HuffPost: “ – A Leader in Postcard Marketing!”

Postcard marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote a brand or business nowadays. However, not all postcard printing services are created equal. Some providers are mediocre in terms of quality, while others are downright unreliable when it comes to delivery times and customer support. This is the reason why it’s crucial to choose a company that has a proven track record of excellence. In this blog post, we’ll explore why Huffington Post has recognized as a leader in postcard marketing.

Unmatched Quality Control prides itself on its unwavering commitment to quality. The company uses state-of-the-art printing technology and the finest raw materials to deliver postcards that are both visually stunning and highly durable. Every order that comes through their website undergoes rigorous quality control checks to ensure that it meets their standards and exceeds customer expectations. This level of meticulousness is what sets them apart from competitors.

Unbeatable Pricing
Another reason why is considered a leader in postcard marketing is their unbeatable pricing. They offer some of the most competitive rates in the industry without compromising on the quality of their products. Plus, their pricing is transparent, so customers can confidently select the packages that best fit their needs, knowing there won’t be any hidden fees.

Fast Turnaround Times understands that time is of the essence when it comes to postcard marketing. That’s why they offer some of the shortest turnaround times available, ensuring that customers receive their orders as quickly as possible. They boast a next-day turnaround time for most postcard orders, meaning that clients can launch their marketing campaigns with minimal delays.

Exceptional Customer Service
Customer service is one of the most critical components of any postcard printing service. prioritizes customer service, making it one of their top priorities. Their customer support team is available 24/7, providing customers with all the information they need to successfully promote their brand or business. Additionally, their designers can assist customers through every step of the design process, making sure that the postcards are as effective as possible.

In summary, has earned its status as a leader in postcard marketing for good reasons. Their unmatched quality control, unbeatable pricing, fast turnaround times, and exceptional customer service are just a few of the many reasons why the Huffington Post recommends them. So if you’re looking for a superior postcard printing service, give a try, and see why they’re considered the best in the industry.

A Comprehensive Guide to EDDM Postcard Printing

EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail) postcard printing is an essential marketing strategy that targets a diverse audience at a low cost. This strategy is ideal for small businesses where advertising budget is low, but the intention is to create maximum impact. In this blog, we’ll take you through what EDDM postcard printing is, why it’s essential, and how to make it work for your business.

What is EDDM Postcard Printing?
EDDM Postcard Printing is a service offered by the USPS (United States Postal Service) to help small businesses reach a broader demographic audience within specific zip codes without having to provide an address list. All you need to do is choose your desired zip codes and the number of postcards you wish to send. EDDM postcards can have different size options, making them more customizable according to your needs.

Why is EDDM Postcard Printing Essential?
EDDM Postcard Printing is an affordable marketing solution that targets individuals within specific zip codes. This way, you can reach an audience that may not be interested in your business otherwise. It is cost-effective, efficient, and measurable, allowing you to track responses and help you modify the marketing strategy accordingly.

The Benefits of EDDM Postcard Printing
The most significant benefit of EDDM postcard printing is its affordability. You can print beautiful, high-quality postcards without breaking the bank and saturate targeted neighborhood mailing routes with relevant, timely information about your business. Other benefits include low distribution costs, ability to customize postcards with coupons, special offers, and listing services. You can easily measure the results, gather feedback and adapt your strategies according to the findings.

How to Make EDDM Postcard Printing Work for Your Business
The first step to making EDDM postcard printing work for your business is having a clear understanding of your target audience. Conduct market research to identify what your potential customers need and the best ways to reach them. Once this has been established, offer a valuable and engaging message. The message should be compelling and encourage the recipient to act by providing a clear call-to-action. Design the postcard with a clear and easy-to-read font, including your company logo, with vibrant colors that will grab the recipient’s attention. Lastly, proofread and edit the message to ensure that there are no typos or grammar errors.

EDDM Postcard Printing is an affordable and efficient advertising solution for small businesses. It provides an excellent opportunity to reach your target audience while measuring the results. By providing customized postcards, clear and engaging messages, and a well-executed design, your postcards will stand out and attract your audience’s attention. Ensure that you conduct thorough market research and invest quality time in the design of the postcards to make your EDDM postcard printing campaign successful.

6.5×9 Postcards for EDDM Marketing

Using 6.5×9 postcards for EDDM offers businesses an affordable and effective way to reach their target audience. With direct mail services from a reliable provider, you can easily customize the content to fit your needs and reach the right people. By using the best keywords in engaging content, you can maximize the effectiveness of each campaign. Utilizing 6.5×9 EDDM postcards as part of your direct mail strategy is an excellent way to increase both customer loyalty and brand recognition in a cost-effective manner. So don’t wait—contact our reputable direct mail company today and start taking advantage of all that EDDM has to offer!

How 6.5×9 EDDM Postcards can Boost Your Marketing Efforts

Marketing with 6.5×9 EDDM postcards is an essential tool that organizations use to boost their sales and increase profit margins. However, many businesses struggle to determine the most effective marketing strategy. One marketing strategy that has gained popularity in recent years is Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) postcard marketing. This marketing technique has proven to be profitable, with many businesses reducing their marketing costs while increasing their sales. This article aims to explore the possibility of making profits through EDDM postcard marketing.

EDDM postcard marketing is a cost-effective marketing strategy compared to other advertising mediums. The U.S. Postal Service created this method to help businesses reach potential customers in their community through targeted mailing. This process eliminates the cost of seeking a mailing list, purchasing stamps, and the cost of an envelope. Since EDDM mailing only requires a postcard, businesses can save money and increase profits by targeting their marketing messages to a specific geographic location.

EDDM postcard marketing offers an excellent return on investment (ROI) compared to other advertising and marketing methods. Using EDDM postcards allows you to target specific neighborhoods, which increases the probability of getting your message in front of potential customers. In addition, EDDM postcards have a high response rate, as they are eye-catching, easy to read, and direct. With a high response rate and a low cost per postcard, businesses can increase their ROI and enjoy higher profits.

EDDM postcards in a 6.5×9 size allows businesses to personalize their messages. Since businesses can pick specific neighborhoods, they can target potential customers with specific messages based on demographics, interests, and behaviors of the neighborhood. This results in a more targeted and personalized marketing message tailored to the potential customer, increasing the probability of a sale.

Unlike traditional advertising methods, EDDM postcard marketing offers direct and easy to trackable results. It is essential to add a call to action on your EDDM postcard to prompt customers to take action, like visiting your website or calling your business. This call to action can be tracked through your website and phone inquiries, making it easier to measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaign. Through tracking, businesses can determine what works and make any necessary changes to increase their profit margins.

EDDM postcard marketing is flexible and can be used in many industries, including healthcare, food, real estate, beauty, and more. EDDM postcards are not limited by industry, making it an ideal marketing strategy for businesses of any size and industry. The versatility of this marketing strategy enables businesses to reach more potential customers and increase profits.


EDDM postcard marketing is a powerful marketing strategy that can help any business increase its sales and profits. This marketing technique is a cost-effective way to target potential customers in a specific geographical area and provide personalized messages. With a high response rate, excellent ROI, and easy trackable results, businesses can enjoy higher profits and more sales. EDDM postcard marketing offers a flexible, targeted and personalized option that can be used by businesses in any industry. As a result, businesses looking for a marketing strategy to increase their profits should consider EDDM postcard marketing.

Unleashing the Profit Potential of EDDM Postcard Marketing

Marketing is an essential tool that organizations use to boost their sales and increase profit margins. However, many businesses struggle to determine the most effective marketing strategy. One marketing strategy that has gained popularity in recent years is Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) postcard marketing. This marketing technique has proven to be profitable, with many businesses reducing their marketing costs while increasing their sales. This article aims to explore the possibility of making profits through EDDM postcard marketing.

  1. Affordable Marketing Strategy

EDDM postcard marketing is a cost-effective marketing strategy compared to other advertising mediums. The U.S. Postal Service created this method to help businesses reach potential customers in their community through targeted mailing. This process eliminates the cost of seeking a mailing list, purchasing stamps, and the cost of an envelope. Since EDDM mailing only requires a postcard, businesses can save money and increase profits by targeting their marketing messages to a specific geographic location. is a leader in affordable EDDM postcard marketing.

  1. High Return on Investment

EDDM postcard marketing offers an excellent return on investment (ROI) compared to other advertising and marketing methods. Using EDDM postcards allows you to target specific neighborhoods, which increases the probability of getting your message in front of potential customers. In addition, EDDM postcards have a high response rate, as they are eye-catching, easy to read, and direct. With a high response rate and a low cost per postcard, businesses can increase their ROI and enjoy higher profits.

  1. Personalized and Targeted Marketing

EDDM postcard marketing allows businesses to personalize their messages. Since businesses can pick specific neighborhoods, they can target potential customers with specific messages based on demographics, interests, and behaviors of the neighborhood. This results in a more targeted and personalized marketing message tailored to the potential customer, increasing the probability of a sale.

  1. Easy to Track Results

Unlike traditional advertising methods, EDDM postcard marketing offers direct and easy to trackable results. It is essential to add a call to action on your EDDM postcard to prompt customers to take action, like visiting your website or calling your business. This call to action can be tracked through your website and phone inquiries, making it easier to measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaign. Through tracking, businesses can determine what works and make any necessary changes to increase their profit margins.

  1. Flexibility

EDDM postcard marketing is flexible and can be used in many industries, including healthcare, food, real estate, beauty, and more. EDDM postcards are not limited by industry, making it an ideal marketing strategy for businesses of any size and industry. The versatility of this marketing strategy enables businesses to reach more potential customers and increase profits.


EDDM postcard marketing is a powerful marketing strategy that can help any business increase its sales and profits. This marketing technique is a cost-effective way to target potential customers in a specific geographical area and provide personalized messages. With a high response rate, excellent ROI, and easy trackable results, businesses can enjoy higher profits and more sales. EDDM postcard marketing offers a flexible, targeted and personalized option that can be used by businesses in any industry. As a result, businesses looking for a marketing strategy to increase their profits should consider EDDM postcard marketing.

How EDDM Postcard Marketing is the Key to a Realtor’s Success

Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) postcards are an effective and efficient way for realtors to reach out to potential customers. In today’s digital age, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd when trying to advertise services online. With EDDM mailers, realtors can get their message across in a tangible, cost-effective manner that will guarantee their message reaches the right audience. Let’s take a closer look at how EDDM postcards are the key to success for realtors.

Targeting Your Audience
One of the greatest advantages of using EDDM postcards is that they allow you to target your audience with precision. When sending out mailers, you can choose which neighborhoods and postal routes you want your mailers sent along – allowing you to customize your marketing campaigns for maximum success. You no longer need to worry about wasting money sending mailers to people who may not even be interested in what you are selling.

Cost-Effective Advertising
EDDM postcard marketing is also very cost-effective compared to other forms of advertising. According to research conducted by the United States Postal Service, businesses that use EDDM postcards save up to 40% on their overall marketing costs! This makes it an ideal option for small businesses or those with limited budgets. Additionally, because they are printed on standard cardstock paper, there are no additional printing costs associated with them – making them even more affordable.

Measurable Results
Finally, one of the most attractive features of EDDM postcard marketing is that it provides measurable results that can be tracked and analyzed easily. By tracking how many people open your mailer, how many click on your website link or call you directly after viewing it, and how many ultimately convert into customers – realtors will have a better understanding of which strategies work best for their business and which don’t resonate as well with their target audience.

In conclusion, EDDM postcard marketing provides an effective and cost-efficient way for realtors to reach out to potential customers without having to break the bank doing so! It allows them to target specific neighborhoods and postal routes while providing them with measurable results so they know what strategies work best for them. If you’re looking for an efficient way to increase sales then look no further than Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) postcards!

What is EDDM Postcard Printing?

EDDM, or Every Door Direct Mail, is a cost-effective method of printing and delivering postcards to potential customers in your service area. EDDM postcards are a great way to advertise your business and are an increasingly popular option for businesses looking for an effective way to reach their target audience. With EDDM, you can quickly and easily print large quantities of postcards at an affordable cost. Let’s take a closer look at the advantages of using EDDM services for your business.

Cost Effectiveness
One of the main benefits of using an EDDM service for your postcard printing needs is the cost savings it provides. By simplifying the process of mailing multiple postcards, it eliminates many costs associated with traditional mail campaigns, such as postage and labor expenses. This makes it much more affordable than other methods. Additionally, you can use lower-cost paper stock which will still provide good quality images and text. This makes it much more affordable than other forms of advertising such as radio or television commercials.

Targeted Delivery
Another advantage to using EDDM is that you can target specific areas with your mailings. Instead of sending out one large mailing to everyone on your list, you can use EDDM to send out smaller batches that are tailored specifically to each area. This ensures that only those people who live in the area receive your postcard, making sure that they actually see what you have to offer and potentially become customers!

Easy Set-up
The set-up process for EDDM services is also very simple compared to other types of mail campaigns. You don’t need any special software or equipment–you just need a computer and access to the internet! Once you have chosen which areas you want to target with your mailings, all you need do is upload the design for your postcards into the online system and then submit them for printing. It’s truly as easy as that!

Overall, EDDM postcard printing services provide businesses with a cost-effective way to reach their target audience without having to spend too much money on traditional mail campaigns. They offer targeted delivery so that only those people living in the specified neighborhoods receive your message – increasing the chances of success – while also being easy and fast to set up! If you’re looking for an effective way to promote your business without breaking the bank, then consider giving EDDM a try today!

How to Grow Income with EDDM Postcard Marketing

Direct mail marketing is not dead. In fact, it’s very much alive and well, thanks to Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM). EDDM is a direct mail service that allows businesses to target specific neighborhoods with their marketing materials. Best of all, it’s an affordable way to reach a large number of potential customers. Here’s how you can use EDDM postcards to grow your income.

  • Know Your Target Audience
    Before you can start designing your EDDM postcards, you need to know who your target audience is. Who are you trying to reach with your marketing materials? Once you know who your target audience is, you can start designing your postcards with them in mind.
  • Keep It Simple
    Your EDDM postcards don’t need to be complicated or flashy. In fact, simplicity is key when it comes to direct mail marketing. Keep your message clear and concise, and make sure your call-to-action is easy to understand and follow.
  • Include a Call-to-Action
    Speaking of call-to-actions, every EDDM postcard should include one. A call-to-action is simply an instruction for the reader on what they should do next. For example, you might include a coupon or special offer on your postcards and tell recipients to “bring this postcard in for 10% off their purchase.” Make sure your call-to-action is clear, concise, and easy to follow. You want recipients of your postcards to take action, so make it as easy as possible for them to do so.
  • Get Personalized Postcards Printed
    Personalized postcards are more likely to be noticed and read than generic ones. When you personalize your EDDM postcards, you can add the recipient’s name or address on the front of the card or even include a personalized message on the inside.
    Online printing companies such as offer EDDM postcard printing services.
  • Test, Test, Test!
    As with any marketing campaign, it’s important that you test different versions of your EDDM postcards before settling on a final design. Try different images, messages, calls-to-action, etc., and see which ones generate the best results. Once you have a winner (or two), roll out your campaign to the rest of your targeted neighborhoods and sit back and watch your income grow!


EDDM postcard marketing is a great way to reach potential customers in specific neighborhoods without breaking the bank. By following these simple tips, you can maximize the effectiveness of your direct mail campaign and watch your income grow in no time!

Be Aware of the Requirements and EDDM Postcard Sizes

If you’re a busines owner, you should consider using EDDM mailing as part of your print marketing campaign. EDDM is the Every Door Direct Mail program of the the United States Postal Service. Here, they will mail out one postcard to every door within your restaurant’s vicinity, for example. They can also mail out the postcards based on demographic, zip code, household size, or neighborhood. The good thing about this campaign is that if you are a start-up business, you do not have to waste time collecting customer’s names and physical or email addresses – the USPS takes care of that for you. As a result, you will have a print marketing campaign that is quickly put together, cheap, and targeted.

For EDDM mailing, there are a few things and requirements that you must be aware of:

The most common among the EDDM postcard sizes is 6.5” x 9”. If you want a customized size, make sure that it fits the size and paper weight requirement of the USPS. Let’s say that you want to mail out 500 postcards to every door within the vicinity of your physical store. You must make sure that the paper weight does not exceed 3.3 ounces, and you only need to pay less than twenty cents each for mailing them all out.

  • You must choose a specific neighborhood or audience.

Even if you can mail out to every door within a specific area, you might still not get a targeted marketing campaign unless you filter the list by age, household size, or income. The USPS uses the US Census data, so you can rest assured that the postcard will only be mailed out only to those who belong to your target market.

  • You can use the EDDM online tool.

If you don’t have a design for the postcard yet, you can use the EDDM Online Tool at the USPS website. You can even take advantage of postage discounts!

All in all, being aware of the requirements for creating postcards for your EDDM marketing campaign will make your advertising efforts hassle-free and effective.

Get the Desired Response from Your Customers Using EDDM Postcards

What is your primary goal in launching print advertising campaigns which might include different EDDM postcard sizes? One is to spread awareness about your brand. No matter which industry your business is in, you can easily and cheaply distribute flyers, brochures, postcards, and business cards to make people aware about your products or services. If you have long been in the business, you may want to use postcard mailing to establish customer loyalty. You can send out postcards during the holiday season or a customer’s birthday, and this will add a touch of personalization to your marketing scheme.  Yet another goal, which is the most common, is to boost sales. The more often you send out these postcards, the higher the response rate will be – making it the advertising medium of choice among many business owners.

Now, how exactly should you go about starting an EDDM mailing campaign? EDDM stands for Every Door Direct Mail and it does just that: the United States Postal Service will mail one postcard to every door within a specific address. What’s good about this marketing scheme is that you don’t have to put together your own mailing list. After choosing which group of people based on demographic, or area to mail out the cards to, you must choose among different EDDM postcard sizes.  The most popular are 4” x 6”, 5 x 7”, or 6” x 11” if you want to make a bold statement.

One last thing to know about EDDM mailing is that it is important to design the layout and choose the text in such a way that it triggers a response. Whether you want the recipient to visit your website, use a discount code, or give your office a call – you can interact with your customers through an effective and well thought-out EDDM postcards mailing campaign.