Steps to Follow when You Order the Best Business Cards

Would you like to order the best business cards but don’t know where to start? Here are a few easy steps that you can follow:

1. Know what information to include in the business card.

Whether it’s your first time to design a business card or if you simply want to update your existing one, it pays to do your research and learn which information to include. Business cards are a representation of your work as a professional or your company if you’re an employee. For entrepreneurs, it is important to include your company name and logo – as well as your name and position. If you’re an employee, the company logo and your job position should be included.

Also consider including your website URL, telephone or mobile number, office address, and email address. You don’t have to include everything, however. If you are running a purely online business, for example, there is no need for you to include an office address. You can also include cool features like a QR code which, when scanned, will lead customers to your website.

2. Come up with a design.

Next, come up with a design that suits your brand’s image. If you are printing out personal business cards and you’re in real estate, for example, you might want to include your photo or a collage of the properties you recently sold. If you are selling handmade jewelry, make sure that the design of the card is as creative as your line of products. Those in the legal industry may opt for a more formal design. The gist is that you should use a design that complements your brand and industry.

3. Decide on the paper stock, size, and finish.

Next, choose the size of the business card. The standard is 3.5” x 2”, but you can go with square business cards or European size which is a bit larger than the standard US size. In terms of paper stock, the thicker the paper, the better. When it comes to finish, you can choose from linen, suede, cotton, silk, brown kraft, metallic ink, foil stamped, spot UV – the possibilities are endless. You also have the option to go with a non-landscape orientation or rounded edges to make your card stand out.

4. Look for a reliable printing company.

Finally, when you order business cards, make sure to look for a reliable printing company with extensive experience in the field. There are digital and offset printing service providers out there. Digital printing is good for small batches but if you’re ordering in bulk and you want more professional-looking results, offset is the way to go. These make use of huge printing presses and can produce hundreds to thousands of copies almost instantaneously once the design is set. Also check on the turnaround time, costs, minimum order, and quality of customer service offered.

By following these steps, you can order the best business cards to represent your brand with.

Luxuriously Smooth: Soft Touch Business Cards

Did you know that with a special lamination process, paper can be turned into something with a fabric-like texture, examples of which are suede business cards? Similar to silk and linen, suede business cards are finished using a lamination process to achieve that fabric-like effect. When you give business cards like these to your clients, they will truly be impressed because of how luxurious the material feels once held. Another advantage of going with soft touch business cards with a fabric-like finish is that they are made from thick paper stock. Soft touch suede business cards, for example, are made using 19-pt. laminated cardstock which has 60% the thickness of a credit card. When combined with high-quality offset printing, you can have an impressive business card that will last for practically a lifetime.

Special Add-On Finish for Soft Touch Business Cards

When looking for printing companies to create your soft touch business cards, make sure that they use the offset printing method. Unlike digital printers, offset printers can handle complex laminating processes – and the printing results are more professional-looking. If you would like to order soft touch laminate business cards from printing companies, here are the top three finishes that you can choose from:


1. Ultra-Soft Touch Matte Suede

If you think that your design would not look good on shiny surface, go for ultra-soft touch matte suede business cards. These have the same thickness as other soft touch business cards, minus the shine or gloss.

2. Raised Spot UV Gloss Suede

For elegant business cards with a formal design, raised spot UV gloss suede might just be the finish you’re looking for. The uncoated surface is designed with chrome foil on top to achieve a metallic color which can be gold, silver, or copper.

3. Raised Foil Stamped Suede

If you want to have an almost engraved effect on your business card, go with the raised foil stamped suede finish. Unlike raised spot UV gloss, this effect can be done in non-metallic colors like blue, orange, yellow, purple, red, or pink. This is perfect for business card designs for more creative industries.

If you’re planning to have business cards made, which of these soft touch finishes would you choose?

High Impact, Low Maintenance: Why It Pays to Invest in Silk Cards

When you compare handing over a business card printed in thin linen cardboard with thick, laminated business cards that have professional-looking print – which do you think will impress customers? The latter, of course. These days, branding is all about image. If a customer perceives your business card as cheap and haphazardly put together, they will equate the same characteristics to your business. On the other hand, if your business cards are luxurious, thick, and professional-looking, customers will be equally impressed with your brand. This is precisely the reason why it pays to invest in silk cards.

Silk Cards are High Impact, Low Maintenance

Depending on the design and colors that you will use, here are the types of finishes that you can go with when having silk business cards printed out: Depending on the design and colors that you will use, here are the types of finishes that you can go with when having silk business cards printed out:

1. Matte Silk

Matte silk business cards are non-shiny, but the surface retains that silky-smooth finish. If you want something that’s straightforward, this is for you.

2. Foil Stamped

Silk If you want to highlight your company name or logo and you have a bold business card design, foil stamped silk is the way to go. This lamination process uses heat rolling to add red, blue, silver, gold, black, or copper-colored foil on the card. This is great for those who want their business cards to stand out.

3. Silk Spot UV

There’s also the spot UV treatment where a flat layer of gloss is added to specific areas on the card. This could be the border, the brand name, or logo. This is a great choice for business card designs with highly contrasting colors.

Silk cards are usually made from 17-pt. cardstock which has 54% the thickness of a credit card. This feels thick to the hand, while the silky-smooth surface of the laminated paper feels extra luxurious. Another advantage of going for this type of business card is that the lamination process makes the material ten times stronger than non-laminated cards.

All in all, silk business cards high impact – which means that they leave a lasting impression and they’re also low maintenance because of the durability of the material. What more can you ask for from a printed promotional material?

Smooth Matte Custom Business Cards: An Oldie but Goodie

There was a time when the default choice for printing custom business cards was linen cards which could be made from either thin or thick paper stock. These days, you can choose from different sizes, materials, and finishes. If you want to go with an oldie but goodie, however, smooth matte business cards are a great option.

Here are the characteristics of smooth matte business cards if you are interested in having them printed out:

• As the name implies, these business cards have a smooth matte surface. Unlike glossy business cards which have a shiny surface or uncoated business cards which have no shine at all, smooth matte cards have zero glare when placed under the light. They are also smooth to the touch, making them a still luxurious option when it comes to business cards printing.

• You can take your pick from different paper stocks: – 16-pt. premium paper- 17-pt. silk laminated paper – 19-pt. soft touch suede paper These paper stocks have varying thickness and different finishes. The most popular is the 19-pt. paper stock, although you can always go with the thinner varieties.

The smooth matte finish may be a classic choice, but you can add a twist to it by going for special features. For instance, instead of choosing a standard-sized card measuring 3.5” x 2”, you can go for square business cards, slim skinny business cards, or European size business cards. Instead of a landscape orientation, you can design the card in such a way that it is laid out with a portrait orientation. You can also go with a unique material like clear or frosted plastic, with rounded or straight edges.

When looking for a business card printing, don’t hesitate to go with a seemingly traditional choice like smooth matte. It may not be as showy as super-shiny business cards, but it does not hurt to stick with a classic. With smooth matte business cards that are well-designed, you can leave a lasting impression to whomever you will give the card – one that also reflects perfectly on your brand.

Should I Pay Extra for High Quality Business Card?

A 14-pt. smooth matte business card will set you back around ten cents apiece; while high quality business cards with the same thickness as a credit card will cost you around four or five times that. When you compare ordinary with high quality business cards, is the extra investment worth it? To answer this, here are a couple of questions that you can ask yourself:

• Do you prefer high quality business cards because you are offering products or services on the higher end of the price spectrum? If yes, then you definitely need to order the best business cards online. On the other hand, if you are trying to come off as an affordable brand or if you want customers to see your products or services as a lower-priced yet quality version of a direct competitor, you may not necessarily need to spend extra on premium cards. Just because a card is plain or uncoated does not mean that it comes off as cheap. You can always design the card in such a way that it looks standard but still excellently made.

• Do you have the budget for high quality business cards? If yes, then go for it! Nothing beats quality especially when it comes to the impression that you are creating for your brand. From best business cards online companies, you can select from cards that: – are made from thick paper stock, ranging from 14-pt. to 32-pt. – have unique features like rounded edge, painted edge (for super-thick business cards), spot UV gloss, foil stamping, plastic cards, and non-standard sizes.

When ordering high quality business cards, it is better to go with the offset printing option. Digital printers might offer cheaper prices, but the quality cannot match that of offset printing presses. The best business cards online are made with close attention to detail, and only high-end printing equipment can handle complex lamination jobs. Other things to consider when ordering the best business cards online are the turnaround time, costs, paper weight and thickness, finish, and quality of customer service offered.

All in all, it does pay to invest in high-quality business cards especially if you will order them from the best business cards online company. With impressive cards, you can leave an equally lasting impression about your brand.


Are Premium Business Cards Worth the Extra Investment?

In today’s business environment where everything is all about image and perception, there is still a need for you to invest in premium business cards. Printed promotional materials may be considered old school, but what’s good about business cards in particular is that that they contain all your information in one nifty package. If you’re running an online store, your business card can contain your website’s URL, business name, email address, and your social media handles. The overall look of premium business cards is also important because it ties up with the image that you would like to project as a brand.

If you are asking whether it is worth the extra investment to have ultra thick business cards made, let us analyse what regular business cards project in the first place. Let’s say that you are portraying your brand as an affordable option, you might want to stick with linen business cards with a straightforward design. This gives off a vibe that your services or products are equally affordable and fuss-free. On the other hand, if you want to project a high-end image, something more luxurious like ultra thick business cards is what’s expected of you.

The good news is that there is no need for you to spend an arm and a leg for premium business cards. There are many offset printing companies that can print ultra thick business cards for you at pretty reasonable costs. Basically, ultra thick business cards have these properties:

– The 32-pt. cardstock is as thick as a regular credit card.

– There are different sizes available: standard US (3.5” x 2”); European size (2.125” x 3.375”); and square (2.5” x 2.5”).

When it comes to finish, ultra-thick premium business cards are available in non-coated, foil-stamped, and painted edge variants. Uncoated ultra thick business cards have a simple, clean look. If you want something more drool-worthy or attention grabbing, foil stamped cards can highlight certain parts of the card in chrome gold foil. For something that stands out but is still unique and elegant, painted edge premium business cards are perfect. The thick edge can be painted with metallic hues like gold and silver; or a subtler shade of yellow, red, purple, pink, or orange.

Indeed, premium business cards are worth the extra investment if you want to give off an equally high-end vibe for your brand.


Grab the Attention of Potential Customers with Thick Business Cards!

One of the best ways to grab the attention of potential customers is by distributing unique business cards. Among a stack of beige cards with almost the same thickness and design, you need to include certain elements in your business card design in order to make it more eye-catching and noticeable.

To give you an idea about how to capture the attention of customers using unique business cards, here are the elements that you need to consider when designing the card in the first place:

• The material and paper thickness

Paper is the most common material used for business cards, but you can use plastic, too. For paper business cards, you have different options when it comes to paper thickness. The thinnest is 12-pt. paper stock, then the size increases to 14-pt., 16-pt. to 20-pt., 22-pt., and 32-pt. The 32-pt. thick business cards are 100% the thickness of a credit card. Depending on your design needs, you can choose from the very thin to medium thickness cards, or stand out with 32-pt. super thick business cards. Just remember that customers will have a better impression of your brand if you will go with thicker paper stock – simply because of its more significant weight when held.

• The finish •

If you are going with super thick business cards, there are different finishes that you can choose from. First, there’s the uncoated 32-pt. business card which has a clean, straightforward look to it. Second, if you want the letters on your logo to stand out, you can go with 32-pt. thick business cards which are gold foil stamped. For this, chrome gold foil is added to create unique business cards. Third, if you want thick business cards which are colorful and creative, go with the painted edge feature. Because of the thickness of the material, the painted edge will make your card stand out from a stack of medium-sized, plain business cards.

• The overall design of the card

Of course, you still need to consider the overall design of the card. No matter how many super thick business cards you distribute, it will still be an ineffective promotional material if you will not pay attention to the image that it will create for your brand. When designing thick, unique business cards, make sure that everything – from the logo to the font to the colors used – are all representative of your brand. All in all, these thick cards are bound to leave a lasting impression to your clients, so consider having them printed out for your business.

Effective Ways of Designing Custom Business Cards

Inexpensive business cards could be thin with barely readable text, while custom business cards could be thick and have razor-sharp print. If you have a limited budget but you still want high-quality cards that will impress your customers, how can you design a card that’s a cross between these two? Here are a few ways to design inexpensive business cards that do not compromise on quality and aesthetics:

• Look for a reliable printing company.

Inexpensive business cards do not need to look cheap – there are plenty of printing companies to choose from, and they can give you great rates for professional-looking results. When looking for one, set a budget first then know which options they can give you for your asking price. From there, you can decide which material and finish to go with so that you can have the best-looking custom business cards.

• Know which information to include in the card.

You might think that you need to include all your contact information when creating custom business cards, but you can edit it in such a way that only the essentials are included. If you’re an online business, for example, there is no need to include an office address. If you’re a mom-and-pop establishment, the physical address is important as well as your contact number – especially if you don’t have an online presence.

• Design the card in such a way that it reflects your brand.

Next, there are designs for custom business cards that you can create which are a direct reflection of your brand. Take advantage of downloadable templates or online tools so that you can come up with the perfect design for your business card.

• To make your business card stand out, include unique features.

If you want to use the second page of custom business cards , you can include a tiny calendar or a box that a person can write notes in. If you customize women’s jewelry, you might want to use metallic ink when designing inexpensive business cards. If you’re in the legal industry, design cards which are a bit more formal and will appeal to a more mature clientele. Other unique features that you can go for are rounded-edge business cards, or standout materials like plastic or recycled paper.

• Distribute those cards!

Finally, after designing and having the inexpensive business cards printed out, you should know how to distribute them. Always bring a stack with you so that you can hand them over to potential clients, suppliers, and business partners. Include them in mailers, post them on public bulletin boards, have a stack in your office’s reception area for customers to pick, and distribute them in trade shows and similar events.

Essential Things to Look for in a Business Card Printing Company

If you are looking for business card printing services, you naturally want to get the best output without having to pay too much. The process that you have to go through in order to have a set of unique business cards matters, too. This is why you need to spend time looking for just-the-right company that will provide you with your printing needs – and you should also know what to look for in the first place.

Here, we will find out which factors are essential when you’re looking for a business card printing company:

• High-end equipment

There are two options when it comes to business card printing: digital and offset. Digital printing uses desktop printers or digital printing presses. This gets the job done and is cheap but if you need unique business cards with a complex finish or lamination process, offset printing might be the better option. This uses high-end printing presses and ink is not directly transferred, but is instead offset onto paper. Offset printing delivers more professional-looking results and as far as the price goes, the per piece cost gets lower when you order more.

• High-quality materials

When you’re ordering unique business cards, check on the thickness of the paper that they use. This can range from 14-pt. to 32-pt. which is the thickest. You should also decide which finish to go with – some examples are silk, cotton, suede, soft touch, and brown kraft.

• Designing tools

Next, check if the business card printing company offers templates that you can download if you don’t have a design yet. There are also online tools where you can set up, create, and submit your design.

• Excellent customer service

Lastly, when ordering unique business cards, make sure that the business card printing offers excellent customer service. Consider the cost, minimum order, turnaround time, finishes available, and the swiftness of reply to your inquiries.

One of the best things that you can do for your brand is to have a set of unique business cards. By knowing which factors to consider, you can choose which printing company to order from so that you can get high-quality cards for the best value.

Top Things to Consider when You Order Business Cards

When you order business cards or any other printed material, for that matter, you want to have professional-looking results – but without having to pay an arm and a leg for it. This is where your research skills should come in. There are dozens, if not hundreds of
online printing service providers to choose from. By taking a few factors into consideration, you can have great-looking promotional materials when you order business cards, while still getting the best bang for your buck.

To get started, here are the top things to consider when you order business cards:

• Process and Price

Basically, there are two printing processes available: offset and digital. Offset utilizes printing presses where ink does not directly come in contact with paper, but is instead offset onto a plate. This may sound a bit complex but once the design is set, you will see razor-sharp images and letters using offset printing. The second option is to hire a digital online printing service provider. This uses digital printers which, over the years, has greatly improved. Digital printing gets the job done and it’s good for small batches when you order business cards.

Price-wise, bigger volume printing jobs become cheaper per piece with offset printing. Digital printing is cheap and gets the job done for smaller batches, although its capacity for printing a larger volume of materials may be limited.

• Service and Sources

Just like when you’re taking advantage of any type of service, you must check on the quality of customer service that the printing company offers. How about sources? Check the website of the online printing service provider to see if they offer free downloadable templates or an online tool that you can use for designing business cards. This way, you don’t have to pay for the services of a graphic designer. As long as you already have your logo, you can incorporate that in the design when you order and use the online design tool or downloadable template.

• Finish and Feedback

Finally, check on the material and finish, as well as the feedback. When you order business cards, for example, a 14-pt. cardstock can have a smooth matte, glossy or silk spot UV finish. Some online printing service providers also offer unique features like foil stamping, rounded corners, and plastic or brown kraft cards. After deciding on the material and finish, check on the feedback of other clients when it comes to the quality of the products.

Make a comparison of all these features, narrow down your choices to two or three – then make an informed decision from there.