Takeout Menu Printing Distribution Tips

If you own a restaurant or any food establishment, you need to invest in good quality, well-designed menus. Use the dine-in menus for customers and takeout menus for advertising. There are printing companies that specialize in takeout menu printing – look for one which offers high-quality offset printing to get the best results.

Ways to Distribute Takeout Menus

After having a company finish the takeout menu printing task for you, how would you go about distributing them? Here are a few ideas:

  • Include a takeout menu in every delivery or takeaway package.

When you order pizza, don’t you usually receive a copy of their takeout menu with your receipt? Even if it’s food other than pizza that you are selling, you should include a takeout menu in every delivery or takeaway package. This can be kept by customers for future reference, and it’s an excellent way to get repeat orders.

  • Add one when giving out receipts to suppliers.

Suppliers can be customers, too. If you are receiving raw ingredients from a supplier, for example, include a takeout menu with the receipt so that you can increase your network of prospective customers.

  • Add one to the receipts of dine-in customers.

You should also include a takeout menu in the receipts of dine-in customers. Better yet, have some in-store promotion where they can win freebies or get discounts from their bill if they sign up for your mailing list. Use this list to send out mailers and other advertising materials in the future.

  • Send takeout menus in mailers.

Perhaps the most effective way of distributing takeout menus is by working with an EDDM mailing company. EDDM stands for Every Door Direct Mail, where the printing company works with the USPS to send mailers to every door in the zip code of your choice. This way, you won’t have to gather customer’s addresses manually. EDDM mailing would not cost you that much. At just a few cents per takeout menu, you can send out mailers and effectively reach out to those living within the vicinity of your food establishment.

Things to Look for in an EDDM Postcard Printing Company

Are you thinking about launching a targeted print advertising campaign? You might want to consider EDDM postcard printing. EDDM stands for Every Door Direct Mail and it’s a hassle-free, cheap, yet effective way of getting the message to your target audience. If you’re a health service provider, for example, you can print EDDM postcards then mail them out to those living near your place of business. But how would you know the names and owners of the houses near you? Instead of putting together your own mailing list, you can simply look for a printing company that offers EDDM services. Basically, they will work with the USPS or the local post office in your area. You just need to choose a zip code or narrow down the mailing list to a certain demographic or age group. By doing so, you don’t have to spend money on printed cards advertising to people who might not be interested with your products or services at all.

Now, if you are considering using EDDM mailing as part of your print advertising campaign, how can you choose a good printing company? First, make sure that they do offer Direct Mailing Services. As mentioned earlier, the printing company would work with the USPS. Once you’re done choosing the design, they will take care of the USPS requirements for you. This way, you don’t need to do any heavy lifting – the printing company does all that, even the bundling of the cards.

Second, just as it is when choosing any printing service provider, make sure that they offer good quality prints. Offset is generally superior in terms of quality than digital prints – although you can still opt for the latter if you are on a limited budget. Check on the paper thickness and the size of the EDDM postcard printing materials. Whatever you choose should still fit the requirements of the USPS for direct mail marketing.

Third, look for a printing company that offers great value for your money, and excellent customer service. Compare three to four printing companies, read the feedback of their customers, then narrow down your choices and a make an informed selection from there. By doing your research, you can work with the best printing company that can take care of your direct mail marketing needs.

Be Aware of the Requirements and EDDM Postcard Sizes

If you’re a busines owner, you should consider using EDDM mailing as part of your print marketing campaign. EDDM is the Every Door Direct Mail program of the the United States Postal Service. Here, they will mail out one postcard to every door within your restaurant’s vicinity, for example. They can also mail out the postcards based on demographic, zip code, household size, or neighborhood. The good thing about this campaign is that if you are a start-up business, you do not have to waste time collecting customer’s names and physical or email addresses – the USPS takes care of that for you. As a result, you will have a print marketing campaign that is quickly put together, cheap, and targeted.

For EDDM mailing, there are a few things and requirements that you must be aware of:

The most common among the EDDM postcard sizes is 6.5” x 9”. If you want a customized size, make sure that it fits the size and paper weight requirement of the USPS. Let’s say that you want to mail out 500 postcards to every door within the vicinity of your physical store. You must make sure that the paper weight does not exceed 3.3 ounces, and you only need to pay less than twenty cents each for mailing them all out.

  • You must choose a specific neighborhood or audience.

Even if you can mail out to every door within a specific area, you might still not get a targeted marketing campaign unless you filter the list by age, household size, or income. The USPS uses the US Census data, so you can rest assured that the postcard will only be mailed out only to those who belong to your target market.

  • You can use the EDDM online tool.

If you don’t have a design for the postcard yet, you can use the EDDM Online Tool at the USPS website. You can even take advantage of postage discounts!

All in all, being aware of the requirements for creating postcards for your EDDM marketing campaign will make your advertising efforts hassle-free and effective.

Get the Desired Response from Your Customers Using EDDM Postcards

What is your primary goal in launching print advertising campaigns which might include different EDDM postcard sizes? One is to spread awareness about your brand. No matter which industry your business is in, you can easily and cheaply distribute flyers, brochures, postcards, and business cards to make people aware about your products or services. If you have long been in the business, you may want to use postcard mailing to establish customer loyalty. You can send out postcards during the holiday season or a customer’s birthday, and this will add a touch of personalization to your marketing scheme.  Yet another goal, which is the most common, is to boost sales. The more often you send out these postcards, the higher the response rate will be – making it the advertising medium of choice among many business owners.

Now, how exactly should you go about starting an EDDM mailing campaign? EDDM stands for Every Door Direct Mail and it does just that: the United States Postal Service will mail one postcard to every door within a specific address. What’s good about this marketing scheme is that you don’t have to put together your own mailing list. After choosing which group of people based on demographic, or area to mail out the cards to, you must choose among different EDDM postcard sizes.  The most popular are 4” x 6”, 5 x 7”, or 6” x 11” if you want to make a bold statement.

One last thing to know about EDDM mailing is that it is important to design the layout and choose the text in such a way that it triggers a response. Whether you want the recipient to visit your website, use a discount code, or give your office a call – you can interact with your customers through an effective and well thought-out EDDM postcards mailing campaign.