Counting Down the Benefits of Postcard Printing

No matter what the nature of your business is, you are bound to benefit from postcard printing. Unlike the more modern forms of advertisement like online promotional campaigns, printed ad materials have that age-old appeal which also makes your business stand out. In the midst of competitors who are using websites, pay-per-click campaigns and similar methods to promote their products or services, you can easily rely on postcard printing to spread the word about your brand.

Still not convinced? Let us have a countdown of the top benefits of postcard printing:
– Postcard printing is cheap. With companies like, you can have an entire batch of different-sized postcards made without having to spend so much.
– Since you are sending out the postcards directly to your customers, you can receive direct feedback from them. If you used the postcards as a coupon, for example, and you see customers running to your store to take advantage of the discount you offered, you know that your postcard campaign is effective. Also, you would not have to announce to your competitors what you’re up to so you can be one step ahead of them.
– Aside from the fact that postcards can be made professionally for a very affordable price, they are also very eco-friendly. You don’t have to use a lot of paper or envelopes and they can be directly mailed out to your target market.
– Since postcards do not have envelopes that need to be opened, the probability of a customer reading your message is 94%. If they like your offer, they will definitely take advantage of it.
– Unlike promotional messages sent via e-mail which may not even end up being read by a customer, it is more likely for customers to respond to postcard promotional campaigns.

These and more are the benefits of eddm postcards. If you haven’t already done so, now is the best time for you to take advantage of these perks in promoting your business and spreading the word about your brand.

Custom-Made versus DIY Postcards

What’s the difference between a do-it-yourself and professionally-made custom 4 x 6 postcards? Obviously, one is made for personal use while the other is made for professional promotional purposes. Postcards make for a great personal card that you can send to loved ones while travelling, or for special occasions. For business owners, they can use postcards as a cheap way to promote their brand, product or services.

Now, whether you are making a DIY postcard or for professional use, there are a few steps that you can follow:
1. Plan the design of the postcard by visualizing how you’d like it to look. If it’s a DIY card, go online and look for postcard design templates that you can use. This can also be done by entrepreneurs, although it’s better to have the card professionally-designed especially if you would like to impress your clients.
2. Think about the elements that you would like to incorporate and highlight in your postcard. Pay close attention to the font, images, text and overall look of the design. Depending on the purpose of the postcard, you can incorporate as much or as little text as needed.
3. Keep the back part of the postcard simple, because this space is used by the sender for writing notes.
4. If you’re making a DIY postcard, print a sample first before having a huge batch made. If you’re having the postcard printed out by a professional printing company, ask to see a sample of the postcard first so that you can approve the design – then wait for the number of pieces that you ordered to be delivered straight to your doorstep.

With companies like, you can have custom 4 x 6 postcards and different sizes of postcards made for a very reasonable price. Be it a DIY or a custom-made postcard that you are creating, it’s important to pay close attention to the small details so that you can achieve the purpose of having the postcard designed and made in the first place.

How to Properly Distribute those Business Cards

You’re an entrepreneur and you went through the steps of how to order business cards. Those shining, crisp cards are already stored in your wallet and you can’t wait to go to your next networking event to increase your business contacts. The question is, do you know the proper way to distribute those cards? You don’t want to be one of those who people consciously avoid during such events because you push total strangers to accept your business cards or your talk other people’s ears off about your business. There is absolutely nothing wrong in talking shop when attending such events, but you should never be that stereotypical entrepreneur who shoves his or her business card down everyone’s throats.

So what is the proper way to distribute those business cards? After you go through the process to order business cards, here are a few pointers to consider on how to distribute them:
• When attending networking events, do not force total strangers in accepting your business card unless they specifically ask for it.
• If you do want to give someone you just met your business card, subtly steer the conversation towards the nature of your work. If the other person seems interested with what you do, that’s the time for you to fish out one of your cards and carefully hand it over.
• If you were given a business card in turn, study it or jot a quick note at the back. This would mean that you are interested with what the other person has to offer. Carefully place the card in your wallet or briefcase – never your pocket – so that the other person would think that you would extend him or her the courtesy of safekeeping the card for future reference.
• Never hand out a damaged, out-of-date, wrinkled, torn, stained or bent business card. This would look unprofessional.
• Never hand out multiple business cards to one person unless he or she specifically asks for it.

These tips are simple enough to remember so that you would know how to properly distribute those cards after you print business cards.

Choosing the Right Hue for Colored Foil Business Cards

Similar to how you wouldn’t wear a shirt that washes out your skin complexion because of the color, you would not want to choose a color for a business card that does not suit your company’s image. When having colored foil business cards made for your business, you need to choose just-the-right hues.

How would you know if a specific color will suit the image that you’d like to create for your brand? Here are a few points to ponder:
– Do the colors on your business card also appear on the company logo?
– Is the color bright enough to attract a young clientele, or conservative enough to appeal to a more mature audience?
– When you look at the colors along with the font choice, images and design of the business card, does it look professionally-made? Does it fit the image that you’d like to have as a company?

By taking these things into consideration, you can have a business card made that exactly suits your corporate image. A few decades back, only black and white business cards using thin paper were available. Today, you can take your pick from colored foil business cards, plastic cards, rounded corner cards, spot gloss cards, and silk cards. Foil stamping is a process to make the design pop out on silk cards and with companies like, the options available are silver, gold and colored.

With foil business cards, your business name will definitely stand out and you can distribute business cards to clients, customers, suppliers and other contacts with pride.

Print Cheap Postcards and Promote Your Business for Less!

For the modern entrepreneur, the first thing that they usually think of when marketing their brand is online advertising. The more clicks you receive on your website, the more that customers will take advantage of what you have to offer as a business. But have you ever thought about having to print cheap postcards which can be part of your print promotional campaign? No matter how modern today’s business environment is, there is still room for traditional forms of advertising like print. In fact, it is something that will make your business stand out because all your other competitors are already probably promoting their brand over the Internet.

The good news is that you can easily find companies that will print cheap postcards for you. With printing companies like, you can take your pick from postcards of different sizes, paper stocks and variants. Having them designed and printed out by professionals will make your printed promotional material stand out.

When having postcards printed out, here are a few things that you need to take into consideration:
– The originality of the design – make sure that the overall look of the postcards suits the image that you would like to establish for your business.
– The readability of the postcard – the message has to be succinct since you have very limited space, but it should still achieve your marketing objective.

What’s good about using postcards as part of your print promotional campaign is that having a batch made will not burn a hole in your pocket. You can get fast response from customers directly, you can gain maximum exposure and it is a very versatile form of printed advertising material. With all these benefits and more, you should absolutely cheap postcards to promote your business for less.

Effectively Use Cheap Postcards to Advertise Your Spa Business

When you mention the term cheap postcards, the first thing that usually comes to mind are the travel postcards that vacationers send to their loved ones back home. Holiday cards for special occasions and promotional postcards from companies selling their wares are the other forms of postcards. If you’re an entrepreneur who is looking forward to using this very affordable form of printed advertisement, you should definitely use postcards. They come in a variety of sizes and the available paper stock for the cheap variants are suitable enough to suit your purpose.

Let’s say that you are in the spa business. How can you use cheap postcards to lure customers to your business establishment? Your goal as an entrepreneur is to make people pay for your staff’s services and for your establishment to offer relaxation, beautification and other treatments. If you just had your soft opening, how can you use postcards to get more people to visit your spa? Here are a few ideas:
– Include the basic information about your establishment to let people know how your business got started, and how they could book an appointment.
– Use the postcards as coupons, where you can offer discounts to customers for your wide array of services.
– You can include pictures of customers having a fun, relaxing massage in your spa to entice more customers to try out your services. You can also add the testimonials to let potential clients know about the quality of services that you offer.

The possibilities of the information that you can include in custom printed postcards are practically endless, so use it as a way to promote your spa business – or any other business that you may have.

Take Your Pick from a Wide Array of Custom Printed Notepads

When you walk into a supermarket, don’t you love receiving those food items that you can take a bite of for free? The equivalent of this on tradeshows is getting freebie custom printed notepads, ballpoint pens, bags, buttons, magnets or similar items from companies in their individual booths. These items make for a practical gift for would-be customers, while also serving its purpose of advertising the company’s brand.

Now, if you are an entrepreneur and you would like to take full advantage of the promotional benefits of custom printed notepads, the good news is that there are many sizes and types for you to choose from. With companies like, you can choose from different sizes of notepads which are 25 or 50-sheet pad variants:
– 3” x 8”
– 4” x 6”
– 4.25” x 5.5”
– 8.5” x 5.5”
– 8.5” x 11”

Notepads are usually printed with the company letterhead and if you already have one designed for your business, you simply need to choose the size, number of sheets and paper stock for your notepads. With other printing companies, there are different variants of notepads that you can choose from like cube notepads, spiral pads, sticky notes, specially-shaped notepads, small block pads or large square notepads. No matter which of these options you choose from, what’s important is to make the design of the notepad stand out. If possible, have your logo and letterhead designed by a professional.

Being such practical items to have, company notepads are definitely an effective marketing tool, so choose one to have made for your business right now.

Important Elements in the Creation of Customized Notepads

When having custom notepads made, there are certain elements that you need to take into account. Before enumerating what these elements are, let us first take a quick look at the purpose of notepads. As you may already know, these are notepads in different sizes which contain the letterhead of a business. They can be 25 or 50 sheets per pad, and they make for excellent gifts for clients or you can distribute them to possible customers during tradeshows. What’s good about using custom notepads as part of your printed promotional campaign is that their impact lasts for a long time. If there’s a 50-sheet notepad with your company logo which is being used by a supplier, the name of your brand will imprint itself on the mind of the user because they always see your logo. The next time that your services are required, he or she will easily come up with your company name due to repeated exposure.

Fortunately, there are many companies specializing in making custom notepads. is one example, and they only use the highest quality offset printing methods. You can also take your pick from different notepad sizes and thickness, depending on the budget that you have.

Now, when having to print notepads online, there are a few elements to take into account to make the design stand out:
• The size of the notepad itself should stand out.
• If you already have a company letterhead designed, have it incorporated in the design of the letterhead. If you don’t and the design is still in the finishing stages, make sure to choose a font, color and images that stand out and fit the image that you’d like to have as a company.
• If you want to have long-term exposure, choose a thicker notepad with more sheets to make it last long.

By taking these things into account, you can create custom notepads that will help best promote your brand.

Simplify and Make Your Business More Efficient with Letterheads

Even if a lot of businesses are trying to have a paperless operation, there are some processes that simply cannot be done without paper. One such process is sending price quotations to clients or suppliers, and sending other forms of communication within and outside the company. This is where letterhead printing proves to be handy. Through it, you can incorporate your company name, logo, and basic contact information so that in case a business contact needs to get in touch with you, they can easily do so.

There are a few distinct advantages given by company letterheads. First, you can use it as part of your printed advertising campaign. When you have memos or correspondence printed out in notepads with your letterhead, that becomes part of your corporate identity. Second, you can simplify your business using letterheads. When sending out memos within the company’s different departments, you can use the letterhead to make the communication official. Third, letterhead printing simply makes the administrative part of running your business more efficient.

If you need letterhead printing services, you can rely on companies like When handing the task over to them, you need to pay close attention to the design. Have it designed by a professional if possible. Consider the font type, size and colors used to make your overall design stand out. The more that the design pops out from the paper to make it more noticeable, the better.

To sum it all up, custom letterhead brands, simplifies and makes more efficient your business. With all these benefits and more, there’s no reason for you to skip this step when launching a full-blast printed promotional campaign.

Why Letterheads are Still an Essential Component in Businesses

In today’s Internet-obsessed world, you’d think that something printed like a notepad with a letterhead is already obsolete. Similar to how downloadable MP3 files have replaced physical music devices, or how cloud-based storage replaced DVDs or hard drives, the same thing should apply to something as basic as a company letterhead, right? Surprisingly enough, there is still a market out there for printing letterhead. As you may already know, a company letterhead contains the logo, name and basic contact information of a business.

What purpose do printed letterheads serve? Take a look at the following list:
• Letterheads make correspondence official. Whether it’s a memo distributed within different company departments, or a price quotation sent to a customer, printed letterheads make things official.
• A professionally-designed letterhead completes your corporate image. If you already launched a print advertising campaign where you had business cards, notepads, banners, and other printed materials made, a letterhead caps it all off.
• There are plenty of companies specializing in printing letterheads so you can take your pick from different packages of printed promotional materials.

One printing company that you can rely on for custom letterhead jobs is They use only high-quality printing and have different paper stocks and sizes to choose from. As you can see from the list above, letterheads are still an essential component in business, despite all industries being Internet-centric. With a printing letterhead package from companies like, you can incorporate letterheads in your print advertising campaign and successfully spread the word about your brand.