Brand Building through Brochure Printing

Have you noticed how most digital companies that invest in digital ads never venture into print advertising? You don’t want to fall into the trap of just staying digital – although there are those who thrive in the medium. By expanding your marketing options into something more tangible like brochure printing, you can enjoy a multitude of benefits as a business owner.

Ways to Use Brochure Printing for Brand Building

As you may already know, brochures are printed advertising materials where you can include your company information, as well as a detailed description of what you have to offer as a business. Whether you’re a startup, a mid-sized corporation, or even a mom-and-pop establishment, you can use brochure printing as part of your overall marketing plan. Here’s how you can use brochures in building your brand:

  • For establishing authority in the industry

When a prospective customer receives a thick, glossy brochure with well-written content, what do you think is the impression made? People would think that if you are willing to invest in tangible marketing materials like well-made brochures, you can ensure the same quality in delivering the products or services that you offer. Brochures and other printed materials establish your authority in whichever industry your business is in.

  • For brand name recall

Again, brochures are tangible and having the weight of a thick, glossy material in the hands enhances brand name recall. Unlike websites with URLs which are difficult to remember, seeing your company name on print is bound to leave a mark in the minds of potential customers.

  • For networking

Brochures are usually mailed out or distributed in person during corporate events and tradeshows. By handing out brochures in such events, you are increasing your network of contacts, which is always a good thing for business owners.

When looking for a company to make brochures for you, consider online printing services that offer high-quality prints. Check on the materials and ink that they use, the printing technology, the quality of customer service, and the turnaround time.

All in all, brochures are a great advertising tool that you can use to build your brand.

Brochure Printing is All About Content

A typical business card contains the business name, address, website, contact information, and maybe a very short tagline. Postcards can take the form of a greeting card, or the space might have a short message about a discount card that the holder can use. What about for brochure printing? Unlike business cards, postcards, flyers, and banners, brochures have foldable panels that equate to more space to print content in. This makes brochures the material of choice when it comes to trade shows and other corporate events. With plenty of space available, you have a better platform to present to your audience information about your business, mainly about the products or services that you offer.

Content Writing for Brochure Printing

Before you can even get in touch with an online printing services provider, you first need to come up with the content for your brochure. Check out these ideas on what to include:

  • Your company’s mission and vision.

In tradeshows, you are given the space to introduce your company to prospective partners, suppliers, customers, and other clients. With a full color HD brochure sized 8.5” x 11”, you can include your company’s mission and vision. This is a quite formal way of introducing your brand to clients, which is perfectly suitable in any business environment.

  • A brief history of how your brand came about.

If you want a more casual way of introducing your brand, include a brief history of how it all came about. What’s the story behind your logo or company name? Who are the people behind the brand? How did the business idea come about? Sharing interesting snippets about your business enhances name recall and makes your brand more memorable.

  • A detailed description of your products or services.

A half then trifold brochure folding option gives you eight panels to write your brochure copy in. With this much space, you can include a detailed description of your products or services.

One more thing that you should not forget when writing the content for brochure printingis to include a call to action. After introducing your brand and describing your product or service, you need a call to action – which can be a number to call, a website to visit, or a QR code that leads to a link of a video where they can learn more about what you have to offer as a business. By focusing on the content of your brochure, you can maximize its marketing benefits to your business.

Quality, Size, Price: Things to Consider in Brochure Printing

Would you like to include brochure printing as part of your print marketing campaign? If yes, then you need to consider three things: quality, size, and price. Brochure printing is a more comprehensive way of presenting information about your business. Whether you’re offering a retail product or a service that people book on a regular basis, brochures give them a lengthier version of your sales spiel – something that you cannot print on materials with limited space such as postcards or business cards.

Here are the top three things to consider in brochure printing:

  • The quality of print

If you want to turn prospective customers into actual clients, you must leave a lasting impression. As such, you need to make sure that your brochures or any printed marketing materials that you have use high-quality paper with high-quality print. For brochures, you can take your pick from medium gloss text book paper or a much thicker extreme gloss cover paper. For printing quality, there are online printing services that offer digital or offset printing. Offset is much better in terms of color, contrast, vividness, sharpness. It also performs better when it comes to the length of time that the ink lasts.

  • The size of the brochures

The standard brochure size is 8.5” x 11”. If you want something a bit smaller, go for the 4.25” x 11” option. Other sizes include legal, folder sheet, tabloid, and map size. There are also different folding options available including trifold, Z-fold, half fold, double parallel, single gate, double gate, roll fold, accordion, French fold, and half then trifold.

  • The price of the printing package

Finally, consider the price of the printing package. Offset is a bit more expensive than digital printing but the quality is better. When it comes to numbers, the more brochures you order, the lower the per piece price is. Ordering 500 brochures, for example, is a bit pricier than ordering 1,000 or 2,500 copies.

As a final note, you need to know how to distribute the brochures so that it reaches the hands of your target market. You can include brochures in deliveries, hand them out personally, or send them out by mail.

What Not to Do During Brochure Printing

If you want to promote your brand through printed advertising materials, brochure printing is one of the best ways to go about it. Brochures are usually folded, thick paper which includes information and images about a business. These promotional materials are distributed in trade shows, or handed out personally to prospective customers. The good thing about using brochures is that it gives you plenty of space to write your content in. When looking for online printing services to create the brochures for you, make sure to check on the paper stock that they use, the ink, and the printing technology. Offset printing is usually more preferred than digital printing because of the higher quality offered by the former.

During the brochure design process, it pays to know what not to do – so that you can avoid the most common mistakes in printing out these marketing materials:

  • Overcrowding the available space.

Brochure printing gives you plenty of space because there are big paper sizes available. From standard to legal, folder sheet size, tabloid size, and map size, you can divide the paper into several panels. One mistake to not make when using big-sized brochures is overcrowding the available space.

  • Using too much text or a lot of images.

There should be a good balance between text and images. If there’s too much text, the reader might get bored and not bother reading the content at all. On the other hand, an images-only brochure may not necessarily give the reader enough information about the message that you would like to convey.

  • Not paying attention to the overall look and feel of the design.  

Just like when you are creating a business card, flyer, or postcard, brochures should be designed in such a way that it fits your brand’s imaging. If you are using black and silver in your company logo, for example, the same hues should be present in the brochure design.

  • Not considering the paper type and folding options.

Most printing companies offer two types of paper for brochures: gloss text book paper and a thicker gloss cover paper. For the folding options, you can take your pick from trifold, Z-fold, double parallel, double gate, or half then trifold. These give you anywhere from two to 12 panels. Depending on the length of content that you would like to include in the brochure, always consider the material and the folding options available.

By knowing what not to do during the brochure printing process, you can avoid costly mistakes and make the most out of this marketing material.

Brochure Printing Design Tips

Websites and social media platforms popularized the use of online advertising. If you are starting your own business, you should use all the digital advertising options at your disposal. But there is also nothing wrong with going old school and using something like brochure printing to promote your brand. In fact, there is such a novelty in holding something tangible so in this case, old school trumps digital.

There are many online printing services from where you can order a batch of brochures for distribution. When looking for one, make sure that they use state-of-the-art offset printing technology so that you can get the best quality possible. It may be a bit pricier than straightforward digital printing, but the results are well worth it.

Now, if you are still in the process of designing the brochure, what do you need to remember? Here’s a quick list:

  • Write the copy for the brochure in such a way that it appeals to your target market. If you’re a law firm, for example, you might have to use more formal language in writing the content for the brochure. On the other hand, if you have a younger clientele, using language that they can easily understand is the better option.
  • Know why you are publishing the brochure. Are you exerting a lot of effort in brochure printing so that you can introduce an old product to a new market? Are you trying to establish your brand as an authority in the industry? Would you like people to know how your brand name came about? Or who the brains are behind the operations? Depending on your desired output, you can write the content of your brochure accordingly.
  • Text should be mixed with images appropriately. Readers might get bored with an all-text brochure, so shake it up with eye-grabbing images. Make sure that the overall design of the brochure fits your brand’s image. You can choose colors which are similar to your logo for better impact.

After finishing the design, make sure to choose high-quality materials and an excellent printing process. By following these tips, you can come up with a  stellar brochure that you will be proud to use in promoting your business.

Download, Design, and Print Postcards through Online Printing Companies

If you are looking for a postcard printing company, you can either go with a traditional printing company or one with a purely online operations. These businesses will offer either offset or digital printing. Offset printing uses state-of-the-art printers with the latest in color match technology. Their services might be a bit more expensive than digital printing, but the quality is far superior.

Aside from the printing option, you also need to consider the ordering method that the company has. Can you place an order fully online? Or do you need to go to an office before receiving a set of 1,000 postcards, for example? For convenience, you may want to go with a printing company that has a fully online process for postcard printing.

Here is how the process goes:

  • First, download the guided design templates.

If you want to make it easier to print postcards, you can simply use the guided design templates offered by the printing company. The high-resolution templates can be used with any professional design software. Make sure that you already have an idea of how the postcards should look so that the design can be easily applied on the template.

  • Second, select all the ordering options that apply.

For postcards, you have to choose the size, quantity, paper type, paper finish, and printing speed. If you want your files to be checked by a professional, you just need to add a fixing fee to the order,

  • Third, finish placing your order and wait for delivery – either to your doorstep or to the addresses of your customers!

After uploading your files, you simply need to wait for the postcards to be delivered. If you are distributing it yourself, have the package delivered to your own address. You can also have the printing company directly mail out the postcards or use the Every Door Direct Mail service with the USPS so that you can mail to a specific zip code or demographic.

As you can see, the process of ordering postcards online is quick and hassle-free so get started on designing and printing them for your business.

Postcard Printing in Full Color

One of the cheapest yet most effective forms of print advertising is postcard printing. Similar to flyers, brochures, business cards, banners, letterheads, and rack cards, postcards are printed materials that leave a lasting impression to customers. Unlike digital ads which can only be seen onscreen, postcards can be held and felt, making the experience more memorable. This not only leaves a great first impression to customers, but it also boosts brand recall and the material can be kept for future reference.

You can distribute postcards to potential and existing customers by physically handing them out to people or by mailing them. Put together your own mailing list or take advantage of the Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) service offered by some printing companies. For the latter, the printing company will work with the USPS so that you can send out mailers to every door within a specific zip code. Or, you can narrow down the addresses based on demographic, age group, or household size.

Now, when it comes to the process of postcard printing, you want to make sure that customers will be impressed once they receive the actual card. This is where full color printing comes in. There are companies that promise to print postcards using the best in color match technology. Check the reviews or ask for sample prints so that you can see for yourself how the postcards will look. Pay close attention to details such as the resolution, the brightness of the print, and the contrast and vividness of colors. The material used is also important. Check on the thickness and paper stock, as well as the finish of the print.

By keeping a close eye on the tiniest details of postcard printing, you can make sure that your customers will receive only the best quality cards possible.

All About Designing, Postcard Printing and Distribution

If you want to include postcard printing as part of a full-blast print marketing campaign, then you must be familiar with the steps involved. First, design the postcard itself. Second, look for a postcard printing company that will print the cards for you. Third, decide how you will distribute the cards.

Let’s take a closer look at these steps.

  • Designing the postcards

Why go for postcard marketing in the first place? It’s a tangible form of advertising that can effectively deliver your marketing message. No matter what your business is, you can use postcards to let people know about your business name, address, the products or services that you offer, etc. When designing the postcard, consider the size of the card. The copy should be short because limited space is available. The information should be accurate and up-to-date.

More importantly, there should be a call to action. Indicate whether you want customers to call you for more information, if you want them to visit your store to check out your wares, or visit your website to know what your business is all about. Also consider the demographic of your target audience when designing the card so that the look and feel would appeal to them.

  • Printing the postcards

Next, look for a company to print postcards for you. Offset and digital printing are your two options. The former has better quality than digital, although it may be a bit more expensive. When looking for a printing company, make sure that the quality of print is excellent, as well as the material used. The ink should be long lasting and there should be several options for print finish.

  • Distributing the postcards

Lastly, decide how you will distribute the postcards. Some printing companies offer direct mail and Every Door Direct Mail distribution services. With direct mail services, they can mail out the postcards for you if you already have a mailing list. If you don’t, the better option is EDDM because you don’t have to put together a mailing list. Simply choose which zip code, demographic, or other mailing category to send the postcards to. The printing company will work with the USPS in mailing out the postcards to the address category of your choice.

By familiarizing yourself with these steps, you can take full advantage of the marketing benefits of postcards mailers.

Effective Messaging Tips for Postcard Printing

If you are creating online ads or copy for postcard printing, your goal is to effectively deliver your marketing message. Let’s say that you are promoting the soft opening of a local diner. Everyone living within the vicinity of your food establishment is a possible customer, so how do you “talk” to them? You can try ordering postcards online then mailing them out to households within a five-mile radius of your location. You can distribute the postcards to people in areas where there is high foot traffic. These mailers or printed advertising materials can also be displayed in your storefront on opening day.

Short but Sweet or The Longer, The Better?

You already know how the postcards can be distributed – but how about taking a step back and determining exactly what you will write on the postcard? Is the rule to follow ‘Short but sweet’ – or ‘The longer, the better’? First, consider the size of the postcard that you will use. For printing companies, the most popular sizes are 3” x 4”, 4” x 6”, 5” x 7”, and 6” x 9”.

If you will write one or two paragraphs on a 4” x 6” postcard, imagine how crowded the letters would be. You would have to use a very small font which is difficult to read. If you will reduce two paragraphs to just one, the letters might look bigger but if there is no white space, the overall design would still look too packed on the card.

For postcard printing, the better rule to follow is to keep it short. If you want people to go to the soft opening of your diner, include only the relevant information. When and what time is it, where is the diner, and what kind of food should they expect? You might want to include a message that if they bring the postcard, they’re entitled to drink upgrades, a free dessert, or 5% off their total bill. Print advertising is all about clarity and by keeping the copy concise, you can effectively deliver your marketing message.

Postcard Printing: Going Back to Basics

Mobile, in-game, in-app, social media, and search engine are some of the online ad options available right now. Depending on your products or services, most of these may be effective, but what about old school print ads like postcard printing? Online advertising may be the obvious choice especially for new businesses, but there’s just something about holding a tangible item in your hands that makes printed advertising materials still effective.

Whether you’re offering a unique service or a retail product, here’s how you can go back to basics with the help of postcard ads:

  • Use the limited space in the postcard to get your message across.

What is the main goal of advertising in the first place? To let your target audience know that your brand exists. How do you get this message across? With postcards, you have very limited space. A 4” x 6” card, for example, only has space to include your business name and contact information – then maybe a tagline or two. Use the available space wisely – and make sure to include a call to action.

  • Design the card in such a way that it appeals to your target audience.

When you are advertising using printed material, pay close attention to detail. Design the postcard in such a way that the color, font, and any image that you will include pops and appeals to your target audience.

  • Look for the right postcard printing company.

Finally, work with a printing company that has ample experience in printing postcards. Choose from offset or digital printing. Consider the costs, but do not compromise on quality.

When you print postcards and use it as part of your print advertising campaign, you may be going back to basics. However, the appeal of printed materials will improve name recall, giving your target market a chance to remember your brand, allowing your business to grow.