Have a Fabric-Like Feel to Your Contact Info with Suede Business Cards

One of the many ways that you can make your business stand out is through suede business card printing. This is a type of a premium business card which has a special laminate to achieve that fabric-like feel to the material. Here, we will take a look at the difference between this and another type of business card with a fabric-like texture: silk.

Suede versus Silk: Which Laminate Suits Your Design the Best?

Before delving deeper into the differences between silk and suede business cards, why does it pay to invest in premium business cards in the first place? Unlike cards which are haphazardly printed on thin cardboard, thick, luxurious cards with high-quality print will leave a lasting impression to your customers. Whether you’re looking forward to building a solid clientele or if you would like to add to the number of customers that you already have, distributing high-quality business cards is the way to go.

Now, if you would like to have that fabric-like feel to a business card, how can you take your pick from silk or suede laminate? Here’s a quick comparison of the two:

These have almost 60% the thickness of a regular business card, making it feel extra-luxurious to the touch. Under typical lighting, the finish of both silk and suede cards may appear identical – but under bright lights, silk has a bit more of a reflection than suede. This is not a bad thing at all, because your final choice depends on the color palette you’re using.

  • Suede business cards

A suede laminated business card has 70% the thickness of a credit card. As compared to silk laminated cards, it has a slightly less reflection under bright lighting conditions, making it perfect for designs with a deeper, darker hue. If you have a black-and-white card and you want the black to stand out, for example, you can go for suede instead of silk laminate.

tnNo matter which type you end up choosing, silk or suede laminate makes for the perfect business card material so that it feels and looks luxurious.

Author: BlockbusterPrint.com

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