Why it Pays to Print Trifold Brochures when Planning a Funeral

The death of a loved one is an unfortunate event that everyone has to go through at one point or another. Despite the grief that family members are feeling, someone should take charge and plan the funeral. If the deceased had the foresight to make decisions regarding his or her own funeral, then planning the actual events after the death should be a bit easier. If not, all it takes is some organization skills and know-how of such events should push through.

Let’s take a deeper look at one aspect of planning a funeral, which is the service. For this, it pays to print trifold brochures which can be used as a program guide for the people attending the funeral service. The goal of the funeral service is to remember the deceased and relive the memories of the life that was. When having brochures made for the funeral program, there are a few things that you should keep in mind:
• Look for companies which specialize in making brochures. BlockbusterPrint.com is such a business, and they can print trifold brochures for you. The brochures are made using full color HD printing, and you can take your pick from many thick paper stocks, as well as semi-gloss or matte paper.
• When designing the trifold brochure for the funeral program, choose a theme that fits the personality of the deceased. Some examples are floral, nautical, military, landscape, faith-related or musical.
• Aside from the program itself, you can also incorporate photos of the deceased on the design of the brochure. It’s entirely up to you to decide how many photos and text to include. A basic rule that you can follow is: the more personalized the brochure, the better.

Follow these tips when you are moving on to the task of creating order trifold brochures for your deceased loved one, so that you can plan the funeral program accordingly.

Using the Right Format and Images for Brochure Printing

These days, most modern entrepreneurs rely on the Internet for their advertising. Once the website is put up, they hardly ever think of other ways to promote their business. This means that if you are using something like brochure printing to spread the word about your brand, you area already one step ahead of the pack. Why is this so? Printed advertising materials like brochures are things that customers can actually hold in the palm of their hands. Just like coupons, these are tangible things which can be held and read, which is the purpose of traditional print advertising. Once a customer gets to read your brochure, you are bound to achieve an increase in profit because your form of advertising is easier to remember – unlike websites which are pretty much all the same.

Formatting and Incorporating Images on Your Brochure

Now, if you would like to use to make your business stand out, here are a few tips on how you can come up with the best and most effective design:
• Formatting
With companies like BlockbusterPrint.com, you can take your pick from different sizes, folds, stocks and types of paper. Let’s say that you are designing a brochure for a soon-to-be-launched spa business. You can go for an 11” x 17” brochure which is tri-fold, made with a thick paper stock and finished in semi-gloss coating. Printed in full color HD, your brand will easily stand out when distributing such a brochure, especially if you pay attention to the next factor: image selection.

• Image Selection
People are visual creatures, so the quality of image that you will choose when designing brochures will play a big part in its effectiveness. Choose photos which are crisp, high-resolution, well-lit, and project the image that you would like to have for your company. It’s entirely up to you to balance the percentage of text and photos on the brochure. If you think that more pictures and less text is what will send out the right message, go for that. But if you’re launching a campaign which is more informative in nature, it’s perfectly fine to include more text.

How about you, what cheap brochure printing techniques are you using to make your brand stand out?

Mistakes to Avoid when Ordering Premium Business Cards

Despite the popularity of cheap yet high-tech ways of promoting a business, it’s going back to the basics that will make you stand out. With traditional advertising methods like printing premium business cards, you have an excellent way of spreading the word about your brand. It might be basic and not a lot of entrepreneurs are doing it anymore, but it will definitely set your business apart from the rest. You can hand out these business cards when meeting a prospective client face to face. You can also distribute them to visitors at your office, to the people attending a trade show which you are participating in, and even leave them on a retail counter for people to see.

Avoid these Mistakes when Printing Out Business Cards

Fortunately, there are many companies out there which specialize in printing out not just business cards but also flyers, brochures, notepads, envelopes and similar advertising materials. To make sure that you are optimizing the impact of your business cards, here are a few mistakes to steer clear of:
• Not paying attention to details.
Business cards have a very limited space for you to print out the basic information about your business, so you should pay close attention to even the smallest details. Choose a font, color, images and design that reflect the image that you would like to project for your brand.

• Not looking for a company that specializes in printing out premium business cards.
With companies like BlockbusterPrint.com, you can have business cards printed out using the latest printing technology. You can also take your pick from different paper stock, finishing and features like UV spot printing to create even more of an impact to your clients.

• Ordering too many business cards.
When you order too many cards and you end up having to change your telephone number or business address after a few months, you will waste those that you’ve already had printed out. A good rule of thumb to follow is to order the minimum number of cards or a few months’ supply.

• Not updating your business cards.
Finally, when having thick business cards made, see to it that the information is always updated. Even if you won’t change the contact information on the card, you can update the logo and design to make the card look modern, and achieve the effect of impressing the people with whom you are doing business.

How can Business Cards Help Generate Traffic to My Website?

One of the biggest misconceptions that people have when it comes to owning an online business is that they do not need to order business cards. Although it is true that you can promote your online business mainly through your website, you still need to distribute business cards to those who you’d like to visit your site and actually do business with you. Here are a few quick reasons why business cards are a must have for owners of online businesses:

• It makes what you do look legitimate.
Surprisingly enough, a lot of customers doubt the existence of actual businesses who do not have an official website. When you’re running a purely online business and you have well-made business cards to distribute as well, it makes what you do look legitimate.

• You can actually use the business cards to help generate traffic to your website.
When you order business cards, they can be used as a form of offline marketing. At the same time, it will help generate traffic to your site. How? You can easily include your website’s URL on your business card and once you distribute them to people during trade shows, assemblies, conferences, meetings, and similar events, those who received the card will visit your site at least once. If they are interested with what you have to offer, they will keep on visiting the site, thus generating more traffic for your online business.

• You can use the back of the card to post testimonials about the product or service that you offer.
Finally, you can maximize the use of your business card by posting testimonials at the back. Make sure that it’s not too wordy – just two or three short testimonials should give customers an idea about what the quality of service that you deliver or the product that you manufacture.

When you print business cards, go with a printing company that has plenty of experience in the industry. With BlockbusterPrint.com, you can have business cards printed out using the highest quality offset printing technology, a design that suits your brand, plenty of paper options to choose from, and great prices, to boot.

Name Recall: The Best Advantage of Using Custom Printed Notepads

If there’s an ad painted on a park bench that you always sit on to wait for the bus in the morning, the image of the ad will almost be imprinted inside your head. This is due to constant exposure. The more often you see an image, the easier it will be for you to recall its details later on. The same principle can be used when having custom printed notepads made to promote a business. If you will have a 50-sheet or 100-sheet notepad made with your business’ logo, name, and contact information printed on every single sheet, that makes for instant name recall. This will benefit your business in such a way that the next time the need for your service or product comes up, the person who is using your notepad will immediately think of your business name. That’s the power of name recall.

This is precisely the reason why all business should think about using custom printed notepads as part of their print promotional campaign. Notepads are a very practical item to use so people will not hesitate to accept them when you hand them out during trade shows or other corporate events. You can use them as corporate gifts to clients and suppliers. Since they are very practical and useful, the people who you regularly do business with will be more than happy to accept what you have to offer.

Also, having notepads made is very easy. All you need to do is look for printing companies like BlockbusterPrint.com to do a great job of it for you. They have different sizes of notepads available. They’re made using the highest offset quality printing, there are different paper stocks available, and you can take your pick from 50-sheet or 100-sheet pads. More importantly, you will get the best value for your money because the prices are very competitive.

All in all, if you would like to harness the power of name recall in advertising your business, you should definitely order print notepads with your business logo prominently displayed on each individual sheet.

Essential Factors to Consider when having Custom Notepads Made

When jotting down a quick note, making a to-do list or keeping track of something, you’d usually grab a pen and a notepad, which you can stick on your computer screen or display on your desk. This makes notepads such a practical gift for almost anyone, and especially makes for the perfectly practical item to use as an advertising material. With custom notepads which have your business’ name and logo on it, you can have a practical gift to distribute to your clients, supplies, business partners and customers. At the same time, the fact that the notepad is printed with your logo will produce that recall factor. The next time that the person using your notepad needs your services or products, your name will be the first thing on his or her mind because of constant exposure to your company name and logo.

Now, if you need to have custom notepads made, there are a few factors to consider:
1. The material that the notepad is made of
If you want to impress your customers, you definitely should choose a good quality material when having a notepad made. With companies like BlockbusterPrint.com, notepads are made using textured linen or smooth white paper.

2. The size and the paper stock
Would you like to have a small notepad, or a bigger one? There are many sizes of notepads offered by BlockbusterPrint.com and you can choose one depending on your needs. As for the paper stock, what’s available are ones with a 70-lb. thickness, similar to a business letterhead.

3. The design on the notepad
If you already have a letterhead, having a notepad should be easy for you. A basic notepad design consists of the company name, logo and contact information. Although basic, it still needs to be professionally-made and not haphazardly done

4. The cost of having notepads made
Naturally, you should make a comparison of the rates offered by different printing companies so that you can choose one that will give you the best value for your money.

5. The quality of print
Finally, make sure that the custom notepads are printed using only the highest quality of offset printing available.

By taking these things into consideration, you can have high-quality notepads made that will leave a lasting impression to your customers.

How Can Small Notepads Make a Big Impact for Promoting Your Business?

As an entrepreneur, you do not need to have the budget for a Superbowl ad just so that you can reach out to as many people as you can when promoting your business. You can rely on good old printed materials to spread the word about your brand. Not only are they cost-effective, but to print notepads is to leave a lasting impression to your target audience. How exactly can this be achieved?

Let’s say that you are a start-up web design company and a tech fair is being held in your area. You have a very small pool of clients as of now, and you’d like to participate in the trade fair to increase the number of customers that you have. An excellent promotional tool that you can use is notepads, which you can distribute to the people who are visiting your booth during the trade fair. Why would people be interested with what you have to offer during this specific event? First, when you and use them as gifts to your prospective clients, you are really giving them something that they can use everyday.

Unlike flyers or brochures which would immediately get thrown away after reading it, a notepad is something that can be used at home or in the office. The next time that the person using the notepad needs web design services, he or she will immediately think of your business name because of constant exposure to the logo on your notepad. If you will use a 100-sheet notepad instead of a 50-sheet pad, the time that they will get to use the printed material will even double, so would the advertising effects.

Such is the huge effect made by seemingly small notepads to businesses of all sizes. When looking for a company to custom printed notepads for you, visit websites like BlockbusterPrint.com and check out what your options are in terms of size, paper stock, number of sheets and paper type. No matter what type of promotional event it is that you are participating in, you can rely on notepads to spread the word about your business for you.

Incorporate High-End Folder Printing with Conference Planning

When running a small, medium or large-scale business operation, there will come a point when you would have to participate in a conference, or organize one yourself. Conferences are an excellent event where people from within the same industry can learn about the latest technology, business practices, news, etc. If you are indeed organizing a conference, you should incorporate high-end folder printing as part of the entire process. Why? Because a folder is a very useful, practical item that you can use to distribute to your employees, clients, prospective customers, suppliers and business partners. Almost anybody who’s working in an office can make use of a folder to organize files. It can be used to carried documents, and there are even specialized folders with slots for business cards or CDs. Such practical uses make folders such an ideal item to use when planning a conference.

Whether you’re simply attending the conference or if you are part of the organizing committee, you need to choose a printing company which specializes in high-end folder printing. When having such folders made, you should consider the following factors:
– What kind of design on the folder’s cover will best suit the image of my company?
– Which paper stock should I use?
– What’s my budget for having the folders made?
– Which folder size would be ideal for the print promotional campaign that I am currently running?
– Does the printing company specialize in making high-end folders?

With printing companies like BlockbusterPrint.com, you can rest assured that you will be getting the best print quality when having your folders made. There are three price points to choose from; different sizes and paper stock available; and there are even special features like a CD slot, a business card slot or both.

Indeed, when planning a conference, you should not skip something like having folders printed by a professional printing company. With folder printing, you can impress the people who are attending the event, and you can enjoy long-term advertising benefits from this type of printed promotional material.

Want to Use Professionally Printed Folders? You’re on the Right Track!

In almost every business industry today, the competition can be very tough. Even if you already have a set of regular customers, they can easily switch loyalties especially if the other brand has something new to offer. Thankfully, you can rely on traditional printed materials to promote your brand, like business cards, banners, flyers, brochures and professionally printed folders. We might be living in a high-tech business environment now, but it does not mean that printed materials have lost their appeal. In fact, it’s quite refreshing to see companies still using print media to engage their customers so it’s something that you should definitely try out yourself.

Why Use Professionally Printed Folders

Also called corporate folders, professionally printed folders are made in different sizes, paper stocks and designs. The goal of making the folder in the first place is to use such a practical item to spread the word about a brand. If you will distribute folders during a trade show, for example, the recipients of the folder will use it in their office. This will lead to brand recall and if you will use a material or paper stock that lasts for a long time, the advertising rewards will even double or triple.

Here are more reasons why it pays to use professionally-made folders for advertising your business:
– Having folders made by printing companies is very cost-effective. Unlike TV or radio ad campaigns, you can launch a full-blast print media campaign to advertise your business without spending too much.
– All your other competitors are bound to use printed materials to promote their business, so you can keep up with what the rest of them are doing but still manage to stand out.
– Folders make for practical gifts and corporate giveaways because they are very useful, so people will be more than happy to accept them.
– There are high-end folders which can be made with a CD and business card slot, so you can easily insert CDs with presentation videos and a set of your business cards to clients, prospective customers or potential business partners.

Finally, there are many companies which specialize in making custom printed folders so you can be assured of the quality of the promotional materials that you will order. With all these benefits and more, there’s no reason for you to say no to the prospect of using folders for promotional purposes.

Organize Presentations with Folder Printing

At school, at home or in the office, one of the most useful, must-have supplies is a folder. Kids at school can use it to organize their papers, office workers can use it for presentations, and moms at home can use folders for putting together bills or lists. When it comes to entrepreneurs, what is the main use of folder printing Aside from the fact that the folders can be used by your own staff during presentations and to organize paperwork in the office, they also make for a great advertisement material.

Let’s say that you are a newly-opened law firm and you would like more locals in the area to know that you offer legal services. Through folder printing, you can let them know that your business actually exists. Here’s how you can spread the word about your business using folders:
– Whenever a prospective client walks into your office, you can give him or her a folder to bring home. This makes for the perfect keepsake, which also helps spread the word about your business.
– If there are local networking events or tradeshows in your area where you are setting up a booth, you can distribute folders to entice possible clients to learn more about what you have to offer as a business. Since folders are very practical to have around the house, in the office or in schools, you can attract more people towards your booth.
– You can use the folders as part of your print marketing campaign, which should be done alongside distribution of business cards, banners, flyers, brochures, door hangers, and similar advertising materials.
– With companies like BlockbusterPrint.com, there are three kinds of folders that you can choose from: 14-pt. folders which are the cheapest; 16-pt. premium folders which are the most popular; and the 17-pt. folders which are very high-end. If you want, you can incorporate CD and business card slots for the last folder option, at no additional cost.

You can also use the printed folders when organizing presentations. With its multitude of uses, you will definitely reap plenty of advantages for your business through folder printing.