Crucial Information to Include in Premium Business Cards

Premium business cards can be set apart from ordinary ones through the quality of paper used as well as the print. Ordinary cards are usually made from thin, 14-pt. paper while premium cards are printed on paper with any of the following varieties:
– 16-pt. paper with 50% the thickness of a credit card
– 17-pt. silk paper with 60% the thickness of a credit card
– Plastic 20-pt. cards with 70% the thickness of a credit card
– Foil-stamped silk cards
– Textured silk cards
– Rounded corner silk cards
– Spot gloss silk cards

After deciding on the type of paper that you will use, next comes the crucial information to include in premium business cards. Since you have very little space to use, you should make sure that the information is concise, accurate and the design properly represents the image that you’d like to portray for your brand.

Here are the two most important pieces of information to include in a business card:
• Professional information
Basically, there are two types of business cards which can be made: ones to represent a professional individual, or one that represents a business. If you’re having a personal/professional business card made, the following information should be included: your name, contact numbers, e-mail address, website, office address, if any. If your job description sounds unfamiliar, include a tagline that will describe, in layman’s terms, what you actually do for a living. For example, graphic artists can include a tagline “Helping design your business.”

• Business information
If you’re having a company or business card made, the crucial information are: the business name, the nature of the business, the office address, e-mail address, contact numbers, and probably a tagline if there’s still space on the card.

All in all, premium business cards are an excellent way to make a great first impression to your clients, partners and prospective customers.


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