Does postcard marketing and mailing still work for advertising?

Yes! Postcard marketing is bigger than ever before thanks to the overpopulated digital marketing era that is extremely overpriced and impossible to track in most cases, unlike postcard printing.

Did you know that Google is the biggest postcard mailing client to the United States Postal Service?

One of the biggest if not the biggest digital advertisers happens to be the largest print client. Now why is that? Google understands that with every platform that is popular there’s only a limited amount of space to create a one-size-fits-all marketing campaign for every individual human being on this planet.

Some people responded well two advertisements when they are in the comfort of their own home. It is proven that human beings have 10 times more attention span tolerance when reading an advertisement in the comfort of their own home versus sitting behind a computer may it be at work or even at home.

It doesn’t stop there, a digital advertisement viewed from a mobile cell phone has 80% accidental clicks whereas desktop computers have only 7% accidental clicks. Mobile users have a shorter attention span and tolerance and just three seconds or less.

Given this information it is no wonder why Google and many genius companies still spend millions of dollars on postcard advertising.

Here the financial facts on the benefits of postcard mailing results…

It’s approximately $0.25 to Market with postcards in the mail while the cost of CPC link based advertising May cost an average of $3 per click minimum.

In today’s world it takes a human 16 x 2 react to an advertisement whereas just ten years ago it was only three times. This means our minds are flooded with information all over the place show postcard mailing cannot be clicked away orgone out of your sight by the click of a finger. When you take this recipe into account comma $0.25 to mail out a postcard vs $3 for a click that may have been hit by mistake is why Google understands the importance of postcard marketing.

You can afford to send out a postcard once a month for 10 months and it would still cost you around $2.50 to show a person in the comfort of their own home where they are 80% more likely to read an ad what it is you’re selling.

The key to successful marketing is to embed the same repetitive tagline or image or commercial until they can no longer forget it. The way to achieve such a marketing tactic is through the repetition and affordability of postcard marketing.

The most effective size of postcard marketing happens to be a 6 by 11 postcard size. It is bigger and catches the attention of the viewer.

No matter what size postcard mailing you wish to send out or what your budget is, can service all of your postcard marketing needs. From print-only all the way to the actual mailing process. It’s all handled at your One Stop Shop at


High quality online printing servicing businesses large and small at the fastest production and delivery speed in the industry all while providing the lowest prices. From postcard mail marketing that helps expand a business's clientele to in office printed products for day-to-day business operations. Are your full service one stop shop for anything print.