remember that design, color and the overall look of the card should compel passersby to grab one of your rack cards.

Offset has up to eight times better quality than desktop digital printing, so the extra investment is well worth it. You should also know which size and material is most effective for rack cards advertising. The standard sizes are 3.5” x 8.5” and 4” x 9”.

  • You can also incorporate special features in the rack card design.

Finally, you can incorporate special features when rack card printing. You can design it in such a way that the bottom part is detachable and can be used as a business card or a discount coupon. By  learning as much as you can about rack cards, you can turn printing them into a vital part of  your print promotional campaign.





Ways to Excel in Business Card Printing

When performing a task like business card printing, you want to do it in such a way that you will achieve desirable results. Whether you are just starting out in business or if you want to kick off a new product or  service that you are offering,  you do need to have a set of high-quality business cards on hand. The good news is that there are plenty of printing service providers that can give you excellent quality prints at an affordable price. You just need to do your part in designing the  cards in such a way that it will reflect the image that you want to project as a brand, and it will appeal to the tastes of your target market.

To get started, here are the ways for you to excel in business card printing:

  • While designing the card, keep your audience and image in mind.

If you are an interior designer, a plain, boring business card is a huge no-no! You are in the creative field so you need to give clients a glimpse into the quality of your work – something that will be reflected in the design of your business card. Similarly, a neon-colored card will not necessarily appeal to the more conservative clients of a divorce lawyer, for example. This means that you must match the design of your card with the image that you want to project for your business. You should also take into consideration the colors and overall look that will appeal to your target audience, keeping their age range in mind.

  • Invest in good quality material.

A set of gold foil business cards are perfect if you want to achieve that elegant, luxurious feel. Foil and other specialty cards are made from thick material – some ranging from 70% to 100% the thickness of a credit card. If you want to go for something thin, make sure that it has a luxurious finish to it, like linen business cards. This will still feel and look expensive. Ask your print service provider which material works best for the finish that you want to have for the business card.

  • Think of ways for your business cards to stand out.

Finally, look for ways to make your business cards stand out. Would you like to go for something smaller or bigger than the standard-sized cards? How about having a portrait instead of a landscape orientation in the design? Instead of rectangular edges, go for rounded edge business cards.  With a printed material this small, it’s the tiniest details that will make your business cards stand out.






Business Card Printing Tips: Collect, then Digitize

Entrepreneurs have different takes when it comes to business card printing. Some think that printing your business’ contact information is obsolete because everything has to be digital these days. Others say that it is still necessary because handing over an elegantly printed business card is one way to impress customers. So which way should you go? First, let us take a look at the reasons why some people think that business cards are obsolete:

  • Because sites like LinkedIn is the best way to search for a business’ contact information.

There are entrepreneurs who would tell you that they haven’t handed out – or asked for – business cards in so many years. Why? Because if they want to search for a potential business partner’s contact information, for example, all they have to do is ask for the name and do a quick online search. LinkedIn is specifically helpful in scoping out employees if you are hiring, or looking for an executive’s profile.

  • Because business cards go straight to the trash can – or end up getting lost in a worker’s office drawer.

Again, everything is digital these days so it is more convenient to keep electronic instead of physical files. When you hand over your business card to a supplier, for example, it can easily get lost in an office drawer or worse, thrown straight in the trash.

  • Because business cards are old school.

Even if you have a set of elegantly printed gold foil business cards, they will still be considered old school by the millennials and the even younger generation. If this is your target market, they might think that your distributing these contact cards is a novelty – which they won’t even bother keeping or using.

Despite these seeming disadvantages, there are still a lot of benefits in printing out business cards. There’s a certain human connection that you can build when you formally hand over a card – which will especially be appreciated by an older clientele. Your print advertising campaign which can include a set of rounded edge business cards is a great complement to your digital promotional campaign.

Perhaps the best way for old school to meet “new school” is to collect, then digitize business cards. This way, you will have the best of both worlds. Whether you’re part of the old school or millennial generation, there is a benefit to be had from printing out high-quality business cards.




Where to Distribute Your To Go Menus

To go menus make for a great advertising material. If you don’t have dishes that customers can order to go yet, you are not tapping the maximum earning potential of your food business. People these days are always up and about and they want almost everything to be instantaneous. As such, they’d want to have delicious dishes that they can order quickly, to go.

Now, if you would like to print to go menus, you must look for a reliable printing service provider. You can actually take your pick from digital or offset printing. There are many digital printing services which make use of desktop printers, while there is a lesser number of offset printing presses available. Quality-wise, however, offset printing is far superior. If you want to print carry out menus, it’s better to go for offset printing – the investment will be well worth it in the end.

Next, how and where should you distribute these to-go menus? Here’s a quick list:

  • Place a to-go menu right outside your restaurant.

People get intimidated or shy at the thought of entering a restaurant without actually ordering anything. But what if they want to order something to go in the future? To make it easier for people to check out your food products and the prices, leave a basket with copies of your to-go menu right outside the restaurant. This way, they won’t have to ask the staff for a copy – and they won’t get one if they are not interested to buy. This is a win-win situation for the business owner and the customer.

  • Have your own staff distribute them to their personal and professional network.

Your waiters, dishwashers, chef, and all the other staff in your food business would have their own network of contacts. Families, friends, acquaintances from school, neighbors – the contacts of your employees will multiply and before you know it, your business’ popularity will soar simply through word of mouth and print advertising. Having your own staff distribute menus to the people they know is a very effective way of promoting your dining establishment.

  • Distribute to go menus to your suppliers, business partners, and other people you interact with.

When running a restaurant, you will deal with suppliers and other business owners on a regular basis. When doing a transaction, make sure to include a copy of your to-go menu to help spread the word about your business.

  • Include a copy of your menu on every to go food package.

Finally, you can broaden the reach of your to-go menu advertising by including one in every food package, doggie bag, pizza box, etc. Knowing where and how to distribute your to-go menu will help boost the sales of your food business.

Elements of a Great Design for To Go Menus

To go menus do not just add to the overall dining experience of a customer, but restaurant owners can also use them as an advertising tool. If you have a pizzeria, for example, you can print to go menus and distribute them to customers or suppliers. The more widespread the distribution is, the more well-known your food products would be. However, you do need to take into account that the menu should be cleverly designed. If the layout of your menu is a graphic designer’s nightmare, it will appear equally confusing and not visually appealing to your customers. Here, we will take a look at the design elements of an effective to go menu:

  • The ‘sweet spot’ on the menu.

Designers or layout artists of traditional menus think that the ‘sweet spot’ on a menu is the upper right hand corner – so this is where they place their bestsellers or the most profitable items. But new studies suggest that customers actually scan menus like they would a book – starting from the top left corner. As such, if you want your bestselling dishes to be the first one that a customer reads, place it on this exact spot.

  • The sectioning of the menu.

Next, make the menu easy to read by dividing it into logical sections. If you’re a fine dining restaurant and you would like to print carry out menus, divide it into sections so that the appetizers, main dishes, and desserts can be easily seen.

  • The prices on the menu.

People go to restaurants to eat and when you put the dollar sign before the price, they will feel the impact of the food that they’re ordering on their wallets. To avoid this, most menus are designed without the currency sign. You can also use a pricing strategy with cents – instead of 10.00, put a 9.95 tag price next to a dish so that customers will feel that they are not paying the full price for the item.

If you want to highlight a food item, you can change the font, use color or boxes. Match the look of your menu with the décor or the logo of your dining establishment. By following these tips, you can give your profit a boost with the help of a well-designed takeout menu.










Revealing How Takeout Menu Print is Designed to Make Customers Order More

When designing a takeout menu print, did you know that restaurant owners actually employ tricks to make customers order more? The same thing holds true when you’re looking at a menu for a sit down dinner at a fine dining restaurant. From the lighting to the music playing – that makes you want to order wine – to the way that the menu is designed, all these are cleverly designed to make you spend more. Still, they all blend together to enhance the customer dining experience, so it benefits both the diner and the restaurant owner.

Now, when it comes to to go menu printing, what are the tricks used to make customers want to order more? Take a look:

  • The takeout menu is designed to limit your options.

If you’re in the food business yourself, you can print pizza menus, for example, in such a way that the menu is limited. Keep in mind that customers want something that can be quickly whipped up in your restaurant kitchen, so keep those difficult to prepare items off your takeout menu. You should also give customers options which are not too limited, but not too much that they feel overwhelmed. Seven to ten items of whatever fare you’re offering is a good number.

  • The high-profit menu items are highlighted.

To make customers order more, menus are designed in such a way that the high-profit menu items are highlighted. Chinese restaurants always include egg rolls in their takeout menu because it’s high-yielding, a crowd favorite, and is easy to prepare. Keep this in mind when designing your own takeout menu.

  • They eliminate the dollar sign.

Whether they’re dining in or out, customers do not like looking at dollar signs because it signifies that they are spending money. Although this is exactly what they’re doing, it is better to eliminate the dollar sign altogether. Also, 9.95 or 9.99 looks less expensive than 10.00 – so use those numbers to your advantage when designing the menu.

  • The names of the dishes are well thought out.

Finally, make a diner feel curious by including interesting dish names in your takeout menu. If you’re a mom-and-pop diner, use the name of the recipe owner as the dish name – something like Papa Luccio’s pizza or Granny’s Tomato Soup.

By applying these tricks in designing your takeout menu, you can boost your profit and make customers feel satisfied with their ordering experience.


Takeout Menu Print Tips: Cleverly Design Your Menu for More Profit!

If you want to increase the profit of your food business, you definitely have to consider designing and creating a takeout menu print. These days, people are always in a hurry and they want everything to be instant. Even when it comes to food, they want to be able to order something that you can whip out quickly. It’s a bonus if the presentation of the food looks Instagram-worthy. So if you haven’t already done so, it is a must to look for a to go menu printing service provider. Not only will it boost your sales, but it will make customers appreciate your food business even more.

Here, we will take a look at how you can cleverly design your takeout menu to earn more profit:

  • Only include quick-to-make items in your takeout menu.

People opt for takeout because it’s quick and convenient. If it takes you more than fifteen minutes to whip up a dish that’s included in your to go menu, how frustrated do you think a hungry diner would feel? If their first experience ordering food from you is less than stellar, chances are they will not be a repeat customer. On the other hand, by simply including quick-to-make items on the menu, you can rest assured that a customer leaves with a pleasant experience and will have repeat orders in the future.

  • Do not overwhelm the customer with too many choices, or give them very limited options.

If you only have three or four flavors when you print pizza menus, for example, you are giving customers very limited options. Having twenty flavors, on the other hand, might make it difficult for them to choose. Based on studies conducted by Bournemouth University, fast food diners want only six items per category on the menu while for fine dining establishments, six to ten options are ideal.

  • Include a few mouth-watering pictures, placed strategically on the menu.

People are very visual, so make sure to strategically include two or three mouth-watering pictures of dishes that are included in your takeout menu. Also, make sure that the layout is easy to read.  If you want to highlight a dish that’s profitable but easy to make, put its name in a box or change the font color and size.

  • Use exotic, interesting, or foreign-sounding dishes on the menu.

Finally, make your takeout menu unique by adding a few dishes with interesting names. Mama Giuseppa’s pizza, or Suppli which is rice balls in Italian both make for intriguing options and can establish rapport between the customers and the order taker.

Follow these tips when designing your takeout menu and watch your profits soar quickly!







Cross Out Print Postcards from Your Direct Mail Marketing To-Do Checklist

When you print postcards, you are essentially doing direct mail marketing. Direct mailing is done by business owners where they send postcards, letters, and similar printed promotional materials. They target past, existing, and potential customers, or fellow business owners. For customers, they send the printed materials to a specific neighborhood while the business owners could be suppliers or potential business partners.

Should you decide to print postcards online to make it part of your direct mail marketing campaign, what are its benefits? Here’s a quick list:

  • Direct mail marketing enhances the customer experience.

Let’s say that you own a salon. As part of your direct marketing campaign, you can send postcards to your existing and potential clients. You can make the postcard double as a coupon so that whoever receives it can bring the postcard to your salon for a discount on a specific service. The process does not stop there. To establish customer loyalty, you can send postcards to the same group of customers during the holiday season. The more consistent you are in your direct mail marketing efforts, the more appreciative your customers would be.

  • It’s a great way to receive a lot of phone calls – which you can turn into a sale.

Here is a different example. If you are in the real estate business, you need to send postcards to a targeted set of individuals. For this, you can acquire a list from brokers – so you can be sure that you are only sending postcards to those who are interested in buying or selling property. The purpose of the postcard changes here because you will not necessarily get a sale – but the lead will turn into phone calls or inquiries. This is what you can turn into a closed sale. It’s entirely up to you to decide how to design the postcard, but make sure to include a call to action for the recipient to give you a call or visit your website.

  • There’s a higher response rate.

Studies by the US Post Office indicate that there is a better response rate when a potential customer receives something tangible like a postcard – as compared to simply seeing an online ad. Even millennials, despite being practically raised with tablet computers on their hands – actually look forward to receiving direct mail. This captures their attention and is something that you can turn into a lead or a sale.

When looking for a color postcard printing service provider, go for something like offset printing which produces better results than digital printing. By crossing out postcard printing from your direct mail marketing checklist, you will get great sales results.