Make It Easy for Customers to Fulfil Their Cravings with Print To Go Menus

At the end of a long week at work, people usually treat themselves to a dine-in restaurant so they don’t have to cook. For daily dinners when people simply don’t have the energy to prepare home-cooked meals, takeout is the way to go. This is why it’s a must for those in the food business to print to go menus. As the name implies, these are menus which are specifically for takeout food. As such, customers expect something filling, quick and easy to prepare, while fulfilling their cravings at the same time.

Print To Go Menus: The Basics

Here are a few things to remember if you would like to print to go menus for your food business:

  • The design of your logo, your dine-in menu, and your takeout menu should all have a cohesive look.

What does your restaurant logo look like? What are the colors used? If you have a dine-in menu, the takeout menu can be a shortened version of it, but the two should look pretty much the same. Having a cohesive look is important for branding. If you have a distinctive yellow-and-blue logo, for example, these hues should also be present in all your menus so that it will be instantly recognizable.

For all the printed promotional materials that you need, you can get in touch with either a digital or an offset print shop. These companies specialize in creating print ad products like brochures, business cards, postcards, and menus. Digital printers can handle a small volume of orders but for bulk orders, offset using big printing presses is more reliable. Do your research about the packages offered by different print shops and make an informed decision from there.

  • Pay attention to the material used and the design of the menu.

Since takeout menus are tangible unlike digital menus, they need to be printed using high-quality material. There are different sizes, folding options, and paper finish available. After finishing the design of the menu, decide on these options and make sure that it all creates a look that’s fitting for your brand.

  • Distribute the to go menus effectively.

You can include to go menus in every takeout order, send them out in mailers, display a stack of them in your restaurant, or hand them out in the streets in areas where there is high foot traffic.

All in all, to go menus are the perfect advertising tool for those in the food business.


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