Premium Business Cards Online

Premium business cards online come in a variety of descriptive variations from printing company-to-company.

At, premium business cards truly are premium with a 50% thickness of a credit card thanks to the 16pt cardstock we use. The competition is calling a 12pt business card,”premium” and that of course is not anywhere near premium.

When shopping for a premium business card online always ensure that you ask questions about what type of paper stock and material is used. Don’t fall for fancy titles.

32pt Black Edge Business Cards

32pt Black Edge Business Card Printing Details – The black edge business cards are the thickest business card in the print industry. The black edge business cards are printed on an ultra thick 32pt card stock. The 32pt business card printing has a 100% thickness of a credit card and has an uncoated rough finish which is perfect for those high-end classy occasions. The 32pt paper does not come with glossy finish (even though you may run across this option at checkout).

Types of Clients Who Buy 32pt Business Cards – The black edge business cards are typically purchased by fancy hotels like the Ritz Carlton, Downtown Law Firms, Interior Decorators and Graphic Designers.

Quality of Color Print Production – All 32pt ultra thick business cards are printed using the world’s highest state-of-the-art Heidelberg printing presses in an offset method which is the best quality in the world today. Full color production is standard and our cutting process is seamless. You are sure to fall in love with these business cards if you wish to make a classy and dominant impression.

Tips to Remember for Barbers who’d Like to Print Business Cards

If you’re an expert in cutting men’s hair, you are probably a true-blue barber who relies on word-of-mouth to spread the word about your business. There is absolutely nothing wrong in relying on word-of-mouth to spread awareness about what you do – but if you want to take things one step further, you should order business cards. Handing out business cards to clients instead of haphazardly writing down your number on a piece of paper will make you look more professional. It will also upgrade the look of your business, and let clients know how to get in touch with you for future hair cutting visits.

If you are looking for a company to order business cards for you, here are a few tips to remember:
• Know where to get affordable but high-quality business cards.
There are companies like where you can order high-quality cards at affordable prices. Take your pick from business cards made of plastic, ones with a rounded edge, or silk 17pt cards which are crease and tear-resistant. They use the highest quality offset printing possible, and you can get a minimum of 100 cards for a very affordable price.

• Pay close attention to the design.
As a barber, you are in the business of cutting men’s hair to make them look extra sharp. If you specialize in styling men’s hair with trendy hairstyles and cuts, you can indicate that on your business card. If you’ve been a traditional barber for several decades now, you can put that on your business card as well. Think about what will make you stand out, and use that trait on a marketing perspective.

• Learn how to distribute the cards after having them printed out.
Finally, how should you distribute the cards after having them printed out? Once the print business cards task is finished, you can display a stack of cards on your barber shop for clients to pick up for future reference. You can also personally hand them over to clients who are asking how to get in touch with you. Remember that no matter what your line of work is, you would need a business card to make what you do look professional, something that applies to barbers.

Are You a Medical Professional? Tips on How to Order Business Cards

Medical professionals are in the business of saving lives. Doctors, nurses and other hospital staff get very little rest, but most find their jobs so fulfilling that they are more than willing to give up sleep to help people. Now, if you’re in the medical industry, you do need to represent yourself accordingly. If you’re a doctor, for example, you need to order business cards which will let patients know which hospital you work for, how to get in touch with you in case of emergencies, and what your medical specialization is.

When ordering business cards, you can make yours stand out by taking these tips into consideration:
• Order business cards from a company which specializes in printing out such marketing materials.
With companies like, you can rest assured that your cards will be made using the latest that printing technology has to offer. You can also take your pick from several paper grades, paper stocks and thickness –and the prices are really competitive.

• Pay close attention to the details when it comes to the design of your business cards.
Most of the business cards used by doctors only have the medicine logo, their name, specialization and contact information. Although you should really include these in your business cards, you can take things one step further by paying close attention to the details. Allow your personality to come out of the design. If you’re a pediatrician, use bright colors that show how in touch you are with kids. If you’re a surgeon, look for a design that’s precise – which shows how precise you are in the operating table.

• Consider adding new features which will make your card stand out.
Finally, you can make your business card stand out by choosing new features like a silk, 17pt paper, textured cards, rounded corner cards or foil stamped cards.

Keep these tips in mind when you print business cards so that you can have one which perfectly represents yourself as a professional in the medical industry.

Beauty Experts Need Business Cards, too!

You’re a hair stylist working in a hole-in-the-wall salon. A client who’s really satisfied with your work asks for your number so that you can style the hair of her other friends. You don’t have a business card so you scramble for a piece of paper and pen, then hurriedly write down your number. This is actually not a good way of doing business because you are not representing yourself as a professional to your clients. By ordering something special like linen business cards, you can boost the influx of clients in your salon, and present yourself as a professional in the beauty industry.

The process of having business cards made is very simple. Take a look at a few steps that you can follow:
• Look for a company which specializes in printing out linen business cards. is one company which specializes in printing out business cards and other marketing materials. With them, you can rest assured that your cards are printed out using the highest offset quality printing, you can choose from different paper material including linen, and the prices are very competitive.

• Think of the design that you’d like to have for the card.
If you specialize in bridal hair and makeup, you might want to include a gorgeous picture of a bride who you made up on her wedding day. If you’re an expert hair stylist, include two or three pictures of hairstyles that you did in the past. This will tell clients exactly what your specialization is in the beauty industry, and make them look forward to working with you.

• Make sure that your contact information is correct.
Include your complete name, job title, the salon what you are working for, if any, and the rest of your contact information. Make sure that the data is up-to-date. If you know that you will be changing your contact information soon, only order a small batch of cards and update it as necessary.

• Decide on the quantity, place your order, and wait for the cards to be delivered straight to your doorstep.
If you decided to order textured business cards, decide on the quantity, place your order and wait for the cards to be delivered straight to your doorstep. The next time that a client asks for your number, you can smoothly hand over a crisp, beautifully printed linen business card to show just how much of a beauty professional you are.

Business Card Printing Essentials for Artists

No matter what your profession is, you should have a business card so that clients and customers can easily get in touch with you. One group of professionals who may think that they do not need business card printing are artists. These individuals use their creativity to make a living, but it does not necessarily mean that they cannot treat themselves as professionals. The first step to do exactly that is to print out business cards. Not only does having one make it easy for clients or potential customers to get in touch with you, but it also makes what you do look legit and professional.

How to Make Your Artist’s Business Card Stand Out

There’s really no big difference between business card printing for artists and all the other professionals out there. However, artists can use their creativity to their advantage in order to stand out. Here are a few tips to remember when having your business cards printed out:
• Are you a painter, sculptor, performance artist, jewelry designer, or do you specialize in woodworks? Under your name, write down which area of the arts it is exactly that you dabble in. This is especially true if you are participating in an arts show or festival where you are not the only artist who clients will get to meet. Set your business card apart from the rest by specifying what it is that you do.
• Make sure that your contact information is correct. This may sound like an obvious tip, but you’ll be surprised at how many professionals actually write over new phone numbers or e-mail addresses on their business cards to update them. This is a tacky business practice which makes you look unprofessional.
• If possible, include a photo of yourself, the signature used on your paintings, or an example of your work on your business card. This is a sure fire way to make your card stand out from the rest. You can also include a tagline if you wish, or a brief list of the most popular shows, galleries or festivals where your work got featured.

print business cards is indeed a must for all professionals, but most especially to artists who need to make a living out of their art.

Make Your Business Card Stand Out from the Rest

Whether you have a brick-and-mortar or an online business, you need to order business cards online to have something that represents your brand well. Aside from being a representation of your brand, business cards also make what you do look professional and legitimate. The good news is that there are plenty of companies which you can rely on for help to make your business card a standout. With, you can have business cards printed out using the highest offset quality printing possible. You can also take your pick from different paper stocks, and choose which features will best suit the business card design that you came up with.

What Can I Add to My Business Cards to Make them Stand Out?

If you would like to make your business cards online stand out, here are a few elements that you can add to the mix:
• Images
If you’re a real estate agent, you can add a picture of a house to your business card. Bridal photographers can add gorgeous pictures of weddings on their card. Sales agents and other professionals can even add their own pictures in the card, similar to how entrepreneurs use their own photos in their social media accounts.

• Social media links
It’s a social media-obsessed world that we live in right now. If you would like to give people the chance to connect with you via social media, you can easily include links of your Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn and other accounts on your business card. Of course, don’t forget to include a link to your website.

• Your complete contact information
Of course, you should include your full name, office address, phone number, and e-mail address on your business card. Make sure that the info is accurate.

You can also make business card printing stand out by having them printed out on special paper, or incorporating special printing features like rounded edges, being crease or tear-proof, or having clear, transparent surface. With these tips, you can definitely make your business card stand out from the rest.

Project the Desired Image for Your Brand with Premium Business Cards

Depending on the industry your business is in and the target market that you have, there’s a certain image that you need to project when it comes to branding. Premium business cards will help you achieve your branding objectives, as long as the cards are designed to reach out to your target market.

Let’s say that you are a team of interior decorators and your targeted clients are young professionals who are starting to raise a family in their modest homes. Your business card should be designed in such a way that it appeals to people under such specific age bracket. If you are manufacturing a product which is geared towards tweens and teens, your business card should have a young, vibrant, colorful feel to it. The same tone should be followed for all the other printed promotional materials that you will be making for your business.

Fortunately, there are plenty of printing companies like that will help you design just-the-right business cards for you. To make sure that you can come up with premium business cards which will help project the desired image for your brand, here’s the information that should be included in the card:
– The name of your business, followed by your name/job title
– The products/services that you are offering
– Your logo and complete, up-to-date contact information
– Your company’s tagline, which should be catchy and easy to remember

Next, you need to decide on the number of cards you will have made, the paper stock, the quantity, the type of material and all the other details involved in printing out business cards. With thick business cards, you can impress your customers, clients and all your business contacts by handing over cards which are designed with your specific image branding in mind.

Wanna Streamline the Look of Your Business? Print Business Cards!

If you think that to print business cards is already obsolete in today’s digital-centric world, think again. In fact, going back to this basic way of representing yourself, your business or your company is what will make you stand out. It’s especially useful for those who would like to streamline the look of their business through branding. If the look of your business is inconsistent, you might not necessarily be reaching out to your target market. With a solid, streamlined marketing campaign, you can market your products or services accordingly – and it all starts with the design of your business cards.

Tips to Remember when You Print Business Cards

The good news is that there are plenty of printing companies that can handle the task of printing out your business cards. Sites like specialize in printing out not just business cards but other printed promotional materials like flyers, brochures, banners, postcards, envelopes and folders. When having business cards printed out, here are a few tips for you to remember:
– If possible, have the card designed by a professional. Incorporate your existing logo to streamline the look of your overall print ad campaign.
– Make sure that the face of the card is not too busy with colorful fonts or too much text – keep it as simple as possible, but still professional-looking.
– There’s nothing wrong in using the back of the card for printing, just make sure not to overwhelm the recipient of your card with too much information. If you want people to learn more about what your business has to offer, include a website which they can visit or have separate information flyers or brochures printed out.

Remember these tips when you order business cards so that you can streamline the look of your business.

Impress the Heck Out of Your Clients with Premium Business Cards

In a world where social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter reign supreme, it seems as if printed advertisements have become obsolete. Why would you bother printing something when everyone else has gone digital? This is precisely the point. By going back to using trusted print advertising materials like premium business cards, you are doing something to make your brand stand out.

Here are the reasons why it pays to use premium business cards when marketing your brand:
• You can impress your clients with high-quality business cards.
Compare handing a flimsy, black-and-white business card to a client receiving a thick, crisp, full-colored card printed in special paper. The entrepreneur handing over the thick, colored business card will stand out because image is everything. If you’re detail-oriented enough to produce such an impressive card, the same high quality will be associated with the products or services that you offer.

• The cards will scream quality, but without your having to pay an arm and a leg for it.
Fortunately, you don’t have to break the bank in order to distribute high-quality business cards. With companies like, you can have impressive business cards made without paying too high a price. Some of the premium business cards that they make include ones made from plastic, round-corner business cards, and ones with additional features like spot UV treatment to make certain parts of the text stand out.

• You can reach out to a targeted audience through business cards distribution.
More importantly, silk business cards can be given directly to clients, business partners, suppliers and prospective customers. This allows you to reach out to a targeted audience so that you can achieve your marketing goals much more successfully. These are the benefits of premium business cards which goes to show how important they are in any entrepreneur’s marketing campaign.