All About Spot UV Business Cards

If you want your business card to stand out, you should definitely consider having spot UV business cards made. With companies like, you can get the best value for your money with these business cards which will definitely make your name or company name stand out from the rest. But what exactly spot UV printing for business cards? Unlike traditional business cards which use plain colored or black ink for printing, spot UV adds gloss to a specific area of your design. This makes the card appear to have a two-dimensional, multi-texture feel to it.

Let’s say that your company name is ABC Enterprises. With spot UV printing, you can have the “ABC Enterprises” part stand out. It will look somewhere between a gloss and a silk finish – then the rest of the text will have traditional ink printing. Doing it this way makes the business name pop out, so the card is more noticeable and the design is more eye-catching.

Are Business Cards Still Relevant?

Now, whether you are having spot gloss business card printing or ordinary business cards made, what makes these little cardboard cards still relevant in today’s business environment? Aren’t we supposed to be existing in a paperless, high-tech world? Although you can easily harness the power of the Internet to spread the word about your brand, there’s still nothing that matches the impact or person-to-person interaction.

When you hand over your business card to a potential client, business partner or supplier, there’s a personal touch to the whole interaction that will be more easily remembered. This personal impact will leave a lasting impression, and create that positive impact that you would like your business name to have towards your clientele.

All in all, if you would like to use personal networking as part of your advertising campaign, you should have spot UV business cards printed out.