From Visiting Cards to Trading Cards to 17-Pt. Cards: A Glimpse at the History of Business Cards

When you look at 17pt business cards with gold foil stamps, rounded corners or transparent material, you will really marvel at how far business cards have come. Here, we will take a glimpse at the history of business cards before they turned into what they are now.

The history of business cards can be traced back to 15th century China, when visiting cards were used. In the 17th century, King Louis XIV made visiting cards de rigueur for the aristocracy. For the 18th and 19th century, visiting cards or social cards were used by the upper and middle classes. It was also during this period that businessmen in London used trading cards to promote their enterprise.

Business cards during these early times were very small and simply, typically printed with the name and title of the caller so that a good first impression can be left on the receiver. It was during the 18th century that cards started being representations for entrepreneurs. During the 20th century, trading cards were replaced with business cards, which pretty much looked as they do now. Today, you will typically receive impressive-looking 17-pt. business cards from business owners, no matter what the nature of their company is.

When having such business cards made, why does it pay to invest in thick material like silk business cards? Because you definitely want to make a good first impression. With the history of business cards that has transpired over the years, they are fortunately still very much a part of modern times. If you want customers to know that your business actually exists, it pays to make an excellent first impression by having good quality business cards printed out.

The Key to Having an Effective Business Card Made

A lot of entrepreneurs know that they need to order business cards, but not all are aware of the importance of having an effective one. How will you know if a business card is effective or not? From the minute that you hand over your card to a prospective client, he or she should appear suitably impressed with the quality. There are even individuals who will jot down notes at the back of the card to remember who you are, exactly. This is definitely a good thing as far as first impressions go. If you will hand over a card which is flimsy and does not have good quality, clients will not remember your brand as easily.

What it Takes to Have an Effective Business Card Made

Now, in order for you to have an effective business card made, what are the things that you need to keep in mind? Take a look:
• You should know the purpose of the business card.
First, what’s the purpose of having the business cards made in the first place? That piece of card should contain information about the name of your business, the nature of your work, what product or services you offer, and how to get in touch with you. If the nature of your business is not obvious once they read your company name, make sure to insert a line or two about what it is that you do.

• Make sure that the information is accurate.
Nothing’s tackier than a business card with ballpoint pen corrections on it, so make sure that the information printed on the card is accurate. If you know that you will be changing your contact information soon, only have a small batch of cards made to tide you over until new ones come out of the press.

• Order business cards from reputable printing companies.
Companies like specialize in designing and printing business cards. There are different paper types, thickness, coating and material to choose from – and all cards are made using HD color printing.

• Pay attention to the details and overall design of your card business card.
Finally, pay close attention to the details and the overall design of the card. Your card should represent the image that you’d like to portray as a brand. By taking these things into consideration when you print business cards, you can rest assured that they can be an effective marketing tool for your brand.

Premium Business Cards: Printed Promotional Materials that Make an Impact

In business, first impressions definitely last. Handing over a black-and-white, flimsy business card to a client will not have the same impact as premium business cards printed in full color and thick, high-quality material. Remember that as an entrepreneur, you would like your clients to think that they are getting the best value for their money when dealing with you. A good quality business card will help you achieve just that.

What Makes for a Premium Business Card

So what makes for a good, high-quality premium business card? Take a look at the following list:
• The material used
With companies like, the standard size of a business card is 3.5” x 2”. You can take your pick from different materials including thin, 14-pt. paper which is the cheapest and more traditional. If you would like to invest in premium business cards, it is better for you to use thicker paper like 17-pt. cards with 50% or 60% the thickness of credit cards. There are also different finishes used in the paper including textured or spot gloss.

• The quality of printing
You don’t actually have to worry about the quality of printing when dealing with because they use HD color printing. It’s guaranteed to be the highest quality offset method in the industry.

• The overall design
While you’re still in the process of having the card designed, make sure that it will leave a lasting impact to your customers. If you’re in the construction industry, design the card in such a way that it incorporates a clear photo or a hard hat – along with a line or two of what your business represents.

• Other cool features
Finally, the good thing about choosing silk business cards is that you can go crazy with all the cool features that you can order. There are plastic or rounded corner business cards that you can have made. Silk cards can be foil stamped with silver, gold or other metallic colors to make a huge impact. Textured cards can vary from pearl metallic, ones with a nature feel or linen. As you can see, the choices of cool features in premium business cards are practically endless, so have one made for your business now.

Need to Order Business Cards?Keep these Tips in Mind!

When you order business cards, the card itself may not necessarily sell your business, but it does keep your company name in mind. Let’s say that you are in the professional carpet cleaning business and you handed over your card to a housewife whom you met at a networking event. She may not have a use for your card right away, but when she does need professional carpet cleaning services, she will remember having received your card and give you a call.

This is precisely the reason why you should keep a business card handy at all times. You’ll never know when you might run into an individual who could use your products or services, so it pays to be prepared.

Tips to Remember when Ordering Business Cards

If you have yet to order business cards, here are a few tips to remember to turn the task into a successful one:
• Make sure that the information printed on the business card is correct. Nothing says tacky than a card with another name, contact number or address handwritten over the original printed text. If you know that you are changing your contact number soon, only print a handful of cards. Then, take the job to a professional printing company so that you can have a decent batch of cards made.
• When attending networking events, place your cards everywhere. Make sure that you have a handful in your pocket, car, bag, desk, etc. You might even find a need for one when attending a family dinner or personal social events. You’ll never know who you might run into who could use your business.
• If you have a cute, little container for your business cards, do not bring them at crowded networking events where time is of the essence. However, you can still use them in the office or at meetings where you know you will not be pressed for time.

After you print business cards, these tips would be handy when you are already in the process of distributing them.

Done with Business Card Printing? Etiquette when Handing them Over

Whether you’re an old timer or a newbie in the business industry, the one task that you cannot get away with is business card printing. Through business cards, you can hand out your contact information to the people who you are supposed to be dealing with on a regular basis: customers, clients, business partners, suppliers, network contacts, etc. Thankfully, there are companies like which specialize in printing out professionally-made yet affordable business cards.

Now, after having the business cards printed out, remember that you cannot simply hand them over to everyone you meet like you are casually distributing $20 bills. After business card printing, there’s an art and etiquette to the distribution that you need to keep in mind. To get you started, here are a few quick tips on the etiquette when handing over your business cards:
• Make sure that you are handing over a good quality business card to make a good impression. A limp, cheaply printed card will not give customers a professional image of your business, so pay attention to details like stock paper, quality of printing, layout and the design of the card itself.
• When attending meetings, exchange business cards either at the end or the beginning of the discussion.
• When attending trade shows or similar events, keep your business card handy at all times. Don’t bother using a case holder because they need to be distributed fast, and with minimal fuss.
• Never use business cards with information that is not updated. Nothing says tacky more than business cards with handwritten corrections or notes on the supposedly pristine front part.
• When accepting business cards, do not hesitate to write a note at the back so that you can remember information about the company or the person who gave it to you. If you were given the card of a possible supplier, write a short note at the back so that you can remember the details of the meeting the next time that you give them a call.

As you can see, business cards online are an essential part of running a business – but equally important is the manner by which the cards are distributed to contacts.

Things to Remember after Printing Out Your Business Cards Online

What are the benefits of getting the services of a business cards online printing company? Through sites like, you can simply place an order online then have the cards delivered straight to your office. Since there are no middlemen, you have the advantage price-wise when ordering from online companies. There are also plenty of options to choose from when it comes to paper type, size, quantity and design.

Now, what happens after you finish printing out the print full color business cards online? A business card that’s simply sitting in your desk would be of no use in networking, so you need to make those printed promotional materials work out for you. Here’s how you can do just that:
• Keep those business cards handy all the time.
Depending on the number of business cards you had printed out, always leave a stack of them in your wallet, car, desk, the reception area of your office and even the lobby of your building where anyone may come in asking about your business. When doing some field work, it is especially important to keep a stack of cards with you because you’ll never know when you might stumble upon a prospective client or customer.

• Make sure that they are stored properly.
Look for a cheap business card holder so the sides of the cards will not get bent. If you find them too bulky, keep them in your wallet or brief case and make sure that they are handed over in pristine condition to another person.

• Give the people you meet a reason to accept your business card.
When participating in trade shows or similar networking events, give the people you meet reason to accept your card. For trade shows, you might want to include freebies with your card to make people more interested about your business. You can also include a card in actual mailers that you send out to clients.

With these tips in mind, you can maximize the benefits of having business cards online printed out.

Rounded Corner Business Cards Make Your Brand Stand Out from the Rest

Have you ever considered having rounded corner business cards made for your company instead of the standard ones? If not, you definitely should ponder upon using it because it makes your brand stand out from the rest. With companies like, there are rounded corner card options which will give your brand a cool vibe. These modern cards can be printed with the following features:
– Full HD printing
– 1/8” shave or rounding makes it similar to a credit card; or
– ¼” shave which is highly rounded and suitable for creative designs
– Size: 3.5” x @”
– Available quantities: 100, 250, 500, 1,000 and up

After rounded edge business cards are printed out, a die cutter is used to create round corners on the card, thereby giving it a unique shape. As compared to traditional business cards, this type gives your overall look a softer feel and a more creative, cooler vibe. The downside, however, is that business cards with rounded corners cost a little extra – but it will be well worth it if the design fits your personality as a brand.

If you think that business cards with a rounded corner is not suitable for you, you can always go for other options like premium cards, silk cards, foil stamped cards, textured cards, spot gloss cards and plastic cards.

Whether it’s rounded corner business cards or traditional cards that you end up choosing, what is important is for the overall look of the card to fit the image of your brand, so take your time in having the final design created.

Doing Business Abroad? Quick Tips on Business Card Etiquette

As an entrepreneur, one of the first things that you need to work on is business card printing. A business card is the best promotional tool to let people know that your business actually exists, what you do and how to get in touch with you. Now, if you already have a stack of business cards printed out and you are doing business abroad, remember that there are a few general tips that you need to follow. Check out our list of business card etiquette:
• Business cards are internationally recognized, so take care of >business card printing prior to your trip.
• If you’re visiting a country where English is not the main language, have your card translated and printed into the local language. Make sure that the information is accurate.
• Generally, business cards are exchanged at the beginning of or at the end of a meeting. If you have a meagre supply of cards, hand it over to a business contact who specifically asks for it.
• If the card is printed back-to-back in different languages, hand it over so that the receiver’s local language is face up.
• If you are the one who is receiving a business card, make it a point to read it before putting the card away. This shows the other person that you are interested with the company. Make the appropriate comment and clarify any vague information, if necessary.
• If the cards are handed over at the end of a meeting, place them in a business card case, your briefcase or a portfolio. It’s generally considered bad etiquette to keep business cards in your pants pocket.

Finally, invest in good quality color business cards. Remember that your goal is to make an excellent first impression especially if you are bring your business abroad – so make sure that the quality of paper, print and design of the card all look professional.

Things to Remember when You Order Business Cards Online

If you need to order business cards, you have two options: getting the services of an actual printing business, or placing an order online. Here’s a quick comparison between the two:
– Traditional Printing Services
For this, you need to walk into the office of an actual printing company which accepts printing jobs for business cards. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having your business cards made the traditional way, but it would take a lot of effort on your part to oversee the design, drive over to the printing press, choose the paper, etc.

– Online Printing Services
With an online printing service, you can go through the whole process of having your business cards printed online. You can simply visit the website to order business cards, specify the number of cards you need to have made, the thickness of the paper, the type of paper to be used and the other details. If your card will be designed by a professional graphic designer, the final design can be sent through e-mail so the entire transaction is done without your having to visit a physical office. Once printed, the cards will be delivered straight to your doorstep.

Of course, you also have the option to not order business cards at all. With the Internet, you can easily make all your contact information accessible via your website. If you must distribute business cards, it should be to your most important clients and prospective customers. This way of doing business will still spread the word about your brand, but save you money on having business cards printed out – while doing your share in helping save the environment as well.

How to Save Money when Printing 1,000 Business Cards

If you’re just launching your business, you might need to have 1,000 business cards printed out. The problem is that you do not have the funds to spend too much for it since you’re just starting out. How can you have the cards printed out without spending a lot, while still leaving a lasting impression to your clients by having a professionally-made business card?

Take a look at a few tips that we have on how you can save money when printing out a big batch of business cards:
1. Make a comparison of the rates offered by different printing companies.
Fortunately for those who need to have 1,000 business cards printed out, there are many online companies which specialize in printing such promotional tools. Ask for an initial price quotation or check out the website so that you would have an idea about what the options are in terms of paper type, thickness, etc. Does the company offer bulk discounts? By doing your research, you can look for a reasonably-priced printer so that you can get the exact number of cards you need.

2. Know how to use your business card as an effective marketing tool.
Do you really need that many business cards? What about reducing the number of copies and supplementing your promotional materials with cheaper printed items like flyers? Better yet, harness the power of social media and get the word out there about your brand. As long as you have an official Facebook fan page, a website or a Twitter account, you can reach out to your target audience without having to spend too much on a lot of copies of business cards.

3. Have an idea about how much it would cost to have 1,000 business cards printed out and make a final decision from there.
If you must print this many business cards, have an idea about how much it would cost. Compare the type of paper to be used, the resolution for printing and other factors – then make a decision from there. If you need to spend a few cents for better quality, do so if the investment is well worth it.

Follow these tips so that you can print the number of business cards you need without compromising on price and quality.